Episode 158

The Soul Talk Episode 158: Helping Overworked Owners, and Executives

 ๐ŸŽคThe Soul Talk Episode 158  : Helping Overworked Owners, and Executives ๐Ÿ’ผ

๐ŸŽง Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love.

In this episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love and Michelle Ricketts, a business consultant, who work worldwide helping entrepreneurs. Disclose how a lot of them, are ahead working in their business and want to do everything by themselves, thinking nobody else can do it as right as they do. Michelle shares her three keys for becoming a tenacious leader, as well as establishing their content production and digital assets for recurring revenues

Entrepreneurs, business owners, and all the people need to be present and mindful. Most people do not pay attention, they answer automatically, and their consciousness is somewhere else, but not in their body. We need to tune in with our body, we should listen when it is trying to say something. There are simple actions that allow us to take care of ourselves. ๐Ÿ“‹

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 ๐Ÿ’ŸMore about Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love:


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Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the soul talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls. Were in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it

Hello, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. Thank you for being in Soul Talk. And we are also in Podapalooza. And today we have a business consultant. Her name is Michelle Ricketts. And she's going to speak to us a little bit more how she do her work with with all of us because we everybody needs a business consultant, I believe so.

Thank you.

Michelle Ricketts 0:55

And what I did there is I in:

Monica Ramirez 1:49

is so true. I really mean like today I haven't eaten.

Michelle Ricketts 1:55

Same. And it's important it's I always say it's why we in the airplane, we put the mask on ourselves first because then we can help others. So with your business you want to have and I work with owners to have that foundation set out to be able to have a strong foundation for the business similar to a house. And when you look at that you look at your systems and your processes and all of those things. But you can't move forward and grow and scale without that self care as well. Right? That is

Monica Ramirez 2:25

so right. I kind of what I'm teaching right now in the in the movement of empowering it is that you cannot help your clients. If you have not done the inner work and businesses is not different.

Michelle Ricketts 2:41

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely.

Monica Ramirez 2:43

Everything right in there. Tell us a little bit more about that.

Michelle Ricketts 2:47

Well, and a big piece of being able to help themselves is looking at what they're doing on a daily basis. And a lot of entrepreneurs tend to want to do everything themselves, because they think nobody else can do it. Right. Nobody else can do it like me. And the key is getting everything out of their heads and down on paper, either physically virtually or both. So that then we can teach others to do things. And it things can be delegated or outsourced. We want that business owner to do the key thing that is their superpowers, my brother likes to say the thing that they are passionate about and that they do best, which may not be social media, and it may not be editing their videos, they need to take the video, they don't need to do everything else around it. So that's one of the keys in business is being able to see how and set yourself up to delegate and to outsource. And know that you've got to let go.

Monica Ramirez 3:44

That is so so true. I do think God I have a team. And and without them I could not do it. I was working already 16 hours a day it was not coming alive. And and that was consuming me. And I know many, many of my people that work like me, we had the same issue and letting go and says okay, I'm not an expert in this and Dr card when I'm not expert in, in this or that. And it's like, Yes, I can do it. But it's gonna take me 20 hours to do one thing when when an expert can do 20 minutes.

Michelle Ricketts 4:20

Exactly, exactly. And we really when they're going through what you just described, not having you know, having doing everything yourself and then getting a team together to then help you and to be able to delegate and outsource you feel freed, right freed up of being able to do things and you can see yourself now enjoying other things in life, whether it's family or travel or whatever it is that you would like and being able to focus on the elements of your business that are going to move you forward and make money and all of that because you now have more time to be able to do that. That is so

Monica Ramirez 4:54

true because yes, we don't we we forget about us and at least in this Due to community, but I am the majority of my clients or the viewers, we tend to try to sell our products or or suspect that they come from from nothing, our clients, and we forget about us ourselves because we're trying to focus or paying the bills, or formulas are an organized approach and a program. So whatever we're teaching, and what is our time, the time that we have to ask ourselves? How do I feel? What do I have to work with my own self?

Michelle Ricketts 5:34

And it's so true, Monica and one of the key things too of you said of taking care of yourself: That is your nutrition. You said, you know, you've been a long day already, you haven't eaten yet. It's that self care of the simple things, eating, sleeping, hydrating, you know, I've always I've either got my tea are my water and hydrating through the day. And a lot of times when we're working, forget, right, I used to when I was in corporate, I had reminders in my phone, because you're in a meeting and you do it. And now it's ingrained in me. So I don't even need the reminders. But I fast I use an app for that. And I track my water and I use that app as well. And that's just something it's a physical thing to do to think, oh, did I drink? Because I'm thinking what's what's in the app? What do I where am I? How many ounces have I had, so that hydration is one of the key key things that a lot of business owners forget. And then nutrition, having good food, not fast food, not Oh, I gotta eat. So I'm gonna grab some fast food, right, you get food fast versus fast food and getting food fast, is maybe preparing the night before or what I used to do is I would prepare meals on Sunday, and then I had things in the fridge that I could then either heat up or just eat, whether it's a salad or something, but other things that I heat up. So it's not taking me a lot of time to get to eat it. But I'm also not running out and doing fast foods. So that's that's key and making sure there's nutritious food in there. So you're covering your food groups making whether you're the carnivore or vegan or whatever pescatarian whatever it is that you want to make sure that you've got your your carbohydrates, your your good fats in there as well as fiber protein. And it's not as hard as people think a lot of people overthink it. And I'm not a calorie counter, but you think about portions. One of the best tips I ever heard for portions is use a smaller plate and don't go back for seconds. Or it helps with portion control and that's such a small thing. But it really does allow you to do something that's easy and not have to worry about numbers and counting and all of that but when you get your nutrition and then the other side of that is fitness so what are people doing as business owners to be fit if you're not doing anything then start with the walking around the block. If you're already doing like me do something five or six days a week then you can add that up as well. Because your body gets used to whatever Monica let me put you on the spot what are you doing fitness wise?

Monica Ramirez 8:10

Everybody know people that know me my friends or my family like that's going work? I don't care how many appointments you have. They take me out for a walk or friends that are doing Java is like no you have to come to the to the class because you told me tomorrow you're not gonna do it. Exactly.

Michelle Ricketts 8:26

Yeah, yeah. And the buddy system is great. the buddy system works because when your friends ask you you go right. Yes,

Monica Ramirez 8:33

exactly. Yeah, this accountability is very important because we forget we tend to forget that we're working on more a I used to work less time when I was working at home than Yes, I was working somewhere else because over there it's like Okay, close the shop and then home and I can do whatever. But working at home. It can be 24/7

Michelle Ricketts 8:57

f yourself and not be working:

Monica Ramirez:

Even to see friends, I have to put it in my calendar and the beginning everybody weren't mad at me like, Oh, you have to put me in a calendar. If I don't put you in the calendar, you're gonna exist. Exactly. Exactly. The calendar. Yes, time to this time and having coffee and

Michelle Ricketts:

laugh. Yeah, and it's not about having a structure that's inflexible. Because if you can move things around in the calendar, but you're right, we only have so many hours in the day. If we don't block that time, whether it is for a business meeting, if it's like Today we're on this event with Potter palooza. And that's in our calendar. Now, I've had a couple of times where I've had to jump out for a meeting, but it's in the calendar. So I know, okay, that's coming out. And I came in here the opportunity to come and chat with Monica. So that's in the calendar as well. But if we don't block time for things they won't get done. I always talk about the honey do list never gets to them. Because people just have a list list of things. So take your to do list, put it on your calendar block that time, and then you know what you get done, and it also takes it out of your head. Again, you can be more mindful about other things that you need to have in your head opposed to will have to remember when am I coming to see Monica, when am I doing this? When do I have my next meeting? When right? So the more we can take out of our head and put it into something that's going to track that for us like your calendar, then we have room in our head for other things that really do matter. Welcome.


In choosing to be part of this group, you have said yes to yourself. You've chosen to confront those limitations keeping you from achieving the life of your dreams. Monica Ramirez, the warrior of love is a transformational belief coach. She has a psychic Channeler certified NLP Life Coach B Qh. And his hypnotherapy, Akashic Records reader, public speaker, writer and artist. She works with many modalities and has created her own like this one, to help you let go of your limitations and achieve the transformation you desire. So you can anchor the emotion you desire here. Monica will be hosting a new session every Tuesday at 7pm Central time leading the group through a guided meditation and proceedings to work with people individually. So join Monica on this free journey here.

Monica Ramirez:

And I don't even know how before we used to live without calendars or GPS, like Billy name was born in 269. We didn't have computers. Now I don't know how I was surviving without.

Michelle Ricketts:

Well, I'm older than I look. So I'm around the same age. But it does. We had paper first. But even before paper, what did we use, but everything's in evolution. So we've now gotten to the electronic calendar. And it's wonderful. And it's the other thing I will say is have one calendar. So sometimes people will have and this is often somebody who works for somebody as an employee, they might have a calendar there. And then they have the personal calendar, and they have five email addresses and all of that. You want to pare that down a bit, have one calendar. And if you can, for me, I have a business email address and have a personal email address. And

Monica Ramirez:

Google is wonderful, we can put it to all them together. And so I know what appointments.

Michelle Ricketts:

Yes, exactly. So that is key. And it is it's about being able, it's hard to be mindful if your mind is cluttered. And so having different ways that we're talking about here to look at how you're using your tech, making sure you've got your fitness and your wellness and your sleep your recipes and talk about that. But that's so key as well to make sure you're rested. And then you're able to do all these other things that we're talking about, and have your day and get through your meetings and everything because if you're not hydrated and you're not rested, those two things, your body will stop you your body will say hey, you know, I know you got to deal with me. And we don't want that. Yes, that's awesome. Very, very key

Monica Ramirez:

that is not in my calendar getting sick.

Michelle Ricketts:

Not it's not it isn't. It really isn't. And I will say that often people will find that when you take care of yourself. You take care of your mind, spirit body, then you don't get sick. Right because you you're you're eating properly. I do take some supplements. But it all of those things help you to not catch colds and all of that so I don't I don't know the last time I was sick. And that's really key to keeping going. I talk about the tenacious leader in one of my keynotes. That's part of it is not getting sick because you're doing the right things you're taking care of yourself, your mind spirit bodies and said and your body let you keep going.

Monica Ramirez:

Explain to me: How do you work with clients? When someone approach to you, How do you work with them?

Michelle Ricketts:

Yeah. So I do work with clients online, because that allows me to be open to clients globally. And we start with looking at what what's their biggest problem? What is something we need to solve today? That if we can, we can look at that, then we can move forward. It may not be literally today, but what's that, that biggest problem that they're having? And then I always start my one to one sessions, and even group although you don't can't get as deep into group. But I started my one to one clients with asking them, how are you? And it's a question. It's not a greeting? Is a question. And a lot of people don't even wait for the answer because they don't care because they think of it like a greeting. So you want to think of it as a question and wait for the answer, because that's where people will suddenly say, Oh, I didn't know Joe was depressed. That was such a surprise. Oh, Joe could have probably told you three or four times but because you just said how are you and you went on? You didn't get the message?

Monica Ramirez:

Or the people don't answer that is they were in automatic the majority of the time as an automatic I'm doing financial? Yes, yes. In reality, they might not be fine. It might not be that they're just in automatic. And we have so many automatics like driving to the school or taking our kids to school or back and forth. We are now automatic. The majority of them were not even in our body. Yes, consciousness is somewhere else. And our bodies just doing the automatic things. Talking to people, they're not there. Yes,

Michelle Ricketts:

you need to be president. And as you say, to be mindful. And part of that conversation of how are you in that? It's the person who's asking you to stop and wait, and that the person does say fine, I'm okay. Just went and I do this with clients I backup. I actually want to know, and with other people who are inclined, just generally, I'll say no, I'm actually asking how are you? Right, you can be happy, sad, frustrated, pissed off, whatever it is. But let's talk about it. And then it really reiterates for us in our mind to say, Hey, I am feeling happy today, I had a great when it's wonderful or dammit, it's not going right. And you can talk to somebody else who might be able to help you through that. So that is one of the things that don't work with clients. And it's, it's amazing how challenging that is, at first for people to get used to. But now after a while, make note that coming in Michelle's asking me that we're doing like, gotta know,

Monica Ramirez:

is a very good exercise. I do this sometimes with a cashier in any any place. They ask me, you find something, everything that you want it and you're doing fine. Usually people answer, yes, everything is fine. And they get out. But you put them off and bring them into remove them from the automatic system. You know what today was not great day? I have problems with my car. I have problems with this and you throw them off? Or do make them compound?

Michelle Ricketts:

They're connected? Yeah, yeah. It's like now the one place where you want to have that automatic is McDonald's made a lot of money by saying do you want fries with that? So in your business, if you have something that's the equivalent of Do you want fries with that, that's where you want to have that that automatic? Yes. And one of one of the areas that I work in as well, you asked me how I work with clients. I'm also part of a peer to peer advisory group. And this is something that is very beneficial for business owners. And if your audience wants to reach out to me, we'll we'll provide my contact info as well. But it's having somebody that holds you accountable in your business. It's not just your family and friends. So peer to peer Advisory Board, we have been part of a group called grow your business and we have business owners that come in monthly. And we look at what challenges have you had what wins if you had Where is something you want us to hold you accountable for before our next meeting. Right and and what is something that you're really want to dive deeper into in that challenge. And the members all say that the both the accountability, and then the ability to have that connection and to bounce things off someone else that's gone through some of what they have. I always say business owners go through the same challenges, just not all at the same time. So somebody else may have gone through a sales challenge or a hiring challenge or marketing challenge social media, whatever it is, but they can lend that that expertise to the conversation. So a peer to peer advisory board is such a great way to help you both stay stay connected and move forward with your business and scale and get others expertise.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so true. We have a meeting once a week with my team and we have a business manager and it's precisely to talk okay, what are we coming down and what are we what we're planning to do and when things we want to create new At least once a week you have that your your, you have not done something that you know, your meeting is going to be two days, okay, you're going to finish those things because your meeting is gonna mean two days and you have to present or you don't even if I am the boss in there it is that taking that accountability is so important.

Michelle Ricketts:

This is and with, with our business with our life with some of the other things we've mentioned with your fitness, you can have accountability partners in a lot of different areas. And that really helps us to continue to stay both motivated and involved. Because you know, as you say that something's coming up. Oh, I gotta talk to Susie about this, oh, Monique is gonna ask me about, right. And it just it helps. So whether it's Life Fitness, whatever that may be, you really want to have that that accountability partner does help the buddy system

Monica Ramirez:

that is so so important. And that is so health when the majority and not everybody wants to pay that extra money for that not many enterpreneurs they think that they can do it all. And that they see it as oh my god, I have to pay for that. But they're not going to as they're gonna seek and when they can, and they can say to their team, you know what? I need help in this and this and this because I have so many things to do already. They don't have that accountability or pain. So when that actually can help them in their team? Yes, yeah. Overwhelmed, and their body is gonna feel it, our nurses and Misko will get sick.


Yes, the very true, our nervous system your body knows. And part of I find the challenge for some individuals is that they're not as in tune with their body as they need to be. Something happens when something changes to me, I know, because I know my body. I know, I feel, you know, so you need to be in tune with your own body to say, China Tell me something, and I need to listen. Yes,

Monica Ramirez:

a headache is not just you can heal it with a pill. In the moment, it's gonna take the headache away, buddy's gonna come back, if there's something problem, and you're not paying attention. When you go to the doctor, it is going to be a big problem, because you don't tend to time. I can headache.

Michelle Ricketts:

Go ahead. Sorry

Monica Ramirez:

I've had lupus, I was overworked and my nervous system is the one that took me to the immune system problem. And that was like for that situation. Myself. But since then I learned to listen to my body. Yes, I need to stop is the case. For 15 years, I never want to stop there

Michelle Ricketts:

again. But again, yeah. And I used to work with a colleague that had lupus. So you do have to listen to your body. And even not naturally normally rather you you mentioned a headache. A headache is often a sign of dehydration. And so when I know for me, I almost never get headaches. So if I have a headache, I know first thing I do is drink water. And it usually goes away. So for a lot of people, they say Oh, I have a headache. Can you say they take a pill No. drink two cups of water two glasses of water first and see if your headache goes away. Because a lot of people are probably dehydrated. And we're not and I say water specifically because some people will think I even mentioned my tea, but I balanced the tea with water. And some people will drink soda and different things. And no, that's not yes, it's liquid, but a lot of those are dehydrating Coffee, tea or dehydrating. So you want to make sure that you're also having actual water. And not just the other stuff because it's not going to hydrate you the same way. And

Monica Ramirez:

so today I have encountered when I teach my classes, a lot of times I've given them morning routines. They're gonna start the morning routines, they get up mad, like oh my God, I am overwhelmed so forth. That's how it's gonna go your day. So you stopped in that moment and actually use that you have to do breathing work or you want to do meditation, whatever you want to do in that moment. But to center yourself and give me thankful for your life. Your breath. You have a nice rest, sir. That will stop that will start your day in a very different way. Right that don't do that.

Michelle Ricketts:

Yes. My my morning routine, I'm a morning workout fitness person. So I literally get out, get get up, get into my clothes and go out the door. I brush my teeth in there too. But that's my morning routine. And I do it I say religiously, even when people some people Oh, can you meet at 9am what have you? I say no, because I'm doing I go to my class. And when I'm going to the gym, I'm some flexible because that's my timing. But I do a lot of things that are classes, I do boxing, yoga, workout classes, those are the set time I can't change that time. So for me, it's like no, I'm sorry, I can't meet I can meet you and another time and I work it that way and I'm very religious about that because A lot of times, individuals will say we'll give up their need or something they should do for their self care to say okay, no, I'll change it this time. Oh, no, no, I'm not saying I'm totally inflexible this morning for Bata Palooza, I did change my schedule, we started at 8am. But most days, five or six days a week, that's my religion. And I do stick to that. And you need to stick to things that are self care. And either that or move it around that you still do it, you don't just remove it, because that is important

Monica Ramirez:

For you. Because we're all different. Yes, coming from Australia, and sometimes it's at two o'clock in the morning. Wake me up at eight o'clock in the morning to give a session I can do it is apparently already took my daughter to school. And that's it. But I come back and continuously different.

Michelle Ricketts:

So Australia and Europe, yes, those are where I have times where I booked those because the the different time zones. And because I'm working with clients online, globally, you do have to have flexibility with time zones. And we do that definitely. So that's why

Monica Ramirez:

I don't not work in the mornings because of that reason, because I need that. For me to sleep. Yeah, everybody's different. There are people there morning persons and your people that are night owls. Yes, yeah, understanding how you work better. That's also it is it works better in your business, and you will have more energy.

Michelle Ricketts:

Now that's the same with everything. Yes, in your business and your life, you have to understand what works for you. So for like, even down to sleep, everybody, we sleep differently, right your your how you have your deep sleep, your restful sleep, your REM sleep, they're all different for different people. So I just say make sure when you wake up, if you feel rested, you know you've had enough sleep for you. versus what you know, six, eight hours, whatever. somebody's telling you just listen again, listen to your body. And then being able to do I'm a little bit morning and night out. So I'm a little bit of both on the weekend. I'm more of a night owl, my brother, as you'll say never do meeting in the morning. He's not no university get up at 6am is what he said to me the other day. Yeah, yeah. So but you it is important to do what works for you. And that in that way, that's where success comes. And

Monica Ramirez:

in the business side, how do you work with people

Michelle Ricketts:

in from the where, or the different aspects that I'm going through the different aspects that you work with? So looking I do look at the first part is what's the foundation of their business? And what are the systems and processes they have in place to enable them to be able to delegate and have others involved? So that's where we start? And then also, what are they doing with their scheduling their time blocking all of that? So because once you have those foundational pieces set up, then you can start to build on there. And then we look at what are they doing with respect to their intellectual property? So what can make them you know, money while they sleep? Or having recurring revenue? Is it a product or service, of course, and we look at what IP landing pages Call to Action talking points, what do they have on that, and we will help them get some of that put together. So they have content, videos, graphics, all of that and social media. And that's where my my brother comes in to his side of the business. And that's where that area of expertise comes from.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so, so important. And I'm glad that you're doing that, because that's what we all needed entrepreneurs, we need that. Yes. And her information is going to be down in this video. So everybody can get a hold on Michelle, because believe me, yes, you can do probably everything by yourself, but you're gonna get sick. You need time for yourself, you need to time to do your inner work, and you're doing everything by yourself, you're not doing those two things. You're not taking care of yourself on reality, not even your business. So that's why we need people like Michelle. And like many people like here, get your team together, maybe she can help you to get a team. Because we need me we all need that. We are not Superman, we know that. We're still humans living our human experience.

Michelle Ricketts:

Very true, very true. It's been so wonderful to be here and today. And I will have a couple of gifts for your audience as well. My business scorecard I'll provide a link to that and then many health and nutrition guide which would give them a little bit of guidance around that. And depending on the timing, we might also have a masterclass to invite them to where my brother and I will be going through some of the things that we've talked about today. So we'll look at all of that.

Monica Ramirez:

Then exactly gonna be in the description down below. So can you get a hold on Michelle? Because hey, we all need that. We all need that. Don't think that you're so Superman or Superwoman? We are not in that way.

Michelle Ricketts:

Perfect. Perfect. Thank you so much, Monica. I so appreciate chatting with you today. It's been wonderful. Yes,

Monica Ramirez:

me too. Bye bye