Episode 122

How to Recover Your Personal Power? - Dawn Bennett

In this episode, Dawn Bennet and Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, discuss very interesting topics about personal development, how to recover your power, and the pandemic's consequences for mental health and human interactions. Since the pandemic, people have assimilated and accepted programs about avoiding physical touching, experiencing life, and staying at home. We all learned to prefer "stay safe" over "stay healthy." The result is depression and health issues never seen before. We are here to overcome those challenges and recover our power after 2020. 

About the Guest:

Dawn Bennett, LMT, NCTMB, CST, NLP, Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Results Coach, Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner, Relationship & Intimacy Coach, and Bodyworker, has been helping people connect with themselves, others and their communities in body and mind since starting her practice in 1997.


She's the author of two Amazon Best-Selling books, The Touch Crisis: Navigating the Tricky Terrain of Bringing Healthy Touch Back to Our Culture and What Happened to My Friendships? Five Steps to Navigate the Social Distancing Crisis.


In addition, Dawn worked for over ten years as an instructor teaching massage + alternative and complementary medicine courses at Minnesota State College, Southeast Technical in Red Wing, MN. Dawn completed her bachelor's degree in Business and Complementary Medicine in 2009 from Metro State University in Minneapolis. Furthermore, she graduated from the Northwestern Academy of Classical Homeopathy in 2009.


Today, she has hundreds of clients who, she is proud to say, have done their deep work and restored their inner power, released physical and emotional symptoms and struggles, and found their potential and voice in their work, relationships, and volunteer communities.

About the Host:

Monica Ramirez/ Warrior of Love is a Transformational Belief Coach, I help support you to awaken to happiness and personal power from the struggle and confusion to feeling free, happy, and powerful.

I am a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (N.L.P.) I am a Certified Beyond Quantum Healer (B.Q. H.) Certified Life Coach, Certified Reiki Master, Multidimensional Energy Healer, Galactic Akashic Record, Psychic Channeler from the Family of the Light and my Higher Self Maia, Tarot Reader, Channel Readings, and artists.

The founder of "Path to the Heart", my signature Transformational System. I work with people coaching them one on one and in groups.


Soul Talk is every Monday at 7 Pm CT. https://www.facebook.com/Soultalkbywarrioroflove


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ST Intro/Outro:

Welcome to Soul Talk. The podcast founded and created by Monica Ramirez, the warrior of love. Soul Talk was created in 2020, when a pandemic hit, and we were in lockdown. She wanted to have exciting conversations with open minded people, so they could understand different aspects of herself. And she could help others in the same way. She interviews, healers, coaches, therapists, psychics, readers, channelers, mediums, intellectuals, poets, artists, and more. She calls it Soul Talk, because it started as a conversation from soul to soul.

Monica Ramirez:

Hello, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the worry of love. And we are in Salta podcast, and I'm bothered by loose at the same time. And we have a special invite her name is Dawn Bennett. And she's going to let us know a little bit about herself because we have a very interesting talk to you today. Dan, thank you for accepting our invitation to be in small talk. And there is not a little bit of about who you are in, we're gonna be talking about something very interesting.

Dawn Bennett:

Yeah. So who I am, it's very funny how I came on this journey. I got drawn into massage therapy when I was in college through some nurses who were doing healing touch. And I left college to become a massage therapist and did a lot of work with patients who had been in car accidents, and really started realizing the emotional and the spiritual connection to body pain. And how as I touched people, you know, like happy memories would come up like their grandmother and really sad memories would come up like old injuries or their current injury and how it's impacting their life. And really, my sole purpose since then, has been to help people heal in that mind body connection way. Through Classical Homeopathy. I did that for a while now I do Emotional Freedom Techniques. I do hypnosis with people, Neuro Linguistic Programming, all kinds of tools to really help them release their unconscious mind like beliefs that we've been trained to do, or who we've trained, been trained to be per se, and really stepped back into that sole purpose for ourselves. Because of course, that was also my own journey is to release my own crap that I was trained at when I was young. And I've written a couple of books that are all about how do we connect more authentically, and find compassion and empathy for each other either through healthy touch in our culture, or also through rediscovering our friendships post COVID. Here, as we've as many people are living in a, in a way that feels very divisive, instead of really opening up and having truthful conversations, and curiosity about how other people are perceiving their lives and why

Monica Ramirez:

That is so true. And yes, we can teach our talk or heal through our own experience is, that's the best way we can we can understand better others, we have experienced the same thing. Right? Absolutely. And something that I was reading today, what did you send me it was reclaiming your own power. And is so important, because the majority of people, they lost it, because when they go with a victimhood mentality, that's the first thing they lose. And that's the majority of the human beings, right? Yeah. How do you work with your clients in reclaiming their own power?

Dawn Bennett:

Well, first, I would like I seek to understand like, where do they feel like they've lost their power? Like, what are the stories they've been told? Or that they're telling their self about? Why they're not powerful right now? What does it feel like? What's the experience like to feel like one's not in power? And then what does it look like to have power? Like, does that mean that you're connecting more authentically? Does that mean you're successful in your business? Does that mean you feel like a powerful mom? Does that mean, you feel like a really strong supportive male role model for somebody or that you're the husband of somebody's dreams, and you're taking care of the household? Like, what does power look like for you? And so understanding that as well, then I can start looking at where have we? Or have our brands or our society, or whatever has been going on? What is it that we've forgotten? What are the learnings that we need to pull back? What's the soul knowledge that we need to pull back into ourselves to step back into that power in that really, truly authentic way? Because sometimes what was powerful for us, like what's powerful is when we're three might be screaming and throwing it out. Every tension on the floor and it's not quite so powerful when you're 30, you know, or 50 people look at it and react a little different. So how can we reclaim the power that we want in a way that feels really true authentic for us, and allows other people to engage with us. And in whatever way that that feels like or looks like or whatever it sounds like for us and those in those moments,

Monica Ramirez:

I totally agree and more, because we tend to give it away. Yeah. So many ways. We even when we're people pleasing, and we give it away, when we are feeling the victim, we give it away in so many forms, and the people do not understand. And we're giving actually our power. And we're, we get lost. And that happens. I see it with ultimate clients when they're divorces. Because they gave it away everything. That's why they end the marriage at the end, but they still lost, they still do not know where they are, or what did they want? Or where they want to go or with vision. Right? Or do you work with them?

Dawn Bennett:

Sometimes, I feel like we feel like we've lost ourselves because we've you know, like you mentioned we give ourselves away to a relationship or to a job or to our children. And part of that may be true, because we've given a lot of time, energy, and our resources. But also stepping back and honoring, the choice that we made in that moment, was the best choice we could make for ourselves at that moment. That alone is powerful, saying like, wow, the best I could do at that moment was like, give all my time and my energy to my children. Because I didn't, I didn't, I didn't feel as if I could take the time to take a bath or to take five minutes for myself or go get a massage or whatever it was I needed to do. And honoring that no matter what's happening in our life, we are doing the absolute best that we can with the resources we have, with what we know, with what we believe, and how we want to keep ourselves feeling and how our brain actually to wants to keep ourselves feeling safe. Like there are some times where we're like, why can't I do this? Why do I feel like every time I do this, something gets in my way. Sometimes it's that unconscious mind saying like, Whoa, you're safer back here. And so helping the brand understand like, no, it's safe to step back into my power, it's safe to regain these things. It's okay to honor what I've done. And now, yeah, transition and change into something quote unquote, new is challenging. It can be scary. It can be disruptive in a certain way. But that is also a learning process that gets to be honored. And that gets to, you know, be challenging, right? Like, we can be really emotionally upset or challenged at these times. But that also, that's part of the process. This is how we grow. And part of gaining our power back is stepping into that growth potential. It's like, oh, my container was here before. Now I containers here and it feels like oh, I don't have any power. Because I'm like, I have all this space between me and my new container. But how do I just open up my heart in my mind and step into this new container in a bigger and a different way? And I may not, you know, I may have to wiggle around into that container to feel where it's comfortable. And that's okay. That's part of the process of finding ourselves again.

Monica Ramirez:

I agree. And not only that, I have always received this question from from millennial, my clients. How do I know what he's supposed to do here? Yeah. And that's a very common question in my era to the human beings when we started working with ourselves. And we're like, Okay, I've been, I don't know, I've been a secretary with so many years and I hated what it was supposed to do. What do they can find it?

Dawn Bennett:

What I tell my clients is to tune into their heart and their dreams. Because if you dream it it's possible for you. And I think in society we're taught that dreams are this like nebulous thing that just you know that's it's a desire is too far out of our reach. No, like that's your that's your body and that's your your mind your soul saying like, Hey, this is this is possible. And you may not know how to get here yet. But all it takes is that one step forward. So opening your heart, trusting yourself and surrendering to the process, which is can be really hard. Don't get me wrong. I'm in the middle of a surrender process right now. My whole life has changed in the last two weeks. And it's really also validating to just say like, wow, I Like, everything's changed. And I just trust that like, this is where I'm going next. And this is what I'm meant to do next. And there's nothing wrong with being a secretary for a while, or being a mom or doing any of these things. Because sometimes that is our path is just to help support other people in different ways.

Monica Ramirez:

When I was going with that point, it was many people do what they don't like to do they. They just have a job, because that brings money, right? In the passion, if that's your passion, being a secretary, and it's really move you is what are you meant to do? But if you hate that job, yeah, then that's when you have to do that change. Correct?

Dawn Bennett:

Yeah. And I did hear you say that. And another frame that I wanted to put around that too, is even if you hate your job at the moment, if you find some acceptance around how it's serving you to be in that space and find the love and the gratitude for that space. It'll also allow your heart to open to help you find your next step as well. So it's a both and like, oh, I realized I really hate this, and I'm driven to do something different. I'm really grateful that I'm here right now. So I have the time or the safety or the security or whatever it is to really explore my heart so I can move forward.

Monica Ramirez:

I'm not only that, let's put it like this, they are in that job in that moment, because they have to be there. They can change it for for any reason. Maybe they need to observe why they're there. Why they choose that job? Either in that moment? Because that's this, this rendering? What do I have to learn? So you can move on? Later on? Easier? Correct. And, like the other day a, someone asked me, well, is your parents are the ones that you I know, I don't agree with this statement as that's why I'm bringing it out. But it was your parents telling you, you should be a doctor or a lawyer or a bookkeeper or whatever it is, as what are they supposed to do? Because that's what their parents still. That's not how it works? Correct? And you can you talk a little bit about that, please.

Dawn Bennett:

I think this is what happens to us, in many areas of our life. And it starts out when we're very young. Because, you know, our parents have to tell us when to eat, when to sleep and when to go, you know, to keep us safe and to keep their own schedules on track. And there's a way that that our brain, of course, they're an authority figure for us. And so we get to an to an age where they start saying you should be a doctor, you should be a lawyer. And there's part of us that in our brain says, oh, what they say is what I should be because they know the best. And it can be very, very easy to get to kind of go along with that. Right to feel like it's the easiest path and I'm not going to disappoint them, I don't have to fight them. But truly, if it's not in your heart, and if your your body, your mind, your heart is resisting that, then find a way to communicate more clearly, like, I love it that you know, I'm powerful enough to be a lawyer. I know I love it, that you know that I'm smart enough to be a doctor. However, I'm gonna leave college and be a massage therapist. And that's what I do with my parents, right. And there's this loveliness around that of also honoring what they want for you. But knowing that your purpose is different, and that's okay. That's beautiful. Actually.

Monica Ramirez:

Yess I agree with that. So about your books that you wrote.

called the The Touch Crisis::

Navigating the Tricky Terrain of Bringing Healthy Touch Back to Our Culture. And I actually wrote it before the pandemic, because I wanted two people to understand the importance of healthy touch and communication. When we're out of business meetings, when we're out in public when we want a hug from a friend and or we don't want a hug from a friend and we normally hug them. But we're feeling a little extra delicate that day. How do you say yes to people? How do you say, but no to the touch? How do you shift your own wants and needs and desires and become aware of that and be able to communicate that forward? So that book was really about helping us understand how to honor ourselves, our bodies, our need for touch, our need for connection as humans, and how do you get that in the most authentic way for yourself, and give yourself grace to know that that also changes in different times of your life with different people in different arenas. The second book I wrote is called What happened to my friendships. So, five steps to navigate the social distancing crisis, and that one is more about where do our beliefs and our identities about ourselves come from? And where are we losing, or perhaps forgetting to have or maybe, whereas our brains still caught in a little bit of fear, that prevents us from really being curious about why others believe differently than us about why others make different choices than us. And coming back to a place where we can have open communication and conversation, without feeling like we're losing our identity, we're giving away our power, or that we're, you know, just sinking into this opposite thing, but also understanding if people attack us for believing something different, what they might be going through in their own internal struggle. We don't need to take it personally, we get to let that go. And just give them compassion for having so much struggle within themselves that they're not that they're challenged to be communicative and curious about others.

Monica Ramirez:

And I bet that book eroded after the pandemic route.

Dawn Bennett:

I just released that one in October.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, the pandemic in a way did change our lives forever. And I don't think we're coming back to the before the pandemic or after the pandemic, worldwide. Because just, it happened terrible things, people died, I haven't an ad that died in that time. And many people lost family. But at the same time product, amazing stuff, the pandemic, this is how I see it, because it makes us go inside because we couldn't go outside. Right. And that's why it makes us really thought what do we really want. And see, as we can see the negatives, that now you have to cover your house, use my culverts, or put vaccines on vaccines or whatever it divide the world, in ACLs are in a way, so even a religious part, like the people, we're trying to convert you into this religion, because that is gonna save you and the other one is not gonna save you. Yeah, the pandemic did the same thing to the vaccine or do not put the vaccine and people forcing or not forcing are the ones that don't, don't you put it you're gonna be the bad one, or the ones that you put it, you're the bad one, you divide, because you feel that it is resold to the same thing. It is trying to convert into a belief. And as we were talking about the fears, correct?

Dawn Bennett:

Yes. And also when we are in fear states, which our brains naturally got into during the pandemic, not only because of lockdown and such, but because the message, stay safe, stay safe, stay safe, instead of stay healthy, stay healthy, taught our brain that everything out there is dangerous. And so when we're in this natural, human mammalian fear state, our emotions and our logic don't run the same way. Because we're looking for the bear we're looking for, like, where do I need to run? Where do I need to hide? Where do I need to fight whatever it is, in order to stay safe? And it's hard to be compassionate for your neighbors? If you're like, where's the bear? Where's the bear? Where's the bear? Where's the bear? You know? And so, yes, about the belief system. And I think some of us that are even more open, got get caught got caught into it a little bit into some judgment or into some belief systems or into some fighting because everybody was in the state. And so it seemed normal to be in that state a little bit. And now that we're backing out of it, we can really recenter ourselves and open back up.

Monica Ramirez:

And what I noticed also in that time that will happen to the, to the youth, we still do not understand the damage that did to them. Or talking from teenagers, little kids, that they didn't went to school, that they were not around, we still do not understand the magnitude of change, the way of thinking or even the way of hugging. They're the ones that are suffering more now that we're out of love. We're not out of the pandemic jet, but in a way where the fear is already kind of lifted off. But they tried to have a teenager and they don't even understand what is a hug. Why are you hugging them? Don't touch me. When the old generations like like us, we still miss that right?

Dawn Bennett:


Monica Ramirez:

What do you think is gonna happen to you and youth? Who after the pandemic?

Dawn Bennett:

I don't know, it's so hard to say. Especially with all the technology, technological advances that are kind of supporting that separation, you know, the metaverse and all this ultimate virtual reality. But I am really, really concerned for the kids that were, you know that the learning age, right, like, ages three to five, where they're also learning boundaries, like you learn how to touch or not some touch somebody by getting pushed down on the playground, or by someone stealing your toy, or by someone giving you a big hug or by touching your teacher and you're wrapping around her leg or whatever. And when that all that's taken away, and turned into fear, that brain Learning never gets set into place. And so you don't have that natural ability also to look for social cues of what's okay and what's not. Okay, you don't know your own boundaries, because you've not learned that at that age. So that's actually the area that I'm the most concerned about.

Monica Ramirez:

Oh, and don't forget the depression. Many teenagers actually commit. Yeah. And the question that brought the lack of human touch human interaction by not only teenagers, having also many adults in that time. Yeah. And now they don't even know how to interact. I'm so glad that you wrote those books, because actually, they are so needed right now.

Dawn Bennett:

Right. Now, if I can just get everybody to read them, right.

Monica Ramirez:

I'm gonna be sharing the links and where you can find down in the in the description of this podcast. So like that you can get a hold on here. And you can buy her books too, at the same time. Thank you. Yeah. It has been a pleasure to have you down. Thank you so much in the description. All the information is going to be in the bottom with the bottom of the so you can find your books too. Thank you very much for being

Dawn Bennett:

So lovely to have a conversation with you.

Monica Ramirez:

Thank you.