Episode 132

The Soul Talk Episode 132: Exorcisms and the difference between Reiki practices

Episode 132: Exorcisms and the difference between Reiki practices 

In this episode Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Glenda Dawson discuss the differences between the Reiki practices, from Uzui to Dragon and more. They also talk about removing entities, even doing exorcisms, listen to the episode, and jump into the conversation.

Glenda is an Ordained Non-Denominational Minister, published author, renowned published medium and psychic, and the current Matriarch of many generations of gifted women! She is also the owner and founder of the Spiritual Center:  Glenda’s Magical Creations, Stroudsburg, PA. 

At the same time, Glenda has been certified as a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher for over 20 years and holds multiple certifications and degrees. 

Contact Glenda:


Email: glendasmagicalcreations@gmail.com 

Contact Monica:

Website 👉  www.monicaramirezwarrioroflove.com 

FB 👉  warrioroflove11

IG 👉 warrioroflove1111

Book a free Discovery Call 👉 https://bit.ly/3GLYZa5

Listen to our podcast  👉 https://soul-talk-monica-ramirez.captivate.fm/listen 


Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the Soul Talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the Path to The Heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls while in this journey, and learn from their experience, and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hello, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. And thank you for being Soul Talk. I really appreciate you. And today, we had a friend I met her through her podcast and in the simposium I had a little bit of... to get to know her a little bit more. And she was very, very interesting. And that's why I've invited her to be with us in Soul Talk. Glenda, thank you for being here with us.

Glenda Dawson 0:56

Thank you, Monica, thank you for having me. It's, I am so blessed to be here with you today. And I'm just so blessed to be in general, been able to participate in so many things. I think though, the first time we met, you were on the Conscious Awakening. And that's where I actually saw you being interviewed at that moment. And that's where our interests piqued because there was like, oh, god, she's interesting, I need to have her on my podcast.

Monica Ramirez 1:40

We meet to so many people through... now through the internet and before, before the pandemic, we didn't have that much trust in the internet or the people online and the pandemic actually showed us and teach us that we can now become global. And now we can meet people very interesting from all over the world. And that has changed our conscience as human beings.

Glenda Dawson 2:09

Yes, yes. I was though one of those blessed ones that I have... previous to the pandemic had been working with clients in Europe and Canada, and South America so zoom for me it was already a thing. It's not as it is now because they have made a lot of changes since then. But I was...

Monica Ramirez 2:36

Easier the conditions are easier. I even before the pandemic I was already taking classes in New Zealand

Glenda Dawson 2:42

Right, right.

Monica Ramirez 2:43

Yes. But now it is a better reception. It is like more proactive and yes even with all the changes they have done is still getting better and better. Yeah, where are we gonna be in 10 years?

Glenda Dawson 2:59

Probably gonna be able to just you appear here I appear there

Monica Ramirez 3:06

Yes, it's good more Star Trek.

Glenda Dawson 3:10

Yes... never know right? Never know technology goes so fast. So

Monica Ramirez 3:15

Yes, I and I believe is going to be in our lifetime.

Glenda Dawson 3:19

Oh, yes.

Monica Ramirez 3:22

She's also a member since the:

Glenda Dawson 4:36

You're you were trained in a Sui Reiki which is the say... I compare it to like, the family doctor that you go to who knows a little bit of everything. And then all the other Reikis are the specialists. So if you have addiction or traumas or something you do more Karuna ki Reiki on somebody. If you have someone who is in the process of awakening, and so you do a one type, you have someone who has a problem with a relationship, you do another one, I do the magical dragons Reiki, which that brings in their dragons, that they have known all their life into like Dragon sleep until you bring them and you wake them up. So by doing that Reiki in attuning though, my students to that, they're able to then use their dragon magic, the dragon energy to help you others. So it's basically every single type is more like the specialists like you pinpoint more stuff. The Kundalini or somebody is going through Kundalini awakening and rising, you know, sometimes people are not ready for the pain and the trauma and all that, that comes out. So the Reiki helps it subside, still happening, but makes the waves a little calmer, instead of full blast, you know, hurricane storm. So that that's basically what it is.

Monica Ramirez 6:23

I do work with one of my protectors is a Dragon. It's a female dragons, that I always work with her. And she's one of my protectors. And she's very wise, but I did not, of course, I did not had an attunement for my dragon. Met each other face to face and it was AHH. It was a scary experience at the beginning and one layer to soften it and talk to her as a channeller.

Glenda Dawson 6:48


Monica Ramirez 6:49

Yeah, we create that connection between both of us are now it is...

Glenda Dawson 6:54

Well, you just don't have that dragon. That's what the attunement does, the attunement brings your whole Dragon Family. Cuz they're Kings Dragons, and Queen dragons, they're children dragons, you know, basically. And it helps you call upon all of them. So you get to know each other. And then each one of them gives you, they give you their name. So then when you're in need of say, female, Dragon energy, which is a little it's like a mama bear type of or, or a female lioness, you know, they don't take anything. That's the one that you need when you need one that's a little stronger, but thinks more, you know, and gives you more ideas that you call the male dragons, that it's all about what type of energy you need to help others or to help yourself

Monica Ramirez 7:56

Is kind of your guides, basically. And this is for people that they're not channelers, or there's...

Glenda Dawson 8:06

No, they don't have to be channelers they don't have to be Reiki anything. Because when I do that I explain all about Reiki, how it started the foundation. I attune them to level one and then I attune them to the three levels of magical dragon Reiki. It's a system within itself, although I like to give the foundation but that's just me. My training just included the dragon thing and they are, you know, I felt that my students needed the foundation to understand better and, and do some of their own healing before they start doing it and others.

Monica Ramirez 8:51

I understand I learned the hard way that teaching channeling that I cannot jump into channeling if they still need to work with their own fears.

Glenda Dawson 9:00


Monica Ramirez 9:01

Or else people will freak out. You know, like suddenly you do have, it doesn't matter let's say an angel, in front of you and they will and they will faint

Glenda Dawson 9:13

Yeah, yeah, they're not ready. Different things happen. So yes, yes, I I have seen that happen and I even when you think they're ready, they're sometimes not ready for it

Monica Ramirez 9:28

That it applies a lot for the third eye that I hear many people asking okay can can you open the third eye or they go with coaches or healers like, open me the third eye, and somewhat it is better letting your Higher Self decide that, because it will know when you are ready. Actually to see that, to see being in front of you. Right or, or spirits or whatever it is. Right for you're ready.

Glenda Dawson:

Yep, not bad... Not everybody's ready. That's one of the things I teach when I do the mediumship. You know, when I teach it and people practice and I've been very blessed that only one person so far, has faced their fears, where they were not ready. And then a couple of weeks back, they came back and said, okay, all right. I went through that shock. Okay, now let's go ahead and do it. Oh, my God. But I think it's so funny how they, they react sometimes even though they say they're ready.

Monica Ramirez:

It takes me to the question, it is about the world's largest ghosts conjure event that you do.

Glenda Dawson:

Okay, world's largest ghost hunt event is has happened for seven years straight. It usually in September, it's all over the world. It's when I participated. It was 120 teams, all over the world, the 24 hour period. So each team starts the live event, because we we stream it of them going in there with their machines or doing whatever they want to do, feeling that the ghosts are in that place. And so we've got 24 hours straight streaming and all 120 teams. And then we take they take all that evidence, and they give it to a scientist who then scientifically proves that there is ghosts that there is the other dimension and all that other stuff. My role was I was in the metaphysical committee. And there were I think there were only five of us, protecting all those teams, and all each and every one of those people that were there participating because some teams, you know, it wasn't like one person sometimes teams were like 15-20 people. So you can imagine the amount of energy that was going all over. And so we had mediums from all over the world, protecting, just sending out loving energy, and really start protecting, I would say about a month before because he wanted to make sure that the darkness didn't come in and you know, try to stop or hurt anybody. And I was at Ground Zero which was conjuring house. And thankfully, everything went well. No, nobody got hurt. Johnny Sophos was able to speak to his aunt and uncle, which were the owner, you know, the ones that did the seance in the cojuring house and Lorraine Warren and her husband, they, he was able to speak to him, they had passed away. And he was very happy that he was able to do that. And thankfully, nobody got hurt or anything every every team got their stuff. That was a team or two that had technical difficulties. But that, you know, the internet can't, can do everything.

Monica Ramirez:

No one, I wonder, no one had countered a being of very dense energy in this ghost hunting?

Glenda Dawson:

To my knowledge, nobody experienced that. Except one team that didn't follow protocol. Because our our job was to do a prayer before they went in or a ritual, whatever you want to call it. They were supposed to do step by step by step to protect themselves. And this team kind of took a little shortcut. And then they called me up. We're getting scratched. Okay, we'll get out first, let's start again. Let's Yeah, well, we don't believe in that prayer. Okay. So you know, the Lord's Prayer, let's do the Lord's Prayer. You can't cut corners when you're doing this, though. So they, they they did, and they went back in and no success. Absolutely no problems, they come down because of course, you know, something happens and we get it. Right, right. But what the best part about this event is that all of the proceeds from those events help keep that place going. So if it was, say, The Conjuring house, all the funds that were collected that day for tickets, because they had like a pay-per-view thing, all that stuff was divided among all the locations, so they could restore, they could keep going they because you know, you need money to keep the place up. Especially some older places

Monica Ramirez:

That put me to think about this. As I seen more and more people are waking up and they're starting to see beings, they're starting to see, it is not their guides, it will be phantoms or it can be, etc. There are 1000s of things that it can be

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

And I mean, they're not ready to observe and to see, immediately they're, their third eye will close. Right?

Glenda Dawson:

Right, because there's clarity,

Monica Ramirez:

it is self protection for themselves. So in this new change of the world where we're going, that the veils are getting thinner, and thinner, and thinner, even people that are not believers on anything of this, now they're starting to see, now they're starting to feel, and they don't know what is going on. As a coach, as a healer, as, as a medium as a channellers, how we can support better this transition? Because it is going to get thinner, it is going to is going to be more visual than ever before and more in detail.

Glenda Dawson:

Well, my thing is, I've always been available. I, you know, Larry, Larry, and I get called to places where people have gone in and stirred up the beings there. And then that, that forms a fear vibration, and then brings in other stuff that wouldn't be there because there was be no food for them. Once their negative vibration starts rising, then they could feed and be there. So usually, I tell everyone that I mean, if you ever encounter anything, don't don't try to do anything. Just Just call me. Don't instigate it don't make it worse. And I have somehow, when you encounter something like that, there's always it's like the universe always supplies the person who could help you.

Monica Ramirez:

Something that I understand that it is when we create, when we believe in something so much it is collective,

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

We create this entity, this being; so we create this being. So if everybody goes in fear to a hunting, a a place that is already have dense energy in itself. And we bring this we're going to create another being in there that he was not even there before. Right. But with a collective fear of the people that were in their they're going to create a new being.

Glenda Dawson:

well, it's not so much creating is that thin veil that you're talking about? It's a lot giving them enough energy to cross it.

Monica Ramirez:


Glenda Dawson:

So it's not that we create it, there have always existed, the good and the bad has since day one existed. And as much as I'd like to say, the bad isn't really always bad. It could just be angry. Because just be there to teach you a lesson. It could just be there to dig up all that old stuff that you need to dig up. So it's not always black and white as people think. Yeah, a lot of gray in between. And, you know, you're talking to a girl who went to an exorcism, at the age of five.

Monica Ramirez:

No, I have done I do many exorcisms with my clients and so forth. I'm not afraid of much,

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

I can do work with that. But I do understand that but the thing is, I also when I see my clients why they asked me why when after I do an exorcism then why this happened to me. Okay, what emotions you were having? What what feelings you were, like what thoughts and what emotions you were creating inside yourself. So you open up yourself to this to happen to you.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

And then majority of the human beings do not understand they have fear of themselves because let's put it like this the light and the and the shadow, live within ourselves.

Glenda Dawson:

Yes, yes. Yes.

Monica Ramirez:

And one of the best ways that I have encountered to counteract the these beings, is sending them love. If they don't, if they resist it, transform it. They will live because they cannot understand. love.

Glenda Dawson:

Yeah, I have done a lot of exorcisms, but a lot of them were not exorcisms. They were called exorcisms, but they were really more cleansing of the person and letting them admit what their fear what they were bringing up, I have seen where there's an entity that brings the person, the whole body up in the air, brings them down into the water up in the air, brings them down into the water I have participated in removing that entity from that person, that that was a true exorcism. And it's like the Catholic Church says, Out of 100, there's one maybe true. The other ones are just the person's energy, the person on bringing out their own, so called, I hate saying this word demons. And they don't know how to work it. They don't know what to do with them.

Monica Ramirez:

But we also have attachments, or...

Glenda Dawson:

Attachments, or not exorcisms,

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, there's attachments. And there's aparatus also from the ETs that are not the good ones, of course. But they installed in different families. And if you have your third eye open, you can see them.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

Early in, in human beings, I do see them in different parts of the body. And you're up to the human being speak Yes.

Glenda Dawson:

Yes. And that's where the there's so many different variations of attachment of posessions, paralysis, all that stuff. And that, you know, a lot of people say, Oh, my God, you do some? And I'm like, Yeah, but it's not all that cracked. Like people think it is. It's not all the movie. You know, you go in there and yeah, no.

Monica Ramirez:

Hollywood created their own allegor of that.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

That's a separate thing. The Hollywood theme, so they can scare you in they can sell more tickets.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

But yes, they when you feel that energy, I have seen people with two faces. One face is completely distortedm one side of the face, and the other one is the person.

Glenda Dawson:

Uh huh.

Monica Ramirez:

And, and those are, I have seen those. And you can feel the energy that is radiating and is

Glenda Dawson:

And unfortunately, the person is feeding it feeding that energy. We all need to be fed, right? And a lot do we all need to be fed. So if there's fear, you create more than negative energy and increases and they get more, they then scare you more, and it's just

Monica Ramirez:

Can you tell to, please, our public how they open themselves to this happen to them? They say, "Well, if I go to church on every Sunday, how this happened to me?"

Glenda Dawson:

You coud have trauma, you're could have a moment where disappointment, you're could have something that happened to you when you were five years old. And now... and you had completely blocked it, because it was too hard for you to deal with. And now it's starting to come out, you could hang out or be around very negative people. You could be working against yourself, like, for example, you want to speak your truth, and you can't, you hold it in, that creates negative energy, you could go to church every single Sunday, or every single Saturday, you could be the most religious person in the world has nothing to do with this. Until you're able to release what is inside of you that you have not been able to release, you're basically in that space. And now you open yourself up to not healing, you're opening yourself up to holding on to everything. And then as soon as that happens, you're creating that negative energy and arises and it gets bigger and that so you know, you hit your knee and if you don't take put ice on it right away, it starts to expand. So the trauma was hitting your knee. And now if you don't do something to heal it, it's gonna get bigger and bigger and black and blue and bigger and bigger. And you might have to go to the doctor to get a dream so on so on, so on. So you know, it's unfortunately, we have all gone through trauma. It's the idea of how we deal with it, how we bring it up, how we heal it. You don't have to heal it all at once. You could do little by little as you're able to take it especially people who have been abused by someone that they loved. It's very hard to release all that at once. You know, because no matter how strong you are you still I'm gonna have some residue. Yes.

Monica Ramirez:

And unfortunately, every single human being, I believe, if they're in this plane, they have trauma, they have to work on themselves. And not even the Dalai Lama will not be here. Not everybody has to work.

Glenda Dawson:

Everybody, this dimension, this Earth, I believe was built to hold the negative. And because it was created, kind of like a jail, sort of speak for them real chaotic entities. And because of that, that this was a perfect place to learn your lessons, because you come here, you got to go to some trauma, to heal, and to learn, and to evolve. So, the divine, whatever that is, however you want to call it, I don't care, what name you put on it, God goddess, saw this as an opportunity for the souls to evolve. So they could be closer and more divine, like God, or goddess, whatever. The Creator really saw this, that opportunity. And I really, truly believe that this planet was meant for us to learn our lessons through some type of Trump. Because if everything is easy, you're not going to do anything, you're not going to do any work.

Monica Ramirez:

I wish I can see the contrary, but I believe in, I agree with you. The best teachers are the more painful ones, we don't learn from our successes, we learn from our mistakes.

Glenda Dawson:

Exactly, exactly. Our mistakes or the opportunities that we create. Because our mistakes are just something that we do. So we could create the environment to learn and to evolve and to heal. It's very hard to ride a bike, if you didn't fall a few times.

Monica Ramirez:

One thing that takes me here it is that I that I see our community, lightworkers, starseeds, healers, coaches, etc, etc, etc. There, right now we're growing and we're more, but something that they have in common is they're so afraid of the their own shadow, forget about the shadow of others, their own shadow. And everything has to be love and light. And and they feel hypocrite when they feel anger, or when they feel any kind of emotion. So they just go into meditation, and they're gonna get rid of it. Yes, those are tools, I'm not gonna deny they're some tools, but it's also confronting that,

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

And in the moment you try to talk with them about what we're talking right now about ETs, exorcisms and things like that they freak out like "Oh, I don't want to hear about it is too much". I hear it over and over. Through the years. When I say to people, I do exorcisms, they're afraid of me, and...

Glenda Dawson:

When I told them I was in an exorcism at the age of five, they'll go like, and they start walking away.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, I know, I know, because they're so afraid of all this. And when they don't realize that probably they have one entity leaving at least one entity in their home. That doesn't count that probably they have 20 or 30 or more.

Glenda Dawson:

All right, I have my share. I have my share. My house is from 1900. So there's a lot in there. And we have an agreement. They stay in the attic. We live in the first and the second floor, they go they live in the attic. And everything is great. But...

Monica Ramirez:

Not necessarily it has to be from the 1900, it really can be a new home. But it was built the wrong place.

Glenda Dawson:

Yeah, wrong land.

Monica Ramirez:

Or they didn't ask permission because people are not aware or ask permission before they construct a house or before they go to a cave or before the cross a river or before the cut a flower.

Glenda Dawson:

Yes. Ask for permission. Especially like when I do the re-mediation, which is what I call when I go in there and calm all the spirits now. Before I walked through that doorway, I'm like, okay, doors open. I'm coming in, is it okay? I'm not here to cause any trouble. I'm not here to get rid of you. I'm just here to talk. To get your story, get your side of things. I have found that when, going with that respect that level of respect. I have never met an entity, thank God that I cannot reason with and come to some understanding. I have seen been to classes where people I've seen people actually get scratch and all that and I'm like, Dude, why are you doing that? I, you know, we're just here trying to learn. Oh, she she says something wrong against me. I said, Well, why don't you tell me? And I'll explain it to her. And um, maybe we could like all relax. Because you know, when people saw the scratches happening at that moment, of course, she's freaking out and everybody else is freaking out and they're smoking up the place where I'm almost got an asthma attack. Too much sage people too much sage. And I'm just like, Okay, put your mirrors down because it was one of those mirror divination things. Put the mirrors down, Upside down first. Let's start by doing that. Nice deep breaths. Okay, everybody calm. Think of lovely thoughts. Maybe your vibrations will get increase instead of being so low. And then I was you know, everything calm, and they were all my daughter was there and she's looking at me like why are they all freaking out. I'm like, I don't know. Just just, you stay calm.

Monica Ramirez:

It's their own fears. And that's when you start feeding these beings. These understand that? They're not actually cannibals. Right? They feed from their emotions. Yeah.

Glenda Dawson:

Yeah. And this being was a ghost that was a serial killer when he was living. And he got, he got angry at somebody. Someone who had said a few words to a person he fell in love with. So he started acting out against everybody and everything. And I'm like, no, no, with me. That don't cut it. So we were you know, we were very good. after that. It it calmed down. So that not everyone there was to hurt him, or to hurt her or anything like that. Just like, it's just there to learn to see things in a different way. But yeah, it you when you encounter anything like that. Yes, you're going to over suddenly react. Of course, we're humans are most of us, working on this. But if you go in there, and you say, Okay, I acknowledge that. I am not fearful of that. Because I refuse to let it hurt me. My protectors, at my guides. Here. This is what you're here for. I'm asking you. Because that's another thing. People don't forget that even though you have protectors and guides and stuff, you still have free will. And if you don't call them in, they're not coming in. You know, because you're not calling in your team.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, people forget they are how... as human beings how powerful we are. Because we have the free will.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

People forget that. And that is so important.

Glenda Dawson:

It's one of the best ones. But yeah. And I am, you know, even my mother used to say to me, just keep in mind this world is hell learned your lessons, we'll go back. Yes, ma'am. And I never quite understood it until I grew up. And then you know, first marriage, second marriage and all that other stuff. And I'm like, Oh, this is what she means. Okay got it mom.

Monica Ramirez:

Hey, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. Are you're a healer, starseed coach, practitioner or reader. And you still doubt yourself, that when you get one of your clients, that you did enough for them? Are you still self doubting yourself? Well, this is coming from a past trauma that it was created from this timeline or past lives that you have not worked at yourself, because we all have blind spots that sometimes we need to someone to mark it for us. And when we're working with an inner child with, that, we all have to, because or else we're going to continue repeating the same stories and not feeling good enough. And we're gonna even be a people pleasers. We're going to be overachievers because we don't feel good enough. And those traumas is still there. So in the moment you work with those things, you're going to learn how to love yourself, how to accept yourself and that is Gonna be for my Path to the Heart, the level one. The level two, we go into past lives more deeply. And to actually clear family lineage, we're going to be also doing a soul retrieval in there and way much more. And in the third level, you're going to learn how to use the practice that you already know how to do. But you're gonna be adding the channelling because you're going to learn different kinds of channeling. And you're going to learn how to develop your magical gifts that we all are born with. And not only that, you're gonna learn how to work in theta level with your own clients. So like, then you can go deeply and more profoundly, and you will feel more secure. I will give a certification from that from Path to the Heart. So if you want more information, you can book a call with me. And it's a free 30 minute session. So like that we can discover together how can help you better. This is Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. And thank you for listening.

At the same time, we we agreed to have those relationships. So I they were my teachers, all of them. And I agreed to have those experiences so I can learn and grow and become the person that I am.

Glenda Dawson:

Exactly, exactly. We came here to evolve. So we, we decided learn this lesson, speak up, stand up for yourself and all that. And they just keep giving you opportunities to it. That's all.

Monica Ramirez:

And then you change that I deserve better. I am worth more. Your next experience, I don't have to be exactly as the other ones, but you gotta do the inner work.

Glenda Dawson:

Right? Right, exactly. And inner work is number one. And it's not being selfish people thinking about yourself. Self Care, self love, looking at yourself in the mirror and saying, I look good. To you. That's it. You don't have to look good to anybody else.

Monica Ramirez:

It seems as if the the part when all people stopped believing in themselves and not gonna to talk before even the region started, Because it's been since the beginning. It's been religious, right? But I noticed growing up in a Catholic family that the ego was the the enemy was the devil and the devil how you weren't gonna believe in yourself or create that you can talk to God, you need a priest to talk to God or do that intersection. Because how dare you? Yeah. But that's what it hurts more as a human being. Can you talk about that a little bit more, please?

Glenda Dawson:

Well, anything that is manmade, and goes to extreme to control the people, is hurtful. In the very beginning, man, humans knew how to speak to nature. And nature would speak back to you. We knew how to talk to the animals and animals communicate with you. We knew how to heal and how to heal without medicines. Without all this stuff. We knew how to surgery, when it was unheard of. It just occurred, like energetic surgery. Like when we do Reiki we could do and a genetic surgery. We all that, we were one with the universe. We could talk to beings in other planets, we could talk to beings within Gaia, we could talk within Gaia. But when humans that were in charge, started noticing that, oh wait, we can't control them. If they know how to heal, we can't control them if they know they don't have fear, we can't control them, if we don't show them that they're bad, no matter what they do, oh my god, now they're bad. So by doing that, creating that fear-based belief, because I don't care what believe it is, unless it's based on love. It is not true. It is humanity or human based. And once they started doing that, they got rid of all the traditions all the ways to communicate with nature and and the animals and guy and all that we lost that ability to certain extent and we kind of put it to sleep because like myself previous lifetimes, you know, I made a nerve to cure somebody's you know, after with food, and I was a witch and I got burned. So any little knowledge that anyone had, they were afraid. They, they just follow like, because they would be accused and burned or killed or drowned or crucified. I mean, that's why Jesus got into the crucifixion part because somebody realized that he had knowledge.

Monica Ramirez:

It is about power. And power corrupts to human beings. We see that over and over and over to politicians to this day. Yes. So in the moment, you understand that every single human being is as powerful as you are, then you're not more or less, maybe you wake up some things that other people do not know how to do. But that doesn't mean they're they cannot obtain it. It's just a matter of choice.

Glenda Dawson:

we're all the same. We all have faults, we all have our moments where things don't align properly. We all have our disagreements or encounters have disagreements with others, it's very difficult to realize that sometimes we have to just release, acknowledge and release somebody, and I had a disagreement, for example, well I acknowledge those feelings, I acknowledge those actions. And then I release. And let let the universe take that, because I'm not going to change them. I am not going to do anything. But if I want them to look at it, from my point of view, I have to be the example. If I'm saying "you got to acknowledge, release, and forgive", and I don't, ha, what kind of example am I? Right? So when people talk about all this person that this answer, you don't have to hang out with them anymore. That's okay. They were there for that moment to teach you that lesson, or for you to teach them that lesson. But let release that. So you can then show your true self instead of that self that that person is seeing you though. And it's like the same thing with fear. I have to, when I teach my Reiki, I have to tell my students, please don't go into a cage with the lions. Just stay on the outside. This one client of mine was not fearful of lions was not fearful of any other stuff. Went to a zoo, a lion was sick. They jumped over the fence to give them Reiki and I'm like, you're needed to be on that fight? They didn't get hurt because the lion felt that energy and the lion calmed down fell asleep, the whole thing, but I'm like, It's not fearful but that could have hurt. And so now I put that kind of in every single time I teach. Don't get in those cages, they feel it from over here, believe me.

Monica Ramirez:

Oh my gosh, I haven't heard that one, but yeah, I can believe that happened.

Glenda Dawson:

Yeah. Okay, all right. You did what? Alrighty then.

Monica Ramirez:

Even with all the work that we do, exorcisms, remove attachments, spouse, etc, and so forth. I don't look for that.

Glenda Dawson:

I know I know I'm directed by upstairs because that was my agreement with them. But there are times where I'm like really you want me to go in there? You guys better be with me to protect every single ounce of me, every inch every hair.

Monica Ramirez:

Something that I have let me tell you have met many coaches and healers not only in these podcasts with people that have gone to different places and so forth.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

And I have not met many people or when I'm seeing people I'm talking about coaches of your so called energy workers in any kind that actually are afraid to work in this level. but the human beings they they're too afraid to actually do an if they encounter this is like oh Monica I have a new client for you. They don't want to deal with it. You know why it is that? Because it is going to be necessary we're not good. We're not so many. Actually we work in this level.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

Unfortunately, we were more it will be easier we will probably right now already shift the energy of that world. But they're not that many, and only peace and love it doesn't work.

Glenda Dawson:

Oh, everything is not about butterflies, people. Well, for me, I signed for this job, I accepted the so called job as I call it at the age of two, because since I couldn't walk, and my Archangels appeared to date one day before my second birthday, and said you can talk and took me off my my chair, and I started walking never stopped since then. On my birthday, I was thinking about this. I'm like, wait a second, they did me a favor, a really huge favor. I don't I couldn't quite understand it. But I knew it was a very important high level thing that, you know, because I kept seeing... Everybody look at me, like, you could walk. What do you mean? my mother fainted. The neighbors came. I mean, this whole big deal. And I'm like, what? You know, like, I'm thinking to myself, Okay, what did I do? I mean, think, did I do something wrong now? That I do something, right? I have no idea. What did I do? And, and then on my second birthday, when they were celebrating my birthday, and the cake and all that other stuff. I'm like, I can walk it just, puff. And I said, Okay, so I am here for something greater than what I was starting out to be. And I understand that I had to go through that for some reason. I'm here for whatever you guys need me for. For as long as you guys need me. And to this day, I've had five near death experiences actually dead. Hold it where they had to bring me back. And every single time that it's like up there, I'm like, finally peace. Quiet tranquility, no pain, no, nothing but love, you know, and I, and I get one of my ancestors going: "No, not yet". Oh, come on, I'm ready for those piña, because I like Virgin, Piña Coladas. I'm ready for those Virgin Piña Coladas. And they're like: No, not yet, go back, you still got work to like, okay. But I made the deal. So they could wake me up at three o'clock in the morning. And say, You got to go to a Dunkin donut. And I'll be like, half asleep, coffee please and sit at a table and that person next to me may just need somebody to talk to I help them get over that. Love that moment of where they're thinking of ending their lives, or they're thinking of taking others with them, or whatever the case may be that that "bottom of the barrel" moment. And so I'm there just talking to them about anything the... The weather or whatever, and I could see their light getting brighter. I could see feel the vibrations increasing. And I know that I made a difference in that moment. This is why I tell people look, if you see somebody having a hard day, just say good morning and give them a smile. That could be the whole change that they need for the rest of their day. And, and I actually have gotten to meet a lot of people that way. I'm kind of older I'm 61 going to be 62 in June, and I keep selling, asking them look, I'm really old. I really need sleep now. So give me the day shift. Okay.

Monica Ramirez:

I do put limitations to my guides. Okay, I need to go to sleep. I need a break. Oh, I put boundaries with them. Like I'm putting boundaries to humans. Yeah, they need boundaries to know.

Glenda Dawson:

Yeah, they forget that we have our our our needs to so needs, help.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, because it will mean not be self care.

Glenda Dawson:


Monica Ramirez:

And it will not be self love and so how we're gonna give it to others we don't have it for ourselves?


I do not mean that once in a while, your first in the morning you're gonna go to buy some doughnuts. Right? And,

Glenda Dawson:

but every once in a while not an everyday thing like it got there to be for a moment.

Monica Ramirez:

So tell us a little bit about what are you do in your magical creation?

Glenda Dawson:

Well, in my center, we do meditation. We do all different types of activations, healing sessions of all different types. I do what I call blissful sessions, which is a healing that comes from your higher self. You tell me what you need, whether it be down because I do also sound bass, whether it be sound, whether it be just crystals, whether it be just Reiki, whether it be vortex whether it be matrix healing, whatever it is that your, your Higher Self tells me needs. We also have crystals here, we also have herbs, we have my own Essential Oil Recipes like for your third eye or for fears, or for if you want to call in a particular Archangel, if you want to open one of your chakras that you know is is not functioning well. Or you just came out of a healing session by kinda to add to the healing, because it isn't just healing and then you go home back to your old so you kind of have to follow up, and I have to do your homework. So I have classes of every single type in here from mirror scarring to pendulums to all different types of Reiki or different types of healing activations, I do a lot of those to help with person. Get it a little bit more aligned, I'm doing now, this month a depression activation to kind of heal if you're going through depression, can I help you also along, you know, because winter with all the pandemic, all that stuff, we're still holding on to a lot of that. And a lot of people are still depressed from it. So this is a good time to get that kind of brushed out. DNA activations, DNA upgrades, a little bit of everything, a lot of podcasts. But I, you know, I started in the center, one small office and have worked myself up to the full floor. So now we have a lot of peace. We have Qigong classes, we used to have chair yoga, but the lady moved away. So there goes my, she was, she was really good. She was really great and she doesn't like zoom. So we sometimes have people coming in and do shiatsu. And we they they teach us how to do shiatsu, they come and teach us how to do certain natural soaps, natural shampoos, deodorants, I mean, you know, a little bit of everything. I've also, I have to go back to it, but I was running a woman's group. And I have to go back to that, because it that's very important right now, to get our feminine energy back into balance with the divine masculine. We seem to go this way. And we need a place that's safe, that we could speak whatever is bothering us, or whatever we went through. So we can hear. So

Monica Ramirez:

Do you have a class that is coming up soon?

Glenda Dawson:

You could find everything on Facebook, you could find it on my meetup website. It's a meetup that anybody could join for free. And it has the full calendar of all the classes that I have coming up and explains how to register if there's a cost. If you attend zoom or in person. And there's DNA Activation coming up. I have a sound bath coming up.

Monica Ramirez:

That is no your website, right?

Glenda Dawson:

Yes, you're gonna find that on my website. Or you could find it on meetup.com/GlendasMagicalCreations.

Monica Ramirez:

I'm going to be sharing her link in the description guys, so that you can follow her and you can take her meetups and all her classes that she's gonna be announcing they're so late that you guys can get a hold on blender.

Glenda Dawson:

Thank you. Thank you. Yes, and best way to get a hold of me it's through email, because then I could answer at any point. Sometimes texts or messages people call me, don't leave a message. I called you, didn't leave a message.

Monica Ramirez:

People call me. If you don't answer. I can't, I'm giving a therapy, I'm not gonna interrupt my therapy to be checking my phone.

Glenda Dawson:

Right? Exactly.

Monica Ramirez:

I wasn't, when I finish when I'm done, and I will answer everybody. Right but something that people do not understand. I mean, I'm calling you. Yeah, would you call me Three times in the same time when I'm working with a client, right? Not going to interrupt my session.

Glenda Dawson:

It's like, you will want that time for yourself also. You wouldn't want me to answer the phone when I'm with you. So it's the same thing.

Monica Ramirez:

Exactly. Yeah, totally understand that when... Glenda, you have one last words that you would like to say before we...

Glenda Dawson:

All I can say to everyone is try to increase the love that's within you. Once you have increased that love that within you, then you could spread that love, and it's not that you're not going to go through problems, not that you're not going to go through things, you know, we all have challenges. But you will be able to see them clearly and you will have an easier time going through them. Because the... you won't have so much fear, you won't have hate, you won't have all that negative stuff with you.

Monica Ramirez:

I agree. Thank you very much for being in Soul Talk. And thank you for all our viewers. Thank you for being here in Soul Talk. This is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. Please share it with your friends and give us a like and and write a review. Thank you so much.