Episode 117

Have You Felt Lost not Finding Solutions to Your Problems? - Christy Holt

Have you felt stuck in situations where you can’t find the door?

In this episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Christy Holt talk about how you can get unstuck, achieve stopping being in survival, and become empowered in your own dream life. She is a Happiness hussy, adventure guide, podcast host & author, and her book is Un-Stuck.

About our Guest:

Christy Holt is a self-proclaimed happiness hussy, coach, podcast host (Create Your Happy, inspiration for conscious women, available wherever you listen to podcasts), and author (Unstuck For Women, available on Amazon) who loves to show people how to get out of survival mode so that they can consciously create the happy life, relationships, and impact they desire. 

Christy is a coach for whole-ass humans — using her signature CREATE method, she journeys alongside her soul-led clients to support and love them as they discover and unlearn. Christy’s mentorship helps her clients to connect with their soul-aligned desires and become unf*ckwithable so that nothing stops them from making the massive impact they are meant to create!

Contact Christy:


Facebook: 4fcoach

Instagram: @coachchristyholt

TikTok: fun.fit.mama

Linkedin: coachchristyholt

YouTube: createyourhappy1111

About the Host:

Monica Ramirez/ Warrior of Love is a Transformational Belief Coach, I help support you to awaken to happiness and personal power from the struggle and confusion to feeling free, happy, and powerful.

I am a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (N.L.P.) I am a Certified Beyond Quantum Healer (B.Q. H.) Certified Life Coach, Certified Reiki Master, Multidimensional Energy Healer, Galactic Akashic Record, Psychic Channeler from the Family of the Light and my Higher Self Maia, Tarot Reader, Channel Readings, and artists.

The founder of "Path to the Heart", my signature Transformational System. I work with people coaching them one on one and in groups.


Soul Talk is every Monday at 7 Pm CT. https://www.facebook.com/Soultalkbywarrioroflove


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ST Intro/Outro:

Welcome to Soul Talk. The podcast founded and created by Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. Soul Talk was created in 2020 when the pandemic hit, and we were in lockdown. She wanted to have exciting conversations with open minded people, so they could understand different aspects of herself. And she could help others in the same way. She interviews, healers, coaches, therapists, psychics, readers, channelers, mediums, intellectuals, poets, artists, and more. She calls it Soul Talk, because it started as a conversation from soul to soul.

Monica Ramirez:

Hello, everyone. This is Monica Ramirez, the warrior of love. And thank you for being in Soul Talk podcast, I am your host. And today we have a special invite. And she has the coolest name. And we're going to be talking about her content in her book. Her name is Christy Holt. And her book it is called in Amazon, you can find it in unstuck. She's gonna give you a little bit more information about it and tell you a little bit who she is. Is the please. Thank you for accepting my invitation. And so talk and let us know a little bit who you are.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I am a self proclaimed happiness hussy. This is a term coined by my cousin in conversation that once she said it, it absolutely stuck. And I am owning it from here on out. I am also an author, as you mentioned, my book is called Unstuck. I don't know if this is video or not. But I got the picture here, if anybody's watching the video version of this. And like, like you said, Monica, it's available on Amazon in all the formats. And yeah, I know you're kind of alluding to I originally titled My book, get the fuck unstuck, and then discovered that Amazon didn't like my spicy language, if you will. And so I renamed it just to unstuck for women, is still the same great content and still a little bit scary on the inside. I'm also a podcast host, I have a show called Create your happy, which is all about inspiration for conscious women. And yeah, that's that's a little bit about me to start with.

Monica Ramirez:

Both, we have to do whatever we have to do to get unstuck, right?

Christy Holt:

I mean, that's been way too long and in that stuck space. So I definitely once I figured out how to get myself unstuck. I couldn't not share that with everybody that I know.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, I know that happiness that it gave us when we finally we have an aha moment. We wanted to share with everybody, because we went to everybody experience the same as we understood in that moment, but not all the time actually care. It is for everybody sometimes is only for us. How do you? How did you manage to get in on this? Because that is we have in common all human beings, we get stuck in different moments in our lives. How so? How do you manage that?

Christy Holt:

Well, as I get to really go a little bit more into depth in my book. Ultimately, the reason that we get stuck is because that's that's just the way that our brain is functioning to kind of keep us in what is really safe. Now. Now our brain which I lovingly refer to inside my book, this piece of it, I call the asshole mind, because it is trying so hard to keep us safe, that it doesn't actually account for what is for our best. So it overrides what might be a really, really useful good change to keep us in our comfort zone. And so instead of making the changes that we need, it tends to draw us back into what is familiar. And so in order to break out of that we need to be quite intentional because that that asshole mind can really really chatter loud. So ultimately, in my book I share about what I call the spiral stopper method. This is my method of shutting down those thought and emotional spirals that can really, you know, take us out of the present moment and into a lot of storytelling so that we can get out of that space and into the present moment where we can intentionally create our response as opposed to, you know, living, living and breathing out of a survival autopilot type response.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so true. I usually there are many names for for that part of our brain. Ego because a lot of my clients when they come with me, they tell me, how do I get rid of the ego but because the ego is When they feel uncomfortable, the egos The one is afraid the ego is the one that feels sorry for himself for making a new change. Yeah. But at the same time, it can be our best friend.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, and that piece that I, again lovingly referred to as the asshole mine, it's the one that's like breaking off to you like, Oh, you'll never do this or you can't do that. And here's, here's all this reminders of exactly why you should stay in your comfort zone. This is tied to the reticular activating system, which essentially is your your brain filter, right. And sometimes we don't, what we don't know what we don't know, first of all, which is the trickiest part of the whole thing. But when we increase our awareness, we then become able to shift the reticular activating system, and have that filter to move towards the things that we truly want. And if we're not intentional, guess what it's geared towards that stuff that is safe and familiar, right? Because it thinks this is what we want. And so this filter creates all of our experience through it, because we experience what we believe to be true. So our perception of reality basically creates our reality. And this filter, if we aren't intentional about setting it to the things we truly want, is going to keep us stuck in those same loops, you know, maybe driving around the same block over and over and over and over. Like, we're on autopilot, instead of going on the grand new adventure that we truly want to.

Monica Ramirez:

And the thing is, we can many people ask me have asked me, okay, why the law of attraction to not work completely? I was supposed to, or like in a movie. And and what I tell them is, you don't believe you deserve it. Yeah, guess what, I don't care how many of your missions you're gonna do in a day. I don't care how many times you're gonna meditate. I don't care, whatever you're gonna do is no one that works for us to work in your worth.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, absolutely.

Monica Ramirez:

How do you work with people about feeling that they this circuit? Are they worth it?

Christy Holt:

Well, I mean, there's lots of things that contribute to that. But I actually have a my own signature create methodology in which I use for my mentorship and coaching, which basically starts in the place where we need to to recalibrate, right, calibrating our consciousness, which means looking at those mindsets, those beliefs, those emotional spirals are really actually very informative. And then taking those things that may be limiting us, and flipping them around, flipping the script on them, or letting them go all together, if they're just frankly, not serving us. So it's really ultimately about, you know, recreating the foundation, right? Subconsciously, we can have a lot of a lot of beliefs that actually end up coming up. And they can really cock block us from having what we want. Because on some level, we like you just said, we don't necessarily believe that we can have it. And so we don't get it.

Monica Ramirez:

And you talk about all this in your book, I imagine, right?

Christy Holt:

Yeah. I mean, I talk about this to an extent inside of my book. And then like I say, in my in my coaching and mentorship, then we dive a little bit more into the belief stuff, because that is, is not a one size fits all. It's definitely a bit of an exploration of self that's involved in recalibrating

Monica Ramirez:

That I agree with it. It is it is it will be so simple. We were all the same, but at the same time, that's the beauty. They were all different.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes. And you were talking about your plans that you have for 21 your cursor you're gonna have in for 21 days.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, I have a brand new, it's called the Get the fucking stuck adventure. And this is could be a 21 day adventure. It could also be longer because I feel like sometimes people need a little more integration time. And that's absolutely okay. Ultimately, it is 21 perspective shifts that are going to take you from surviving, to truly thriving as a conscious creator. And it is honestly as as my entire philosophy is very much built on. First of all, you're not broken, you're human. So it's not that you need fixing. There's just pieces of you that you don't yet recognize are part of you, you don't realize how holy you truly are. And then also this piece of, you know, our perception creating our reality. This is why I created the GET THE FUCK unstuck adventure to walk people through. And I love this very, very relaxed approach. Try on some different perspectives and just explore what taking on a new perspective might look like for you and there's no pressure. I don't ever expect anyone to believe the same things as I do. That would be wild. But I do think that there are a lot of opportunities for us to just explore and expand our awareness and try on some different things. See what works, you know, play around with it, see what the implications would be? And if it doesn't ring true, or it doesn't, you know, actually help us then then that's okay, we can let that one go.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so it's so interesting because I believe in this point in human beings, like, we already know how the majority of the human beings know how to write and read and so forth. And because there's still some people in certain parts of the world in that they do not know.

Christy Holt:


Monica Ramirez:

But even if that's the basics in the majority of the globally, talking about reading, or writing, etc, these still do not have a lot of fears, and they still get stuck.

Christy Holt:


Monica Ramirez:

And they don't know that they deserve it. Or they can be actually dream big. They ask for the little things. Even if they need a home with four bedrooms, they're gonna ask for a little home. Because they don't think that is of the four bedrooms, actually they need. And, and that brings a lot of the trauma that we are living in the competition and the MB between everybody in the world. That's why everybody here commentaries of almost everybody, and at least in our community, hitting Elon Musk. And my conclusion is because we have money, and we don't.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, yeah, I really, I think it's very interesting to live in this information age, because all of the information is so readily available yet, I think there's a massive difference between knowing what to do and actually doing and experiencing the thing, right. And I think ultimately, that's where coaching or mentorship can really take us up a level right to truly embodying you know, those those new ideas, beliefs, perspectives, mindsets that are going to actually take us to the next level, because I truly believe we are limitless creators, and that we can absolutely make every last one of those dreams come true. And the power to do so it's not out there. It's all within you. And for that very reason. My podcast season number two watching actually, January 10. So probably out by the time of airing of this show, is all focused on relationship with self. Because I truly believe that that relationship that we have with ourselves is the foundation for all other relationships. And I don't mean just interpersonal relationships. I mean, the relationship we have with money, the relationship we have with our body, our meat suits, right and our relationship that we have with other people.

Monica Ramirez:

I totally agree with you because it is it is true.

Christy Holt:

Welcome, in choosing to be part of this group, you have said yes to yourself, you've chosen to confront those limitations keeping you from achieving the life of your dreams. Monica Ramirez, Warrior of Love is a transformational belief coach. She's a psychic, Channeler certified NLP life coach BQ H that is hypnotherapy, Akashic Records reader, public speaker, writer and artist. She works with many modalities and has created her own like this one, to help you let go of the limitations and achieve the transformation you desire. So you can anchor your emotions that you desire. Bonnie, we'll be hosting a new session every Tuesday at 7pm Central time leading the group through a guided meditation, then proceeding to work with people individually. So join Monica here in this free journey by joining this zoom link.

Monica Ramirez:

And we need to change our we observe life I mean, but in the spiritual world. Yeah, that's NLP, I can tell you. The first thing that I asked my clients is what do you want? And unfortunately, the majority of the human beings it doesn't matter what age they are, they do not know what they want.

Christy Holt:

Yeah. And I have literally been there myself. And I remember, in fact, this is really where a lot of this started. So here's a little origin story of of my experience as a human figuring out how to get unstuck is just that. I didn't know what I wanted, I could very clearly define what I didn't want, when I was really stuck. And that oh, man, I could list off days, all of the things that I was like, Well, I don't want this and I don't want that. But I really, it was a self worth thing, I think blocking me from thinking I could have the flip side of that thing that I didn't want. And so I had this very interesting experience with a therapist of mine way back at the time, I was in a marriage that has subsequently dissolved itself and it wasn't it wasn't an easy dissolution, and that's okay. It actually taught me everything I needed to know about myself. So in that I am eternally grateful and it was a massive gift. But taking it back to this exercise, I have this therapist I was working with and she actually prompted me to do this sort of exercise like you've just suggested, figure out what what do I want. And we were we were speaking specifically in the area of relationships, i Man, I had a list like yay long about all of the things I did not want, I can very clearly state, all of those things that I really was like, this is not going well. And I would not like to repeat that. But I really had a hard time shifting it. And so once I sort of moved through and realized, I actually think that part of my, my blog, there was, I was attaching a lot of excess meaning to that desire that I wanted to have. So for example, I, one of the things would be that I wanted someone to laugh with every day. And in my relationship at the time, I didn't feel that was possible with him. So there was a part of me subconsciously that was saying, if it, you know, if you see this, and it can't be true with your current partner, then what does that mean? Like, it was very confusing to me. So I didn't want to commit to that thing that I really wanted, because that was terrifying at the time. And so it took definitely a bit of bit of self inquiry to really figure out how to flip those and how to be okay with the flip side of those things. And really using those, you know, desires powerfully to call that in, and subsequently, just, you know, for all your listeners, I made a list with the same therapist of all of the qualities of relationship that I truly desired. And about the minute that I completed my divorce, I found my most ideal partner, who literally ticked every single box box on that list, and then some, so, you know, we're talking about manifestation and the law of attraction, you gotta believe it, right? You can't just say, I don't want this. And I don't want that. I did that for long enough. And I just stayed stuck in the cycle of having all of that which I didn't want. But believing that you are worthy of having all of those things, it's going to start just throwing to you like magic.

Monica Ramirez:

Okay, so was have helped me that I came to understand I have some little defects that list. And I really changed a little bit that list, because yes, you're gonna attract exactly where you put in that list. But the things that you forgot to put in that place, I'm not going to come in there.

Christy Holt:

Tell you, I joke a lot about forgetting to put millionaire on my list. I mean, honestly, to be in full disclosure, a truly isn't that important to me. And you know, but I like to joke about that sounds like a missed opportunity.

Monica Ramirez:

It might serve my reach, I forgot to put non bn nonviolence Well, that's what I got, I got a non binding because I didn't put it in that list. So now I'm very careful with that list. But now I came to understand that I have to be a match what I am asking for.

Christy Holt:

Yeah. And then you go first.

Monica Ramirez:

And that applies for everything in your life. If you how do you think you're gonna earn the million dollars? If you're not feeling that you can deserve that million dollars, where you're doing just scratching your belly and being the watching TV, Netflix? That is gonna be very tough that you get the million dollars now, but how you can imagine creating the life that you want? What are your gonna be your expectations? What are your spirits that you wouldn't have? That can bring you the million dollars easier that you've been just watching Netflix in your sofa?

Christy Holt:

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that when we find those things that has, I would say really light your fucking soul on fire. Like, those are the ones that you are meant to go after they they are the ones that are going to bring you towards all of the things that you truly want in life. So you know, it's a bit of a, an adventure, aligning with those things that are actually for you. And to be really honest, I think we weren't taught to be humans, we were not taught to be in touch with our our bodies. We weren't taught to be in touch with our emotions. So a lot of us need to get reconnected. So we've got this idea of a bit of separation, like our mind and our body and our soul and all of these things. And they're kind of out of whack because, well, frankly, we were kind of taught to do that, as far as keeping safe. And so if we want to create, we need to bring all of those things back in Unity together.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, I totally agree with you. And if someone wants to contact we're going to be adding her information in the description of this, this episode. So now that you can recall up here and get her book and only get to book she's also having a class knows exactly what you're needing to get unstuck or focus on stuck. Were when you're there. You feel like there's no more doors. And that's where many people go into a terrible depression because they don't know or even suicidal, because they feel that there's no doors that they can open that they can have a hole that's going to lose the hope. So it is important that things to you and many other coaches that we exist in the world right now that we're helping people, as you can see more doors, and they really appreciate your presence for that.

Christy Holt:

Yeah, thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to share because I really do believe that everyone listening first of all, I just want to tell you how immensely loved and worthy you are simply because you exist on this planet. Okay. So I want you to go out and have the best possible life for yourself. And ultimately, I want you to know that the power is yours.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, we just forgot. We forgot. We don't came here to Sofer, that's just programs,

Christy Holt:

It is. We have been running on program for far too long, the program that it's meant to be difficult or hard, or that we are meant to suffer, and that we're not meant to have all of the happiness, peace, love, joy, abundance, you're meant for all of it. And it is all meant for you. So the first step is getting unstuck,

Monica Ramirez:

or many of the problems is you can't have it all. How many times too many people have heard that one? Yeah, and just you can't have it all.

Christy Holt:

All at once, because we may not be ready for that. But absolutely, all of those things that your your imagination has, you know, ever had you dream up, that was not for nothing. That is what is meant for you. And you're the only thing, literally you are the only thing stopping you from having it.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so true. That is so true. You have something else that you would like to add to this episode.

Christy Holt:

Oh, well, I would just say that if anybody is looking for more information, they can visit my website, CoachChristyholt.com. As well, I love new friends. So if you want to connect, I mostly hang out on Facebook. So feel free to send me a message and let me know, you know where you found me and all of that good stuff. And I would love to connect. And I will just leave you with this simple idea here. And that is that the relationship that you have with yourself, is how you begin the transformation. So instead of looking for answers outside of yourself, start to look within because honestly, everything that you need already exists within you just need to figure it out. And I think honestly, that is that is your purpose here as a human being living in this time. The whole purpose of that is just to figure out yourself.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes. The person the only person that you can change.

Christy Holt:

Yep, that's absolutely right.

Monica Ramirez:

It's been a pleasure, Christy. Thank you. So Cristy, thank you so much. And thank you everybody, for we'll be watching. Soul Talk and or hearing Soul Talk at the same time. I really appreciate it. And we will see you in the next one. And remember every Tuesday at 7pm Central time, I have transformation with warrior of love in this a Free Online Plus with meditation. Thank you so much. This is Monica Ramirez, Warrior of Love.