Episode 154

The Soul Talk Episode 154: What鈥檚 love got to do with it? The story of Monica Ramirez

The Soul Talk Episode 154: What鈥檚 love got to do with it? The story of M贸nica Ram铆rez 馃拰

馃帶In this episode, M贸nica talks about how control, abuse, and limiting beliefs can make us feel ashamed and guilty. Have you heard that we manifest the sickness of our own emotions? Telling her own experience, she explains how to overcome our fears, recognize our value, and through the power of real love, heal ourselves and create the life we want.

馃専 If we observe adversities as lessons, to learn from them, we can pull up, transforming our lives and starting our mission in life. 馃グ

Watch it in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulTalkPodcast

Listen to it: https://feeds.captivate.fm/soul-talk-monica-ramirez/

Contact Monica:


Instagram: @warrioroflove1111

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warrioroflove11 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monica-ramirez-33b401159/ 

E-mail: monicaramirez.warrioroflove@gmail.com