Episode 130

The Soul Talk Episode 130: How to use the Language of Light for a better understanding of your personal gifts

The Soul Talk Episode #130: How to use the Language of Light for a better understanding of your personal gifts

In this episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Riya Loveguard discuss their careers as coaches and energy workers. They discuss compassion, money, divinity, self-development, and multidimensional energy.

They also predict the significant change we will experience as the human race in the following years because the new generations are awakening early to spiritual concerns.

Riya Loveguard is a Spiritual Catalyst, Starseed Activator & Light Language Expert, and a Business Coach for heart-centered entrepreneurs.

Riya is also a leading global expert on cutting-edge Sound Technology, the Language of Light. Riya uses a vast repertoire of Galactic and Terrestrial Languages with great precision to activate supernatural abilities in Starseeds, Earthseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, Creatives, and Conscious Entrepreneurs.

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Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the soul talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls while in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make you vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hi, everyone. Thank you for being again in Soul Talk. My name is Monica Ramirez the warrior of love. And today, we have a very special person. Her name is Riya Loveguard, and she is a spiritual catalyst, starseed activator, and light language expert and business coach for the heart center entrepreneurs right now. Our community is growing and growing and growing. And hopefully this goes worldwide actually. Because we can change the world. And, Riya, thank you so much for accepting my invitation for Soul Talk, I really, really appreciate your presence here with us.

Riya Loveguard 1:10

My pleasure to be here. Thank you so much for the invite.

Monica Ramirez 1:15

I got to do, you can tell us a little bit more about yourself. Because I felt a while back that it is better to actually ask this question to the people can say more than even reading the whole biography that even yours was not so extensive, sometimes I've received Best Sellers for biography.

It is yours this very profound and deeply, but I prefer to to say what to do to how you got to this point.

Riya Loveguard 1:43

Yeah, so what I do, and what is my mission here on this planet is activating Starseeds and Lightworkers.

Starseeds, they don't fit quite in here and they don't feel them, then they don't feel comfortable. They don't know how to translate the abilities and gifts into this dimension into business education, into life or fulfillment. And there is this big gap, then there is this, you know, 3D skills and 5D skills and people don't know how to merge it all together. And I'm a firm believer that we need both in order to build new humanity.

Monica Ramirez 3:22

I do agree there's a lot of distortions about... more with a Latino, Latino community about how to even charge for your service. And I hear that all the time being myself from Mexico. When I started charging in the people are like: "why you're charging? You're a good, good healer or coach or whatever, you should not charge this should be donation."

Riya Loveguard 3:49

Yeah, this is the impact of the religious grid, there is a few different grid and very conflicting. So when I say grid, I mean like energetic body of collective consciousness. And obviously you coming from Mexico, which is a Catholic country, I come from Poland, which is also a Catholic country.

And it's not just Catholic religion, because it is all the religions really had a grip on spirituality. And what was happening was obviously, yes, you weren't supposed to charge for your gifts. However, this is just one of many, many influences, and it comes from this. Sometimes there's also things like vows of poverty from past life when we were maybe nuns, monks, priests, and and it also is in probably in Buddhist religion and other religions. There's the same notions of anything material is not as ascended as anything spiritual, this sacrament profound them and

I feel we're shifting, we're shifting into this different age where we can enjoy this planet, we can enjoy the material resources. But also we don't have to be attached because mold is on the other side of the spectrum. It's like the polar opposite of this religions regret is the personal brand influence and coaching grid would also impact lots of light workers. And these grids dictate something totally opposite to the religious grid. So was religious grid says, don't charge for your gifts, because it's in you can't be spiritual unless you charge money. The other ones, create a high ticket offer charge a lot of money, you know, like, be show off your lifestyle, show how much money you've got, and I feel like a lot of lightworkers are torn apart between these influences. And they like, Where do I stand? Do I stand here? Do I stand there? Do I stand nowhere? Do I charge how much I charge? What do I do? So I help with all of that.

Monica Ramirez 6:03

But going even with Catholicism... Yes, they may say don't charge and things like that. Those are the those are the ones that charge more. But one of the riches churches in the world is actually the Catholics

Riya Loveguard 6:17

Very well on the donations, right? They did very well.

Monica Ramirez 6:22

And if our customs comes from there,it is really putting us down because we're now observing the greatest picture, what are they are really leaving is one of the biggest ones, even though they hide what do they have?

And the same applies, also, there's a lot of distortions in that. Because yes, your I agree with you there you have the other coaches or healers. They're charging a lot of money for any other workshops, $20,000, $30,000, etc, for two months, or something like that, where $1,000 per hour for one therapy session.

Riya Loveguard 6:59

Yeah, that happens as well. And I think that puts a lot of pressure on many lightworkers, starseeds people who are spiritual practitioners, where they just confused, Where do I stand?

And my idea is that when it comes to our prices, how what do we charge, if we look at other people, we really, really put ourselves in a, in a precarious position, because we either take the limitations on, if people don't quite believe that we're, if they charge very little, then we take the limits on when we copying the prices. But then the other side of the spectrum is that we can take the grandiose ideas, it's like I'm not going to come out of bed, and I'm not going to grace you with my presence, unless you pay me $10,000. And I feel like I was so nice, it knows exactly what we suppose to charge. And same with different offers products services we create, they all have some kind of energy signature, and some kind of value. And that value is also in the quantum field and I channeled all my prices with my highest self, I just kind of feel into what should it be, and I don't want to look at you know, sometimes will give me something that I'm maybe a little bit uncomfortable and stretchy, maybe it's more than I normally would charge and sometimes it goes the other way around when when it's urging me to do something very cheap, or even give it for free. So I haven't got any preconceived ideas, I really trust and I encourage everybody to do that. It's just like, don't look at what others are charging, look at what your soul wants to charge.

Monica Ramirez 8:46

And also it has to go with a compassion because that put us to the point that we can lose our compassion for each other, our empathy for others, because let's say we're charging is an example guys $500 for a session and, and someone cannot afford it and he really needs to in that moment they're depressed or they cannot get up from bed. And obviously they cannot go and look for a job, etc, etc. And you're charging them $500 So they can get up from bed and actually look apply for a job and pick up her life and pieces. Like how we're asking that much for that person. And is where is the compassion is coming from one of our qualification for that is being empaths we can feel exactly where the person is at. So say to give it for free. But it should not apply for everybody that price.

Riya Loveguard 9:48

I think there's a lot of ways we can resolve it and there is definitely a lot of arguments on both sides. And I think that compassion is one thing and on all this is super important point that you bringing about that, yes, you have to be compassionate. But at the same time, this also that needs to be balanced with this, holding our clients and potential clients to the highest timeline possible and believing that they are worth it. And they can afford because one of the most limiting, most limiting most damaging affirmations or other negative affirmation that people repeat to themselves, I cannot afford. And I've heard that many times I can't afford, I try to avoid saying that as much as possible. There is many solutions, there are some businesses that have a sliding scale, there are some businesses that may be offered a lot of free resources. I don't have a sliding scale for for my my services, but I love offering a lot of free resources and putting them out there. You can have a scholarship actually just before this morning, I was I was writing an application question because I'm, I'm just about to teach and energetics of business program that program has been a year in the making is my baby, I'm want to put the offer out to the world. But before I even open the enrollment for people to pay, I want to first address people who maybe won the scholarship. And I'm actually going to put it out there. I've got a list of question we're going to feel energetically it's not going to be just means tested. It's going to be tested on many different ways. Because there is also something that we forget about when you say about compassion is one thing or not, you know, not reinforcing that victimhood mentality. But also there is a lot of inequality systemic inequality in the world.

Monica Ramirez:

We're not going to deny that there are people that loves to go to freebies and freebies and freebies and freebies, because they don't want they don't think they deserve it. Or they like freebies, they spend in themselves or invest in themselves. So they're never gonna get out from that cycle mentality. And today, we serve it and we can change it. So, and it's not about valuing too much ourselves one things that we can do scholarships once in a while. But that doesn't mean that we're going to give a scholarship for six months program, or something like that, that is abusing ourselves and not having compassion for us, too.

Riya Loveguard:

I will actually do it, I will say that I am going to give a scholarship for a six month program, I feel it was guidance from my highest self, I'm going to give one full scholarship and a couple of partial scholarships. And you know why? One of the reasons is that yes, I do believe in people self empowerment, but I also know that there is still a systemic inequality and oppression because I, I come from Eastern Europe, and for many, many years, when we were still under communism, whenever we were going to western country. I was comparing and counting. And I could you know, like things that were no more for when my family went, I don't know, a trip to Italy, and we were lucky enough to afford trips I that was like I was looking at people being able to buy a pizza and go to a restaurant and I was calculating and I was like, Wow, if I go back to Poland, that will be my weekly shop for that one pizza, that and there are still places like that. And I sometimes receive emails from people from you know, places where the currency is very weak. So I want to give that avenue but I will also very, very carefully energetically consider who I'm giving it to, I'm just like, gonna do this experiment. I've had this so called I'm gonna I'm gonna try it. And this is just one of the ways where we how we can become more inclusive is not an obligation is not an idea for everybody. But I feel like with this charging, not charging, giving stuff for free charging a premium, it's always very individual journey and also very, very important for us not to judge anybody else. Just the fact that someone is charging $20,000 for a program. That is the value that they price on the time and energy who's to say because maybe that $20,000 program will give someone a transformation that is completely priceless like no shift some generational trauma and and make them tons more money fun happiness, bring the soulmate into the life whatever I don't know. I don't know what program we're talking about just like

Monica Ramirez:

At the same time it is about stretching ourselves for whatever we are getting out of our comfortable zone and that that's what I have seen the change many times it doesn't have to do about money it has to do with your time you. Because to do something that you have to do for your own self, when you stretch yourself, or your beliefs or whatever limitation you're at, that's what we can create a change.

Riya Loveguard:

You made a very important point about saying that someone has to feel like they deserve at first, like, you know, they are worthy and deserving of not just free stuff that are worthy and deserving of whatever the soul needs for growth. And that is on the opposite spectrum of that I can't afford affirmation, which we very often say to ourselves, I mean, I stopped saying that many years ago, but I actually say some something else is that my soul will lead me and provide resources to whatever I need for my growth and evolution and expansion, be it in personal life and spiritual life or in business. If something is meant to be, it will happen. And it happened many times. You know, so I encourage any listener, anybody watching to try that? It's like, I believe that my soul will provide me with all the resources, and I'm also willing to put my energy behind it. So if I really want something, I get it.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes. Because it is so true that it is ingrained in all human beings, that we're not worthy, or we don't deserve good things, or you're always asking too much. And and I believe that has to do with that part of the proclamations that we're talking about, about religions, about the worthiness, how do you there talk to directly to source or God, whatever name, the universe, whatever name you want to put it, when he has to go to the priest or the Minister, that they've been doing this for years. And they started this and whatever, when, like sources ask for degrees, or things like that. But it comes with our worthiness, how much we deserve to we deserve to being living, actually the life that we actually really want. Or, or we just accept the little breadcrumbs that it comes in our way?

Riya Loveguard:

That's a very good point. Yeah, I feel like that desert fitness definitely is connected. I was actually reflecting on it this morning, because over the last weekend, I had a very strong connection with the Divine Mother with Gaia and the divine feminine energy. And I felt this beautiful, overwhelming sense of unconditional love and acceptance and acceptance with all of my flaws and the vision, the picture I've been shown was that one of you know, when nature, there was a lot of decay, in the jungle or in the ground, in the soil, things are dying, things are rotten, but that becomes a seed for beautiful new things to grow. And that's the way of the Divine Mother. She the feminine divine force, and that holds us all and has that unconditional love and understanding that even things that are not so perfect our past mistakes, our things that we're maybe we're ashamed of maybe parts of ourselves that are so unloved. Everything is embraced by the Divine Mother because that's the mother's unconditional love. Yet what most of the patriarchal religions, or the Abrahamic religions have taught us is that God was the Divine Father and Father's love. Well, kind of on the surface is unconditional. But no, it's not quite because this commandment that requirements and of course, that makes us better people we keep trying, etcetera. But also it can breathe that sense of undeserved vividness. I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough, because I'm not measuring up. I'm not quite perfect. I think that that feminine energy and the divine mother's energy is the beautiful remedy for this conditional love. So I had something that I wanted to share.

Monica Ramirez:

There is a lot of programming about about the energy of the Father and the energy of the mother. Well, you should feel or or be. And that's, that's where it comes a lot of the distortions where the mother yes she can be forgiving, but how much we're gonna kick the mothers until the mother react? Or the father is always judgmental and telling you what to do, and is not forgiving and so forth. He's going to judge you. And that's why people is like, oh, and I don't want to go to hell or to heaven, I want to go to heaven and things like that. But those are programs and distortion. So the reality that they are, how they can be always forgiving and what we judge ourselves is ourselves. He is not judging us, and that's where it comes a lot of distortions and what We believe what we deserve. And that's where we, that's where is the problem with a majority of the human beings that they don't feel they deserve? Enough? How do you work with, with amazing beings about that part that I have been working with myself with myself and with my clients about because their grades, like, didn't counter one level? There is another level. And there's always another level, how do you work with those levels? In believing that you deserve there your whole that you're complete?

Riya Loveguard:

I feel like you say it's, it comes in layers. And, and it is all about, like you said, programming and different programs. And I feel like this is where our work, the energy work comes to play. Because positive mentality and telling people yes, you can do great and have a good mindset that this doesn't cut it that doesn't cut through all these deep layers of programming, my personal method is always go to the very root of where that came from, how did that program originate? And we have mentioned many collective programs stemming from religious, cultural and other influences. But what in my experience brings massive shifts is when we start working with our ancestral patterns, because that's kind of really close to us. So there will be certain limitations of undeserved witness scarcity. Sometimes heartbreak are very, very specific blocks, very specific limitations, that stem from certain energetically charged events that happened maybe two, three generations, or maybe one generations before. And of course, there's also things from our own life from this lifetime from our formative years, not even always childhood, sometimes it's things that happen to us as adults, as you know, maybe in our relationship, maybe now work or career. So there are many layers, but one of the things that is very often ignored is the ancestral patterns. And I find that a lot of modern psychology and therapy helps to the layer of the childhood in our life, but ignores very often those who came before us and who do have impact on us. Because whenever I work with clients, I see or rather I hear, because I'm more like, all do. So I hear in words, when they talk about certain things that energetic patterns pop up, and I can, I can hear those limitations. And they very, very often stem from the ancestry. Of course, there's also stuff that comes from past lives. But I feel like relearning how to see repeating patterns and how to release and heal, not break, release and heal those patterns from our family line is a skill that anybody can muster. Because to be able to see your past life, it requires a certain level of consciousness skills and, and training. And yes, it's accessible to everyone. But it's not that simple. But anybody can start understanding the family history, anybody can start analyzing with their conscious mind working with their ancestors and seeing Okay, let's say there is a pattern that three generations of men in my family die prematurely. Why is that happened? Or there is a pattern that all the women feel underappreciated? Whatever it is, you need to be very specific. Okay, what it is, and then have a look did that stuck with me? Did it actually have I always been like that, because if I have always been like that, then it's probably something that goes a bit deeper. So let me just have a look. Okay. Was my mum like that was my dad like that? Maybe there was something in my grandparents life that actually originated and that is one of the most powerful and simple and accessible tools that we have in our arsenal as lightworkers and I love working with ancestral line.

Monica Ramirez:

And not only that, even if you're a coach or healer or something that we always have blind spots. We're always going to find blind spots in us that we were not observing because we're observing the whole picture. You're in another sight, but we're not seeing what is behind us, that is influencing us. So we always need people that it was going to help us to see our blind spots. Even though you're working with yourself constantly, we always have those blind spots.

Riya Loveguard:

Yeah, it's always good to bounce ideas, whether it's with a professional that you pay, or whether it's with a good friend who's maybe on the same growth and development trajectory, or maybe your spouse or partner. For me, you know, I actually have one good friend that we, whenever we come to this kind of like a point of Where's that coming from, we just start talking. And then the energetic pattern sometimes revealed in conversation, like you say, because sometimes when we do an introspection, we, we swimming in our own source, but once and I think that our energy fields very often speak, when there is an exchange of energy, where maybe something has been kept and the cloth has been kept, is actually expressed, and then it gets a chance to be noticed and rectify change.

Monica Ramirez:

The thing is, we have been we constantly working with ourselves, sometimes we're gonna encounter something that is why do I attract the situation or person or whatever it is? And we forget to ask ourselves more often that question, because everything that we experience is where a recent that has come to teacher. So it is may be nice, we might not be nice. This is very, we don't ask those important questions. That's where we can bounce ourselves those ideas or knowing where is our blind spots, our

Riya Loveguard:

Yeah, introspection, I think is one of the most underestimated but one of the most powerful techniques in the spiritual developments actually sit down and look, look deeper. And ask yourself why maybe three times not just one thing go deeper and deeper and deeper. Journal journal is very good. If you haven't got anybody you can verbally bounce your ideas of to see those blind spots. A journal pen and paper can act like a mirror, because did I just say that? Did I just write that? You see it black and white.

Monica Ramirez:

And you can focus your thoughts when you're writing. Because when you're thinking is like, Okay, why this happened, and then Oh, I haven't cook, or I haven't done this piece of content, or I haven't done this, or I haven't done that. And the idea, whatever you were asking for is gone in the all the busyness that we create in our lives. But when you're journaling, you can focus your thoughts in what you are writing, instead of going into all the things that you have to do later on, or you have not done yet, or whatever it is. Yeah, and

Riya Loveguard:

Not just that. But you know, for example, meditating so many people's how I can't meditate, know how to meditate, I fall asleep on meditating. And there's always lots of excuses when people can find that. No, I'm not meditating. Good enough. I can't meditate. I mean, this is all excuses. I believe any particular meditate, but it is not something we naturally do meditation. But whereas writing and this is simple, anybody can do it, like any kind of person can just put pen to paper, it's something we learn when we like, you know, six, seven years old. So anybody can do it. So if you add a point, it's like, you know, trying to go deeper inside in a meditation if you're struggling with it, and just keep bashing yourself because you know, meditation doesn't get you where you want to go. By writing, try to spending 10 minutes yes in silence, maybe even put some quiet music, just write things down, pour it up, express it, and maybe that will be the breakthrough you're looking for.

Monica Ramirez:

I was hearing you early today that you did a real ultralight language. And that was beautiful. And but I noticed in there that you were having different languages. I felt so many Mauryans in there, heard some Syrian sublayer this they were from different different races, the different light language with who you connect more or what is your main guides?

Riya Loveguard:

So my guides are like, you know, I know you're from Mexico. So you relate to it. It's like having a really big family with many aunties and uncles and, and everybody wants to invite you for Sunday lunch is never enough time to do it justice. So this is a little bit like that. I've got about 12 Different galactic races that I have access to including Atlanta. I mean, Atlanteans and Lemurians are terrestrial in Earth civilization. So these two, when it comes to galactic is Arcturians, Lyran Avians and feline Syrians Pleiadians, Orion, Dragons, and Ramadan's and a couple of others. However, I do have my favorites, the ones that I feel the most affinity with. So I've got access to all of these frequencies, and they've all very distinct so I use them for different reasons. I take them whenever I need them and apply them to what is actually needed. But it's also in my own personal development. I go through stages. So when I first awakened my most recent galactic lifetime was as an Acturian. So Arcturians were who came to me first, and they were first my guides. Later on, they taught me and my husband, all the basics, and they said "Look, guys, if you want to be more rounded, you go and meet other races, like go meet your extended family, we don't you we're not the only ones here, go meet the Syrians go meet the Pleiadians." And every time we went and meet others, new light language activated in me. That's how I've got so many. That's how I know what I'm channeling. But I do have my favorites. And I very often work with both Lyran races or felines and Avians. Lyran and Avians are not as famous. I live in felines was a very subtle, very beautiful frequency frequency freedom. So I have worked with both, both of Lyran light races. Obviously, I work a lot with Arcturians. Because that's like my bread and butter has my soul family, I always have that connection. And then there's some others that perhaps I'm not as close with, like, for example, I love and drama dance, but I haven't got that affinity same would arise I haven't got that affinity where Syrians are like really close to me. So most often I work with Lyran, Syrian, an Acturian energy, often we work with Pleiadians as well. But it's just a matter of what is needed, you know, because certain frequencies have certain characteristics. And for example, Dragon frequency is super powerful, but sometimes it can be a bit intimidating, a little bit too aggressive. And someone may need quite the opposite, which is like the Lemurian frequency, which is really calm and really kind of comforting, and yeah.

Yes, I do agree with that. I do light languages. Yes, I can feel it even within be and, but I as at the same time as channeler light language speaker in a way, or channeler, lets put it like that sounds better than the speaker. It is, what are the people are meeting in that moment. And but something that you always encounter this question is, What are you're talking about? I do not understand it, because people forgot. They put everything in the head and not by their emotions. So when they're hearing the like language, you will have to understand the words like human language. And it doesn't work like that. Can you explain a little bit? For the viewers?

Yes, absolutely. So first of all, put it out there you can understand like language, but not in the same way, at least not at this stage of our spiritual development as a human language. So first of all, when people ask me actually, someone asked me this morning, how did understanding come to me they didn't kind of was activated and understanding and no, I wasn't, it actually came with me putting myself out there and serving what I'd like language. So when I was just on my own, and I had my first light language activated over 15 years ago, so that was a long time ago, and there was no resources. Nobody was teaching that. And I didn't know what to do at it. So I was just using to pray to maybe raise my vibration when I was feeling nervous. But I didn't know what to do with it. And nobody told me that I can actually understand so when I was just speaking about speaking the language. I didn't know I was walking or doing some housework or in the shower or hoovering. Nothing was coming through because I wasn't engaging with it. And this read this language didn't have a reason to float that didn't have an intention. But what I've noticed as soon as I started serving, by using this language understanding became clearer and clearer and louder and louder because it was it had a purpose that I'm which had a purpose it was there to activate, to help to soothe to heal, whatever. And now, that's that's one thing. So from my experience, understanding comes more and more when you actually using this language, not just for your own benefit, but also for the benefit of your community, your clients, etc. So that's one thing. But then, with that being said, understanding comes like you say, it doesn't come just from the head, it comes from all of you, you understand it with all of your senses, and you understand it multi dimensionally. So you understand it through your heart, you understand it through your body, you can maybe get even imagery if your visual. And also very often, there is many layers to one transmission. So one person receives is not exactly what another person receives is like multi dimensional. However, however, that being said, I do believe that we will be moving to the age of more precision, where we can understand more word for word, and I've already seen glimpses of it, I activate other people in speaking light languages, and I help them do it with more precision, with more understanding, and I hope practice session like for understanding like languages for my students, and many, many times during our groups like practice groups. I would be channeling something, and they will be interpreting and they will be given me answers. And so many times, very precise answers came on the chat would win well beyond something like we come in love and light and greetings or something like that. No, they were like, precise images of someone climbing a tree. That was once I tunneled Andromeda and there was a story. I remember channeling Atlantis and Lemuria was a story of the civilizations rise and fall. And my students translated it perfectly well, they knew exactly what I'm talking about, beyond just the general stuff. I remember once channeling Lemuria, and they were showing me actually surfing surfboard, they will show me the waves and surfing and my, my, my students decipher that and they say, Okay, you talking about a surfboard now and I was like, yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a surfboard. So I feel like we do have a potential to understand light language with more and more detail and precision. And I feel like we're growing as a collective because years ago, it was just this mystical tool, maybe something to sprinkle into the guided meditation, but the more it becomes normal and accepted, and the more we get from it, I feel

Monica Ramirez:

Where do you think the human race is gonna be? I feel there is big movement right now happening with the veils, thinning more and more and more. And, and the frequencies that are coming right now from the sun and so forth. The coats of the light codes are coming, that I I feel that there is going to be a big change in 10 years. Where do you see us in 10 years as human race as a collective as human race?

Riya Loveguard:

We are definitely moving into the age of spirituality. And there is many different reasons for it. So like you said, veils getting thinner. Children are born with multi dimensional memories, there is so many instances now of let's say children speaking light languages, and parents accepting it. I mean, there were children speaking light languages 10 years ago, and 20 years ago, but then the parents would tell them, Oh, you're just talking gibberish. Don't be stupid. And I've got lots of, you know, clients and student like that, who re-remember it. But today, there are so many instances when I hear about parents talking about the children or grandparents talking about their grandchildren who say, I remember electing our family from a spacecraft. I remember, you know, I saw you mommy or granny or whatever. So these kind of things are happening when it comes to that, like the veil getting thinner. And I feel like the new generation, the younger and younger people are waking up earlier and earlier, and then becoming more and more talented. And this is the thing, there was so many, you know, people who have been spiritually awakened back in the 70s and 80s and 90s. And it took them sometimes years, or even decades to attain the same level of knowledge and understanding that now teenagers and youngsters are born with and I think we need to understand both groups roles that you know, the early and the goals and they hadn't hard but they paved the way without their contribution back 2030 years ago, we wouldn't be where we are today. And we won't be where we would be in 10 In years time, so how I see it is I see a great acceleration, with greater quantum access with greater access to different abilities that we considered supernatural. There is also another reason for it, which is, I am a student and follower of Chinese metaphysics and astrology. So I'm not very, I don't understand much about Western astrology, because I've always focused on the Eastern Astrology. But we are moving in 2024. And, in fact, we started around the solstice in 2020, there was that great conjunction of Jupiter, and Saturn. And we started, there was a massive shift, I remember very clearly, and there was a massive, massive shift. When new energy new plasma and new frequency started coming in. And we move into what Chinese astrologers have labeled as period nine, they've divided like time into the cyclical periods. And the last 20 is period eight, which was like age of technology and stuff like that. Now moving to period nine, which will be the next 20 years will be very much focused on the immaterial focus on the Fiero focus on the energy. And this is great news for all of our Lightworkers because there will be mass and mass awakening, and the kind of services the kind of businesses that we have, actually businesses of the future of the next 20 years. And I know, we sometimes don't think about our practice in terms of business. But what we do what we bring to the world will be extremely sought after, and valued. It won't be woowoo anymore, it won't be weird anymore, this is what people will be looking for. So you know, it will be just as common as it may be already started becoming like that, where you know, 10 years ago, it wasn't it was, you could go to maybe a psychologist or a therapist, but it will be maybe a bit awkward, say I'm going to see a shaman, whereas now it's going to be known as say, I'm going to see a shaman, I'm going to be doing some plant medicine, or I'm taking mushrooms, this will definitely be evolving towards this, this kind of Age of embracing spirituality. But at the same time, I do also see a great divide. It's almost like this bridge, yes, we want to head into unity consciousness, but not everybody will get them in this current incarnation. So I see parallel societies and see people who are becoming open and ascending in a way where they are embracing the spirituality, they're embracing the energy, they starting to treat the metaphysical with the same respect as the physical. But there will be people who will be left behind who will never buy into it, who does die hard in their kind of beliefs. And I think eventually, we all make it there. But there will be a generation that will reject it. But you know, the earth keeps on spinning. There'll be new children born, people pass away, and eventually I think will grasp with us humanity. That's my take on it.

Monica Ramirez:

How I explain this part is like, do you remember the 1900s when the women could not vote or own land or have credit cards or whatever, all these things, and now is the norm. And we see even down below the countries that the women's do not have any rights, or they cannot vote or go to school or things like that. And because that's not normal for us anymore. Well, that is what is going on, I feel what is going to happen for the people that do not believe in all this kind of stuff. And they ended metaphysics, that is actually as real, as the fifth as the as the 3d. We see it wanted to prove everything that is going to be a lot of things are going to be proven.

Riya Loveguard:

Science is is only slowly catching up. It is what will kind of we intuitively know it will maybe we can't explain it in a rational way yet. But I think scientists will start explaining it like you say in a more rational, acceptable way.

Monica Ramirez:

I noticed that you're going to be having a very class class very soon. Do you want to tell us a little bit about your class?


Ah yes, I will be doing a class on energetics of business. So next few months I'll be I'll be really, really concentrating on the energetics of business because I've been shown last year to my great surprise that what I'm doing for staff sees as an activator. What I'm doing with light languages will be only 20% of what I'm actually here to do. And that shocked me because I'm like What I have that's my like I love doing it is this is a, like a membership program where every week we're doing spiritual development classes, and I love all of that. But I've been shown that actually, I need to move to a different state of my mission. So not just waking people up. So they realize their multi dimensionality, so then maybe the memories start coming back. But actually, I'm going to come to a point of equipping them. So they can actually translate all of that into well, a lifestyle business into something that will sustain them. Because I see this massive disconnect now, where there's so many gifted people who, whose souls are slowly dying, when they are out of alignment, they are either running businesses that are out of alignment, or they are in jobs that lifted crushing them inside, because it's not what their passion is. But they don't have courage to step up and do what they actually truly want to do. And this is where I'm concentrating all my effort on I'm going to have a free class on the first of April. And there'll be other free classes that will hold throughout April, and I'll be launching this big six months course called radiants, which will be all about how to do an online business. Because online I think, is where we heading anyway, we've been here. And even if you've got an offline business, and you still need to market yourself online. So I'll be teaching both the energetics and the mechanics because I feel like there is there is something missing very often where people are being taught all the energy, but no strategy are they being taught or the 3d strategy, but no energy. I, I believe in a new paradigm. So this is what I'll be. I'll be kind of teaching over the upcoming months where we are concentrating my effort on teaching people, how do you apply the energy work? How do you apply the energetic principles into business because I am a firm believer that entrepreneurs who are brave souls are going to have a massive impact on this planet, because sometimes they are the innovators, the people who provide solutions, whether it's you know, in just consciousness and education, or whether it's in more physical kind of businesses, and I want to put my energy where my kind of belief is, and I'll be concentrating on doing that for the next few months.

Monica Ramirez:

So hopefully, this podcast comes out for them so that more people find out about it, because I do agree with you. There is a lot of disconnection in between this you have the magic, and it feels great. It's amazing. But now how you can create a reality that it comes up with your own magic.

Riya Loveguard:

Yes, you nailed it. That's exactly it. It's like how do we make this magic into our everyday because everyday can be magical. It doesn't have to be like spirituality is something kept on because it Quiet quiet. Don't tell anybody I'm a starseed. Don't speak right language out loud. Because we have a lot of that where and I and I understand that because it has been not accepted. So years people have been even persecuted and past lives.

Monica Ramirez:

We got burned by that one remember? Hahah Riya, would you like to say something else before we finish? We close out the the interview?

Riya Loveguard:

Yes, I would like to encourage everybody to connect to the heart. Just this is just a message that is coming through. And it's kind of connected to what we spoke about. And if there is this fire, there's low, low spark, that that is getting bigger and bigger, and it cannot be contained anymore. Follow that spark. Because if you've been keeping it under the clash for way too long, and that spark is the spark of your passion of joy of how you want to express yourself in the world. Now, this spark can really warm up the world, we coming into the age of precision and to the age of spirituality. Don't miss the time because your contribution is really needed. We are still ahead of the global awakening curve, but it's coming to the point where we will have so much work and there will be not enough hands to work through all the trauma pain to help people navigate that transition to the new earth. So keep that spark alive. That's my message to you

Monica Ramirez:

Thank you so much that is beautiful. Because that is so true. Thank you for being for accepting the invitation for soul talk. Thank you for for being here. And thank you for all the listeners for being for being here. And it this video actually help you this interview actually help you leave your your likes and your review and share with someone else because this may help someone else too. Thank you so much for everybody for being here in Soul Talk. My name is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love.