Episode 140

The Soul Talk Episode 140: Embark on a Quantum Transformation Journey with Joshua Bloom

🌟 Ep 140: Embark on a Quantum Transformation Journey with Joshua Bloom 🌟

Welcome to a transformative episode! 🚀

Quantum Transformation System is the incredible journey into the profound understanding that information can travel to the very consciousness of your body's cells. This isn't just about change; it's about quantum shifts that ripple through your emotional and energetic being, ultimately touching your physical self.

Meet Joshua Bloom, a beacon of transformation, whose unique process has been the catalyst for change in the lives of countless spiritually-minded individuals, especially empaths and sensitive souls, over the past two decades. He's here to share his Quantum Secrets, guiding you to shift your energy and unlock the door to a truly transformed life.

Joshua's journey began with his own personal breakdown, leading to an extraordinary breakthrough. It's a path marked by deep experiences, and he's here to empower you with the same potential for profound change. His method, Quantum Energy Transformation™, is rooted in cutting-edge Quantum Biology research, including the groundbreaking work of researcher Bruce Lipton.

The science is clear: Quantum Energy Transformation™ delivers results. With Joshua's guidance, you can release the grip of ailments like fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety, fear, depression, allergies, migraines, attention deficit, and more.

Joshua Bloom isn't just a guide; he's a trusted authority on the practical application of Quantum Transformation. As the host of 'Emotionally Free TV,' he's shared his insights internationally on radio shows, podcasts, and TeleSummits.

Are you ready to dive into this quantum journey and unlock your true potential? The transformation begins now! 🌌 

If you want more information from Joshua Bloom:


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/QuantumHealingCenter

Social Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuantumEnergyTransformation


Twitter: https://twitter.com/QuantumEnergyC

#QuantumTransformation #UnlockYourPotential #LifeChange


Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the soul talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me, as we meet incredible souls were in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hello, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez The Warrior of Love. And thank you for being again in Soul Talk. And today, we have a special invite! His name is Joshua bloom. And he is the creator of quantum energy transformation. And he's going to tell us a little bit more about himself because he sounds very, very interesting and something that like everybody that is inherently channel that likes to transform their lives. Well, this is another technique that you can be using for yourself and Wales better, the creator of it. Thank you JoJo for being here.

Joshua Bloom 1:06

And for having me. I'm excited to be here

Monica Ramirez 1:09

Tell us a little bit about your creation that you did create the quantum energy transformation system. Let us know a little bit more about that, please.

Joshua Bloom 1:19

Sure. Well, quantum energy transformation is the understanding that information can move at the cellular level of the body to create what we might call a quantum shift, or a change either in the physical body or the emotional, or the energetic or all of them can change actually. So the power of quantum energy transformation is understand that it works in a different model, then most everything else does. We work in a model that we might name, the therapy model, or the medical model, or the parenting model, all of those are the same model. However, quantum energy transformation works in a totally different model, a more open model, one in which has more room to allow for new possibilities and new shifts that can happen within ourselves. Like, for example, migraine headaches, is really an incurable issue. When it comes to people in the medical industry, resolving that problem, the only the only thing they have is medication really. So otherwise, it they don't have a solution. However, when we work at different levels of change, so I work at much higher levels of change, I don't work at the level of technique or strategy, I work at a much higher level than that, at the levels of identity, spirituality, purpose. When we work at those levels, we actually can resolve things like migraine headaches, or things like fibromyalgia or certain people have pain in their body. Or maybe people have huge anxiety or depression or other things like this. These kinds of things can be resolved differently in the model I work in, which is more of a quantum model to help people move the energy at the cellular level of the body to create a change

Monica Ramirez 3:29

that's permanent. So we're talking about I do agree i Do you believe that all the signals are psychosomatic that we provoke ourselves by just to have moved to Surrey, fibromyalgia and I healed myself. Okay, very good. So, but we have to go to the root, where it started as where you go, right? Absolutely. Are you provoked that sickness?

Joshua Bloom 3:55

Correct, right. And in quantum energy transformation, we look at the root of the problem being located in the cellular structure of the body, which is the smallest part of us that has consciousness. So when we move the energy through the cells, we actually remove those emotional and physical things that have happened to us many years back. And we resolve those, the issue the core, the root of the issue, that's actually causing the problem.

Monica Ramirez 4:27

What do you mean, when do you're working like kind of with energy work? You're working like Reiki Masters do it or in what way? Or because there are many techniques to get there?

Joshua Bloom 4:40

Yes. And remember, I don't use techniques. So so this is a very different thing than what what most people are used to, because there isn't a protocol. There aren't steps that you need to take in order to get the result. So then it's like, well, what do you do? Right? So What we do is we give the body the ability to move energy. So think about how we live our lives, we live our lives in stress, based on what's happening in the world, what's happening in our personal world, what's happening, just everywhere, and how we live our life in that stress means that we're in what we call fight or flight. Well, Dr. Bruce Lipton, he taught me that most people are in some level of fight or flight all the time, every day, he said, Actually, I'm going to call that protection. And he named that state that protection state, being in fight or flight, the opposite of that is being in growth. So being in growth means that you're not in fight or flight, your body is operating exactly as it should. If a problem occurs, the body knows how to deal with it and handle it, no problem, everything is all good. And it's working in a very different way. And so we get out of that fight or flight and into growth. So for me, I was having a lot of anxiety issues, I was really having huge anxiety, so bad that many times I wasn't functional on certain days, or couldn't really go out of the house very far, you know, walking around the block was a good day, those days in my life. This is many years ago, 20 some odd years ago, and I experienced this. And so I had to get out of that protection place. Because I realized, I'm in protection, that's exactly where I am. And no wonder nothing is working. Because Lipton says, if you're in the protection mode, you can't heal, you can't transform, you can't move energy in your body, it won't work, you have to be in the growth mode for that to happen. So that's where quantum energy transformation got its start, when I realized, well, we need to have space, to move energy, we need to have the ability of our intention to move the energy through the body, we can use many different things, we can allow ourselves to breathe differently, we can intend differently, we can move the energy at the cellular structure of the body to create that change. And we can do it many, many different ways. And that's really powerful. Because when we are looking at a technique, for example, there usually is the way, right, it's this is the way you have to do it. But what if that way doesn't work for you, or whatever, that way doesn't work for somebody else, then you're kind of stuck. A good example of that is hypnosis. And, and I think hypnosis is great. I'm I'm a certified hypnotherapist, and hypnosis can be very, very helpful. But what do you do when you take someone through hypnosis, and then it doesn't work? Well, once you can't use that way of helping somebody, you need to refer them to somebody else, because you're stuck, you know, you can't do more. In quantum energy transformation, there is no stuck. We have many, many different ways of moving energy at the cellular level of the body. And you, my practitioners that I train, to help them learn to do what I do, they actually are able to find different ways that work specifically for that person. So this is not cookie cutter. In other words, this is not like, we're going to use this protocol. And that's where we're going to do it. It's going to be like, What is your body? What is your energy? What do you need? And then we do that with the client and the client transforms.

Monica Ramirez 8:57

I totally agree with you. Because yes, there are many cookie cutters that I don't agree with that because not every single client is going to have the same needs and you're going to need different techniques or a different way to do it. I am a channeler and my job is as a channeler. Even though you know many techniques that I am also immunotherapies now from Dolores Cannon because that is more cookie cutter. And there are other ones that they can let you include from channeling from NLP from data healing, etc. From different techniques that you can use in the one of the Lord's cannon. Yes, it is more cookie cutter. It is solely that technique. And that's it, you cannot move on. And the same applies for many Reiki practitioners at the beginning. Because I can see many people that I have interviewed, they're adding more things. Not only Reiki, they're creating their own technique. That's something that I'm noticing in the majority He put an interview or work there adding more information, or more things, or channeling messages that their guides are telling you, you know what, why you don't try this, or this client is this and isn't know something that came out in the book and step 123. You know that something is out of the book, as poorly like that as What are you're talking about refereeing about quality? And yes, it is, it is important that people get out of this step 123. And it says here in the book in this part, that it has to work. Not all the clients that trauma is not caused by the same by the same model, this, put it like that. So it is not going to be the same thing for everybody.

Joshua Bloom:

Very true. And I think that's why I've been very successful when I've worked with clients is because I'm not following a protocol that works for the modality, I work for the person, the person I'm trying to help, whether that's me or somebody else, when I work with someone we're looking for, what does that person need, what's going to help them resolve the problem the easiest and the fastest way, rather than I have to follow a step by step procedure in order to get there many times, some of the steps aren't even necessary for certain people. And other people require something totally different altogether. So you really need to work in a modality where somebody is going to be receptive to what you're having them do. And to do it in a way that works for them, rather than it be something that's difficult. And, and one of the things that I noticed when I was really, really in my anxiety many, many, many years ago, I was cooked, I was already over energized to get over anxious, I was in fight or flight way too often and all the time. And because of that, I didn't have any strength to to do complicated work. If the work was too difficult or too lengthy or took too much of my energy, I couldn't do it, I just had to say no to that type of work. So this is what led me to create quantum energy transformation, where I was able to find a way that we could move the energy in a quantum way. So it's fast. And in a way where we can create an honor the person that we're working with, so that when the energy moves, the person no longer requires the problem. Because I don't look at problems as that we are broken, I look at problems, as if I lived the life that you did, I would experience the same types of problems you would. So when we think of it from that point of view, nothing is we're not broken, nothing is wrong with us, it's actually perfect in the way that it happened. Now, if that's not useful to you, if what you're experiencing is not useful, that's when we can come in. And we can say, okay, let's work with you in a way that works to create a fast and easy shift, so that you're not having to be plagued by the problem that we all created. You know, many of us have traumas at very young ages that we don't even remember, other of us have issues that we do remember, and ever since then we've had this problem. Other things happen because we held that energy in our body for so long. And we never resolve it. So we keep getting triggered by it all the time over and over and over again, we're getting triggered by it. And that is causing us pain that is causing us problems. And then eventually, if it's not handled, it gets to a physical issue. And now we're dealing with not just the energetic aspect of it, but the physical aspect of it, which is very, very overwhelming. And what I do is help people move that energy, so they no longer have to carry it along with them.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, because it creates new identity when you continue with the same identity that you have to this moment. You're not going to create that shift. So creating a new identities creating a new completely.

Joshua Bloom:

I love that you said that because this is why we don't work at the strategy level. The strategy level is several levels below the identity level. In order to make a change, you have to make a change at least one level above the level that you want to change. So the lovely that level is at the level of purpose and spirituality. So when I work with somebody at the purpose and spirituality level, then I can shift or help them shift their identity. And then they become a person who no longer requires the problem. So if I shifted at a very high level, it becomes a permanent change. If I were to work at the strategy level, which I'm not interested in doing, but if I were to do it, it would either not work at all, or sometimes it would work. Or if it did work, it may not be long lasting, because you have to the higher you make that change, the longer lasting the issue, I'm sorry, the relief is or the or the, or the problem gets resolved for either a short time if you're using a technique, but if you're using a higher level change, like purpose and spirituality, then it could become a permanent change, something that never shifts, it's just the way that it is now

Monica Ramirez:

I have a question for you. Because I encounter some of my clients, they are atheist. So forget about this reality that is for them is in the trash. And but that that doesn't mean that they cannot create change, not because source or they don't believe in so or they don't believe in energy, that doesn't mean that they cannot create a change.

Joshua Bloom:

I would agree with you. I know people who are atheist, and I've actually worked with atheists. And with my work, what's great about quantum energy transformation is that we have, we have no rules about that kind of thing. So regardless of what someone's religion is, or whether they don't, they don't know, if they believe in God, or think that they believe in God, it doesn't matter. It's really about honoring the person and their own beliefs, and what's serving them. So regardless of the person, and where they are, we can help them resolve whatever it is even at even if they don't necessarily believe in spirituality, because I look at it this way. If you look at one side of the coin, we have science on the other side of that same coin is spirituality. Now, some people do not really believe in that spirituality piece. They're either they're not ready for it, or it's not for them, or whatever their reason is, but on the science side of it, it's the same information. It's just, it just looks different.

Monica Ramirez:

Like we're talking about the same, but we use different wording.

Joshua Bloom:

Exactly. So we can work at the scientific level in the same way that we could work in the spirituality level, and still reach the same goals. We're still working at that higher level, we just might not call it the same names. But science today is saying the same thing that spirituality is saying today. It's all coming together as one

Monica Ramirez:

final it is your right. Finally is starting to merge, because he was never separated. But yes. Well, I see you're talking a lot of Dr. Lipton do study under him.

Joshua Bloom:

Well, many years ago, I I learned about Dr. Lipton in a class that I was taking. And as I learned about Dr. Lipton, I really found it fascinating. So I read all of his books and watched all his videos. I just just really got into his work because there was something about what he was saying, that rang true for me, especially when he talked about that growth and protection thing. I was like, wow, what else does he have to share that that really worked for me, it got me to understand I gotta get out of fight or flight in order to make a change. And I did. And that's when I made the change for myself. But the power of Dr. Lipton was in all of the research that he did all the science that he did. And I use his science as the backbone for the work that I do quantum energy transformation. And many years ago, Bruce came to my office, I was in Virginia, and I knew the actually the lady that was organizing his trip to come to Virginia didn't have a place for him to sign books. And I had an office there in Virginia nearby where they were doing their event. And I said well come and use my office. So their whole crew came in and customers and everyone came in to, to see to see Dr. Lipton at my office. It was a brilliant and fun time I was able to talk with him at length and show him my models and things that I use for my work, which he was very interested in. It was very exciting, and we kept the relationship and after that I invite need him to be in my movie? The ultimate answer is inside. And he and he was in my movie. And recently, he wrote the foreword to my book, which is also called the ultimate answer is inside. And yeah, so that's so that's what happened with

Monica Ramirez:

that was very interesting in everything was aligned

Hey everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the worry of love. And we wanted to talk to you about add to the heart. That is a transformational system that I created. That equals in three levels. And at the end, even you receive a certificate as a healer and a challenger. But this is part from that to the fact level one that is transformational metamorphosis. Like my book, that is precisely the path to the heart level one, and the path to the heart and level one. It is because many of us, I used to feel like that even as a Reiki Master and learning so many techniques. Every time I've worked with a client, I did not felt they did enough, or that I was good enough. And yes, that came from a childhood trauma. And he started there. Because I was all aware Cheever, I always try and to prove myself to others. And I was a people pleaser, because I was too afraid to stay alone, or people will leave me if I was completely me. I have a lot of resentment to myself for all the mistakes that I have done in the past. And I bet many of you have felt the same way as I used to feel. Well, in part of the heart, we are going to be working with a shame with the blame. Blaming others, because a person that is not responsible of their own actions, it is going to be very hard so that they can move forward and actually change the life, we have to start owning our things. And empaths have the courage you will learn how to start owning your things. But not only say that, okay, I did, yes. And now what now you have to learn to forgive yourself for making the choices that you did, and forgive others, because you're going to start seeing others in a very different way. You're going to learn to become the observer of your own thoughts and your own emotions, and letting go all that shame and blame that has been given us duck. And at the same time, the fears that the fears is a limiting belief, because we're I work as an NLP deep inside into level. And they explain all this. And we work in that level. With activations and meditations, we have a group also, where he's going to be supporting new people that are working with themselves in the same level. And how many of you also have got stuck because what other people will think about you, so the judgments of others can affect you, if you let them. And you're going to learn in this program, how you're gonna let go, the judgments of others so late that you really will feel free and empower yourself. So like, did you make better choices and be less reactive. And first of all, you're gonna learn how to love with yourself, and love your life that you have right now. The second level is about clearing family lineage, removing boughs and contracts that we all do every time we speak. And thankful Nephin is a second level, with a soul retrieval, we are going to be bringing in those fragments so that you have left because of fear or shame or blame or grief, we are going to bring those parts of yourself. So like that it can get integrated to your own self. The third level. And the third level is about learning how to channel and learning all the types of channeling. And we do a lot of practicing there. But not only there we stay, you're gonna learn how to heal at the same time your own clients in this level. And the good part about my program a path to the fact that it is that you can integrate all the techniques that you have learned before from breaky from different modalities and so forth and you can integrate them in a program. So if you are interested, just give me a call and let's have a chat. And then we'll be more than happy to have a discovery call with you is have 30 minutes goal. This is a program that is for coaches and healers and yoga teachers and massage therapists. People that work already with energy people that are already are working with themselves, but they don't know how to continue moving forward. So if this program is calling you give me a call. My name is Monica Ramirez the worry of love. What are the questions that I saw that you have hear in the value that you send me it was about frequency and vibration. And that's something that people ask me all the time. But I would like to point of view, what is the difference between frequency and vibration?

Joshua Bloom:

That's a good question. I think frequency and vibration can be synonyms, actually. And I think people can also see them differently. I look at frequency and vibration as the same thing. It's really how high do you vibrate? What frequency Do you vibrate at? It's really the same thing. When we look at frequency, we look at most people living their life at around 250 hertz energy frequency. Maybe some people are at 300, it gets rarer and rarer as we go up to 400. And then when people are at 500 500 is like that level of love where you feel that love energy in your in your life, and not everybody is able to maintain that. But with what I'm doing, we have taken this to another level. So there was a time where I was trying to maintain 1000 energy frequency myself, unfortunately, when I was trying to maintain this frequency of 1000, energy frequency, which at the time I thought was huge, I would get what you might call a healing crisis. So I would zip up to that high frequency, and then I would feel badly after getting there, and I would get anxious and couldn't maintain the frequency. So I would, I would plop right back down. And you know, you do that a couple of times, and it becomes kind of painful you stop doing that doesn't take rocket science to realize that. If that doesn't feel good, we just be stopped doing it. So

Monica Ramirez:

you're going to the up and down. Exactly. So therefore is more crucial is more built for that customer meaning right? Oh, say that one more time, more than you go up, down for that is going to be more painful.

Joshua Bloom:

Yeah, well, I'm saying that going to those higher frequencies are really great places to be. But if you have so much in your body, so much lower frequency in the body, it's it's it's really a jarring thing for the body to rush up to, you know, 1000 energy frequency, and then you start feeling badly if you don't do it in a way that honors yourself in the body. So now in my classes and with myself, we regularly go up to 10,000 hertz energy frequency. With no healing crisis, everything is good. We don't, we don't do the healing crisis thing with quantum energy transformation. We have ways to get around that like wearing the pendants that I'm wearing. They help eliminate healing crisis's, they help us raise our frequency so much higher than I ever imagined. So before I thought 1000 was like a really high energy frequency never going to 10,000 energy frequency. And being there brings us more into that five d energy that everybody's talking about.

Monica Ramirez:

That is very, very interesting. And how do you the problem is, many of my clients asked me this question, okay. This is awesome. What are your teaching in and vibrating with a sisterhood? Or would the same of people is great, but then you have to go back to your job. Or you have to go back to your husband or whatever it is. And that's what you get tested. And that's where you have to live, the paying the bills, etc. And in taxes and all this kind of stuff. That's where it gets stuck. Because they start self doubting yourself and know how to use pain, that energy when you have to go to a 3d world have you paid taxes and, and all those kinds of stuff?

Joshua Bloom:

That's really a great question. Because it's interesting when you do a class or a workshop, where you where you leave your home and you go, maybe it's a retreat or whatever you're doing, and you engage that retreat. Everything is very easy. When you take all the distractions away when you you know, give yourself that time separate from everything that in your life, but you're not in your life, right you're in you're in this new world of experience, which can be beneficial. The problem is is that we don't know how to incorporate what we've learned in that other space in our life. So once the triggers start hitting again, once we start moving through our life and hitting it bumping up against the thing Things that we bump up against, like you said, the taxes and all these things that show up, we then kind of forget about all the great things that we've learned all the great things that we were doing while we were separate from our life. So I don't really do workshops like that, most of what I do is help people while they're in the middle of their life. So this allows them to incorporate what they're learning, actually into the life that they're living. So they don't have to step out of their life to learn what I'm teaching, they can actually learn it and utilize it right then and there when it's really tough, when it's really difficult for them, when they get the migraine headache, when they get the pain when they get the emotional discord at all that at that time, what I do is I teach them the skills they need to get through that and more importantly, to release it. So that if you release it, it's gone. And you never deal with it again.

Monica Ramirez:

And do I read yours? Also, you were a writer that you publish a book? Correct? Tell us a little bit more about your book, what is the name of your book and so forth?

Joshua Bloom:

The name of the book is called the ultimate answer is inside. And it it stems from the movie that I made of the same name, the ultimate answer is inside. And I decided that at first I decided to make the make the movie. And it took me about five years to make the movie, which was a whole adventure of itself. Because it took so long to make the movie, you know, the type of technology changed in the middle of the game. So So we went from, you know, standard shooting to now more HD and, and wider screens and all sorts of things changed while I was doing this. So it was an interesting result in the end. But after I use the movie to teach people that anything is possible, and that there's this quantum world that we can step into, and it can really help us in our daily lives. And so it made my career, the movie made my career, and it put me on the map. And it wasn't a wonderful, wonderful thing to experience that, that that ability to help 1000s and 1000s of people through that method and that experience. So then, years later, I said, you know, I really should make a book because I never did do that I never made a book. And the reason that I didn't make a book was because it's very difficult to experience transformation by reading a book. You know, it's easier if you're guided by an audio or maybe a video or something that you can experience while someone is guiding you. But I figured out that I could probably do some things in the book that would either lead to more guided things, or could I could even guide them in the book itself. So I decided to take it on as a challenge. And I took my movie and all the great things that were said in the movie. And I started the book that way. And so that I had the book, and I rewrote it to make more sense, because when you talk, you know, it's like a transcript of the movie, right? So when you take a transcript of a movie, people are talking like you talk regularly, not like you write. So I made it more flowing, so that it would sound like you're reading a book. And I also utilize the people that were my movie, you know, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Bernie Siegel and James Ashman and Donna Eden, somebody amazing people in the movie. They're also in the book. And in the book, I was able to go into more details. And I say, you know, I only had two hours in the movie, because I did a two hour movie. And that was long for a movie, but you're limited as to what you could really share. I couldn't go deeper. So I said, I'm gonna go deeper into the quantum understanding in the book. And that's exactly what I did. So I took the movie, and then made a deep dive into how quantum really works, and how we can create change quickly and easily without struggle.

Monica Ramirez:

Where people can find your book a movie, or you

Joshua Bloom:

can go to Amazon was one place to get the book and just type in my name Joshua bloom, or the ultimate answer is inside. Also you can go to my website, my website is at being quantum.com. And there you can watch the movie. There's a way to watch the movie right on my website.

Monica Ramirez:

We will be putting the information on under description down below. So like that everybody can get a hold on those that information is there very more in search because the majority of the people that see so talk during that search, they're trying to change their lives and they're working with themselves. And I wanted to ask you about one other question that you gave me as an option. It was how to you can emotionally become free yourself. And that's very, very interesting, because that's where everybody's looking for.

Joshua Bloom:

Yeah, and as I told you, many years ago, I was extremely anxious. And that was a really difficult time in my life. Not only was I not always functional, but I had, I had lost all my clients. At the time, I was in a difficult place where everything was hard. And Emotionally, I wasn't really able to live my life. Normally it was, it was very restricted, it was very scary. And so being stuck, like that, really gave me a perspective. You know what I mean? It, it totally put me in the understanding that this is not how I want to live my life. But at the same time, I never believed that I could actually change it. Which is a problem. Because I didn't think it would change. But it was the people that I worked with, that I helped, I helped people transform. And as they changed right before my eyes, that's what got me to say, well, if they can do that, I can make my change. So it took me a long time, first to consider that I could even make this change a possibility in my own life. I was really good at facilitating other people to do that. But I wasn't really great at facilitating myself to do that at all. I was my worst client, to say the least. And so, you know, moving forward in my life to shift my emotions was something I spent hours and hours doing. And one of the things that we do in quantum energy transformation is release. So we think about everything that you've ever done in your life, everything you've ever lived, it's stored in the cells of your body, some of that information is useful, and some of it is not. And if we don't pull out those things that are no longer serving us, then they trigger all the time that trigger, sometimes every day, sometimes just very often. But whatever it is, it makes us feel bad. It makes us feel like we can't move forward, it makes us stuck. It makes us feel like we can't trust ourselves, or we don't have good self esteem. All of these things happen simply because of the things we've picked up along the way from how people parented us how babysitters took care of us, how teachers treated us how friends and family treated us all mattered, in our upbringing. And as we move forward in our life, and we kept feeling worse and worse about ourselves, it became a very difficult thing to deal with our emotions. So what did we do when most emotions come up? Well, of course, you wish them away, and you push them down. And wishing them away, of course, doesn't work. But we do it because we don't have any other tool. So we say, Could this just go away. And of course, that doesn't do anything other than, you know, make you wish. But then since that doesn't work, we push it down, we we suppress that energy, that information. And there's only so long that you can suppress it. You can suppress forever. It's sort of like if someone's pushing against the door, eventually the door will break. No. And so that's what happens when you have so much emotion, so much emotion, so much emotion, it gets so big and the door gets pushed open. And we call that a nervous breakdown. That's a we call it. But really, it's not a nervous breakdown. It's a release, but because we don't see it as a release. And we get scared of it. And because of that we suppress that to be like No, no, no Get back in there. We keep pushing it down and pushing it down until we can get to a place where we can recover somewhat from that. And then we hope it doesn't do that again. And so what I do is I help people release the energy at the cellular structure of the body to create a movement of energy, a movement of energy so that energy moves out peacefully and easily. We don't have to relive it. It can leave peacefully and Easily, I've worked with many women who have had deep traumas like being raped, they can't go out at night, they've restricted their entire life based on this one event that's happened in their life. And when I work with them, I help them move that energy out peacefully and easily, where they don't have to relive it. And because of that, they then can go outside and enjoy their life and not be scared like they were before that issue happened. Not issue but before that attack happened. And so the power of, of working in the model that I work is that different than talk therapy, for example, and talk therapy, You're reliving it every moment, are you remember going to talk therapy many, many years ago when I was in college, and I thought, Oh, this is gonna be good, I can talk things out. And, and I remember, the therapist triggered me. And I felt really bad. But I mean, really bad. She might, she pushed a button, and got me good. And when she got me, she said, Okay, the sessions over, and I'll see you next week. And I'm like, but I'm feeling badly. She said, That's okay. I'll see you next week. So the next week I went, and, you know, it took like three or four days for that trigger to go down, it was it was really bad. And so the trigger went down. And so then she triggered it again. Next time, I went to see her. So this became very uncomfortable. At this point, I realized this wasn't going to work for me, because it doesn't take a genius to realize that that getting triggered and then not having an outlet for it isn't going to be useful. So I stopped going to therapy. And I started to look at ways that I could move the energy. And that's what I didn't. So instead of triggering the energy without the release aspect of things, we trigger the energy and have the release happen in the moment, and then boom, it's done. But the way that we do it, is we strengthen our energy. First, before we even trigger any of this stuff that we've got stored inside of us to release. So think of it this way, if you're in a stronger place, and you feel really good, you're not going to feel the energy or the information or whatever it is sadness, guilt, or whatever the energy might be, and you can move it out, you can move out the fear, you can move out to the trauma. And because you're in this much better place, you have a different perspective on it. So from that quantum perspective, we remove the energy without it being traumatic. And this way anybody could resolve whatever issues they're dealing with.

Monica Ramirez:

I do agree and I do agree about therapy. Many of those kinds of therapies that I know people that have been there for 1520 years, and they have 40 to 50 minutes to talk about their problems. And they really, they want to say that they care. But they did his results are different, like you mentioned, as a

Joshua Bloom:

long time takes a long time. It changes at all. Yes,

Monica Ramirez:

yes, I do agree with you is like I don't agree with the conventional therapy because of that. But that's my point of view. It's for some people works. Not for everybody.

Joshua Bloom:

I have friends who've gone to therapy, we're very happy with it. For me, I'm I'm more impatient than that I can't go every week and not get results and then potentially, maybe possibly I get a result. And that's why that wasn't for me, when I discovered that we could move energy at the cellular level of the body. And I felt the and I actually experienced it and I felt the energy move and release. And I didn't feel that pain anymore. And I felt relieved. I'm like, well, that's obviously easier. That's got to be a lot better than other things out

Monica Ramirez:

there. And we're faster than that's really much faster

Joshua Bloom:

will quantum works in the moment there you don't have to wait for the result the result happens usually in the moment not every time but usually it happens in the moment the real the transformation happens now. Usually the usually the result happens now too. Sometimes it takes a period of time, such like 24 to 48 hours for the whole movement to happen. And then they people might experience other other transformations along the way.

Monica Ramirez:

And I do agree with that. When you're working in this in this field you can see that it Max seven days Brianne Carroll, the the new change the new identity? I love that. I, I have a question. You talk about the morals and so forth. Can you give us a practices, something practical for the viewers that they can apply for themselves?

Joshua Bloom:

Sure. Would you like me to take you through something? Yes, yeah. Okay, great. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to teach you how to be quantum, which is the one of the first things I teach when we learn quantum energy transformation. quantum energy transformation is a way of strengthening your body, grounding your body. And that's what we're going to do, you can do this sitting or standing either way works. And as you are engaging the energy of this, although I'm giving you certain things to do, the goal is for your body to shift its energy shift in its perspective. And this is very simple. Everything that I do is very easy. Sometimes it's so easy, that people are like, really, that's all that's all you have to do. So don't let the simplicity fool you. Okay, don't let the simplicity fool you. Everything I do is easy, and yet very profound in its results. So let's begin. So what we're gonna do is we're just going to take a ball of energy, and we're gonna put it in our hands. Just hold that ball of energy. And as you hold the ball of energy, you'll start to notice that it kind of feels more and more like a ball as your hands hold like this right? And feel like there's something there between your hands. And that's because we have hand chakras and the hand chakras are actually forming an energy ball in your hands. That's why we feel it. And so, we're gonna hold that a ball of energy. And if you feel it great, and if you don't, that's okay to just hold it regardless. And I'd like you to put some energy into that ball. Let's put love and healing in the ball. If you were to put love and healing in the ball, what would it feel like inside that ball of love and healing, we're in it. And you can keep your eyes open or close your eyes It either is good. Ah, remember to breathe. You put love and we put healing in there. Let's put confidence we could all use a little bit of extra that's put some confidence in that ball of energy. Now put openness, openness and that ball of energy. Breathing is good. Now, I'd like you to energize this ball, we're gonna blow into the ball 10 times, just like just blow the energy out of your mouth into the ball ready, here we go.

Good, and feel the energy that you just blew into the ball and your hands is now make your hands vibrate a bit. You might feel a little tingling now. Good. So you're gonna take the ball of energy and put it right above the top of your head. Just hold it right above your head and drop the ball into the top of your head. Good and let that ball go from the top of the head down the body. Going down behind your eyes. Passing your throat

your heart, your upper stomach. Your lower stomach. Remember to breathe. And let the ball land at the tailbone right at the base of your spine

and with the ball of energy at your tailbone. Just allow yourself to keep that ball of energy there the entire time. Now, we're going to reach up and grab your higher self as if the legs of your higher self right above you. Okay, you're gonna pull your higher self into your body just like you did with the bowl. Just bring your higher self down the body, pull the legs of yourself all the way down. So higher self slides right into your body. Doing the same thing going into the top of your head going behind your eyes, passing your throat your upper chest and your lower chest, your upper stomach and your lower stomach, and let your Higher Self slide all the way down into your body, until your Higher Self lands all the way down, all the way down to your feet deeper into your feet, even more breathing is good. And good. And then we're gonna open up our energy, which we call opening up your auric field, your aura is all around, you are just going to push it open, as if you can just open up the space, let that aura open wider and wider and longer and longer. Let your aura open up in front of you and back at you, to the left of you and to the right of you all the way. Let your aura open up as large as the room that you are in or larger even. Allow that aura to just expand real big. And imagine that you are not just where you are. But you're in every potential point of view in your room. Imagine that you are everywhere potentially, not just where you are, but everywhere in the room. And feel what that feels like as your auric field is open. Breathing is good.

Now with your auric field open, put one hand on your heart. Take the other hand and put it on your upper stomach, which you call the Power Center. And let your pinky touch the top of your belly button. And just hold this position and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. That's another one of those breaths that was good. Making sure that your breath is long and you're out breath breathing through your nose and out through your mouth. Good. And now imagine that you have a jacket on or or some kind of a cloak around your shoulders and bring the energy forward from him back if you just allow yourself like putting on a coat. So just bring the energy from him back of you right in front of you. And breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Just feel the difference now of what you were feeling before.

And notice that you might feel more calm but also, you don't feel tired, you have energy. So let's energize it energy a little bit more Are you ready, we're gonna do something called a candle breath. A candle breath is imagining that you have this beautiful birthday cake in front of you. And you're gonna blow out the candles on that cake. Just like that, right? Wow. Let's do 10 of them in a row. And you can use your arms like this if you want or not. It's up to you. But you're just going to blow out 10 times here we go.

That lesson, be longer. Keep breathing, don't hold your breath, bring your hands back into that position and just breathe into the nose and out through the mouth. Nasal fields of energy breathe in through the nose. Breathe out through your mouth. One more time, breathe in through the nose. And breathe out through your mouth. You can let go of the hand position. And notice how you feel. Now if you're standing, you might want to walk around a little bit and see if you notice that you feel taller. If you're sitting you might notice you're already sitting taller. Or you feel like you're sitting with no effort or you feel like you have more energy but you're calm at the same time. This is the energy that we are looking to be in always. This is the energy you want to be in when you're moving forward in your life. When you're feeling energized as if you have energy and calm not being stressed all the time. Or as much as you can. You're now in a growth place. But you're also in a place where you can move forward.

Monica Ramirez:

I took care of you even my data is not a tool. It is basically my hair standing up for the energies when energies energize, but I'm very sensitive due to energy, so I believe everybody can feel this. And, and and hopefully everybody can do this exercise and wanted to see your movie and wanted to check all your information out. And like that they can experience a little bit about you. Thank you. But you have some last words that you would like to add, because this was amazing what he used it for all of us.

Joshua Bloom:

Thank you Sure. I do have a free gift to provide as well. Would you like would you like me to share that is please, if you go to IQET, forward slash Monica, Mo N ICA, you can access this amazing free gift about discovering the science of quantum manifestation. So I teach you how to manifest your health more easily and better. And I do this with the help of Dr. Bruce Lipton and done it he did and Bernie Siegel and James Ashman, we're all sharing information about manifestation from the point of view of your health. So it's an amazing experience to listen to it's good recording that will allow you to consider manifestation quite differently after you after you listen to it. To say some last words, I would say, just remember that anything is possible that you have the power to create whatever you choose. Allow yourself to find what works. Allow yourself to jump into the possibilities and allow yourself to create the life that you choose. This is your life, it is your incarnation and it is possible to create what you choose.

Monica Ramirez:

That is beautiful. And that is true. Thank you. I will be posting the gift in the description here. So everybody can get a hold on that gift. And if you want more information about your share of blue, this is an is going to be in the description of this video. Thank you so much. Thank you for watching this. Thank you, Joshua. I really appreciate it.

Joshua Bloom:

Thank you too. It's amazing. I just enjoyed speaking to you so much.

Monica Ramirez:

Thank you everybody for being in Soul Talk and see you next.