Episode 129

The two laws of money and how to change your mind to build wealth

🎧 The Soul Talk Episode 129: The two laws of money and how to change your mind to build wealth 

💰“You don’t need money, money needs you, and it is looking for you.” - Kim Curtis 

🎙️ In this episode, Monica Ramirez and Kim Curtis discuss a tough topic: money. Kim is considered among the world’s foremost experts in building wealth consciousness. She has directly worked with thought leaders, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and countless individuals looking to create an impact and a flourishing, prosperous life. It’s her experience that helps people change the way they think about money and life. 💸

👩‍💼Kim is CEO of Wealth Legacy Institute in Denver, Colorado, and her groundbreaking work in a client-centric planning model is the cornerstone of her firm’s holistic and highly successful approach to integrated wealth management. The Journal of Practical Estate Planning awarded the Planning for LIFE Experience™ the Editor’s Choice.

đź’–Contact Kim

E-mail: kcurtis@wealthlegacyinstitute.com

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlylcurtis 

Instagram: @happinessdoesntretire

Twitter: @KimCurtisLegacy


đź’–Contact Monica

Website: monicaramirezwarrioroflove.com 

FB: warrioroflove11 

IG: @warrioroflove1111 

Book a free Discovery Call:  https://bit.ly/3GLYZa5 

Listen to our podcast here: https://soul-talk-monica-ramirez.captivate.fm/listen



Welcome friends, to the soul talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls, where in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.


Hello, everyone, thank you for being here in Soul talk. This is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. And today we have a very interesting conversation with someone that might change your life. And that's something that we're all looking for that. Her name is Kim Curtis. And just let me just tell you a little bit of who she is. And we're going to ask her more about her. Kim Curtis, she is committed to creating a new paradigm around money, prosperity and abundance. Don't we all want that. Her mission it is to reveal live best keep secrets for mastery in money. So Kim, let us know a little bit more about who you are how you got here? Because I know you've been you have an institute in Colorado about this. So please let us know a little bit more about you.


Yeah, sure. Thank you, Monica, for having me, I appreciate it. I would say that I ended up in wealth management from a quiz. Believe it or not, I actually have a legal background. And my legal background. And my area of expertise was negotiation, mediation and arbitration. And I, they sent me to Salt Lake City, Utah to open up a Salt Lake City office. And I was very intrapreneurial. But I realized I had entrepreneurial skill sets. And as I moved up in the organization, I became more of a spokesperson. So I was not doing settlement conferences, or mediations. And so I had someone in human resources that had access to all of those quizzes and assessments. And they put me through a battery of tests and finance came out as something that I would be good at. And believe it or not, with a legal background negotiation, and mediation skills come in very handy with couples around money. So that's how I ended up in wealth management. And well, actually, I'll yeah, I'll just leave it at that and see where it takes us.


Wow. It is, I can see the two parts and more when we're talking about the divorcees that they're fighting about the money and things like that is completely interlegal with with the legal part: money. And and that's where the scarcity comes in from a lot of people. That's why first of all, that's why there was the lawyers


In this scarce set mind, and how they're gonna survive, because that survival mode.


Monica, I the scarcity mindset is so prevalent, at least in the United States, I think around the world, but primarily culturally in the US as well, even though other countries may not feel that way. As it relates to when they look at the United States, I would have to say that it's amazing that I'm in wealth management, if you knew my background, and I'll share that story if it's okay, please. So when I was 14, my mom got divorced, and she had full custody of three teenage girls. And so she had no employable skills, and applied for and received government assisted lunches. So I would have to take this little red ticket, it actually looks, it looked exactly like one of those lottery tickets, like a raffle ticket that you see today, those little red raffle tickets that you pay money for it. So that's the what the ticket look like. And I would have to hand that to the cashier at lunch. And it was everyone knew what your financial status was. I had immense shame around that ticket. And I would go to the furthest cafeteria line. And as soon as I grabbed my plate and put it on my tray, I would get in my pocket and pull out that little ticket, put it under my plate, and go down the line with my tray. And I'd look behind me right before I had to ask, give that ticket to the cashier to make sure none of my friends were nearby. And I would quickly give that ticket to the cashier. And if you think of five days a week, every day, that reinforcement of shame and not enough and that other people had money, not me. But my mom had something that was very important, and that was to make sure that her daughters went to school and get their education because no one could take that away from you. Kind of what happened to her. She my father got drafted in the war she married early to so his draft went up and at the expense of her education.


And so I went to college, and then went to law school. And at six months after graduating from law school, I defaulted on my school loans. I had no business understanding anything about money, I was completely unconscious to money. And and today's dollars, it was about $92,000 in debt.


w, in that, how was this time:


That's very, very true. And that value equation is definitely in question right now. But something happened, that actually was a lifesaver for me. And I had an anonymous donor, pay $1,000 on my school loan debt, nothing about to me $1,000. Back then it was like a million dollars. It was like, wow, who would do this. And the point is, I like to say that how you do money is how you do life. So Monica, if your head is in the sand on money, it's in the sand on other areas of your life. And so my head was in the sand, the fact that I even opened up the bank statement,


to see that someone paid $1,000, in itself was remarkable. And it was it was, it was so incredibly, it was like almost an instant, it was almost like a snap that at that, from that point forward, something changed in me. And because the gift was anonymous, I couldn't ask like, what do you want for me? Or why me? What do you see in me, I had to ask those questions to myself. And so like, who am I? Who do I want to be? Am I worthy. And when I decided, you know, who do I want to be? It was that's where the snap happened. And it was a journey, of course from that point forward. But I think it was at that point that I actually was conscious, took my head out of the sand and recognized that I was responsible for the outcomes in my life. And so if I'm responsible for the outcomes, what choices do I have to make differently. And so that's kind of what happened is I recognize that, wow, I can't blame the school, I can't blame my mom, I can't blame my dad. I can't blame the economy, I have to take ownership.


And I think it was a journey after that, as I said earlier, but it was from that point forward that I actually felt responsible for the outcomes in my life, and therefore my choices were different. And we've always talked about to start this conversation started with scarcity. And I think that was the flip the flip was I never went back to that place again, in terms of woe is me about that story. I wish I had others to unpack from that point on. But that story was gone. It never came back to me it was truly, who do I want to become? How do I want to change this around money? And what am I going to do different?


And okay, so here we are a CEO of a wealth man, multimillion dollar wealth management firm that's highly successful. And to know that, that's where I came from. So if I can do it, listeners, and viewers out there, please believe that and we'll talk more about how we can do that. But please know, it's possible to all of us. If money success, abundance as possible for all of us,


there is a lot of blockage. I am an LP. And so we work with changing the mindset, and all the programs that we have about money and about scarcity. And I'm not saying that while I am millionaire, because I'm not


because I'm still working on on that mindset, that there are programs or programs or programs or programs that you're worthy or you're that you deserve it or how you're going to survive the next month or Secretariat and stabilize that and something that it brought my attention when I was reading your your bio, you mentioned in there that they were to loss


money. And they were like oh like to ask about this? Because I have not heard about that before. Yeah, and it actually Monica goes deeper than that. So a lot of us think you know, we need money. We need money. No, it's quite the opposite. Money needs you


And money is looking for you.


And really like, sit with that, like, let that land money is looking for you to complete paradigm shift. And when you understand that, and I'll get deeper by a story I grew up outside of I grew up outside of Buffalo, New York, and buffalo straddles the Canadian border in New York State.


And right there is the vast Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is stunningly beautiful. But that falls back in the day provided the streetcars in Buffalo. And ultimately, the lights in New York City, from the power plants that lined its banks. The falls had no power until the power plants were there to give it its power. Money is similar, it has no power. It only has the power of what we give it through our ideas to become of use to the world. Money has no value at all. It's we created it, it has no meaning. It's only the meaning we give it.


So if you understand that money needs you, and it's looking for you, and it's looking for your ideas and your creativity and your vision and your imagination, to turn it into something to become of use to the world, then you are magnetic enough for money to find you.


Okay, that means that basically they understand that money it is it's a concept of the human in the Trinity. That is not actually who we are. And it is not your worth. It is worth it is very different, that it is printed money that when Bill dollar bills.


But well, I think that when I had that gift I had I was unworthy. And that gift created, I had to think about it did I respect myself and I realized that I didn't. And that self respect, self love was the start of magnetizing, ourselves to money. But that segues into your question, which is the two laws of money.


And the two laws of money there are two laws. And the first is the human made law.


And the human made law, the frequency is it harnesses so it's step by step. It's linear, it's external. It's goal setting, to get to what you want. And that's what I do in wealth management every day.


So that's the human made laws of money. And you know, you have a tangible goal at the end. The second law of money is the natural money laws. And they're inside of all of us from the very, very beginning. And the natural money laws bring us joy and creativity and abundance and aliveness. And some of those natural money laws are, which is what I shared earlier. In my story giving and receiving and flow. When money ebbs, it's we we focus on ourselves like during the pandemic, you did NLP classes, how many other people did something so that when it came back, they actually grew and went beyond in their business. So during ABS allows us the pause just like nature, just like going to bed at night, and allows us to then have the energy for that next step. Some other natural money laws are causing effect, supply and demand, intention and desire, or even mercy and justice. All of those are natural money laws. So the human laws of money, harness you to the goals, but it's really hard to find your passion, natural money laws magnetize you can have money success with one without the other. But together both in harmony provides you prosperity, unlimited prosperity. And most of us don't understand that. Yes, because we still live in the scarcity in there's not enough money for the rest of the world. I always think that there's a lot of envy between all the world because they envy the people that have money everywhere you can I hear it I see it all over the brain me Elon Musk, and they hate him because he have a lot of money. Right? It's like it is not his fault. Actually. They keep a brilliant mind that he got critical a lot of money. But that is scarcity and that envy is where it keeps them exactly where they are.


Am I wrong? No, you're absolutely right. I mean, we all have money receptors.


You know, and that's neural science. Just like our bodies we you know, have these little


A receptor is on our bodies to know what it needs, it's the same with money, you may not realize that you have a receptor, but all you have to do is is when you respond to someone that has a great sports car, that's very expensive. I say that because I have a 22 year old son, so he always points out the expensive sports cars to him. That success in his mind, to me, it's who would spend that much money on a depreciating asset, generally speaking. So that's the receptor. Or when you see someone on the street asking for money, do you cross the street and avoid them? Do you look them in the eye? Those are all money receptors. And those receptors trigger whether how you feel about money.


And if you would never it like whether money is evil, that a lot of people think money is evil. And you know, it's like, what are these myths that are out there? And so what was talked about in your, in your childhood? Did you discuss money was money of point of joy? Or was it not even talked about? Because it was, like we said evil? I mean, if money is really not evil, greed is yes. And money only reveals more of who you already are. And so that I notice, and my, my father was born in San Antonio, Texas, in the time of the depression, or the big depression, in the 30s. So like, eight years old, he was working to feed his family. And he was only eight. So even when he grew older, and he had money and heating had issues with money, he was still with a scarcity mindset. So he worked to 85 years old to tell him that you cannot work anymore. And then there was no reason for him to be alive. One week later, he died. I'm sorry to hear that, their mindset about money, and they will he live all his life, in abundance, with a scarcity of money, of losing the money.


So when you remove that die, so many people are in that mindset, and, and more when they were born in the time of the Depression, that there was no food? No, not? And how we've changed that?


Well, first identifying it, which you identified that out for your father, did he know that he had that? Because when we identify what were the conversations, is that your value? Or was it your dad's value that comes through and how you act around money today. So when I think in the nature of my work, we call it Humana graphics humanity on a graph. And it actually comes from the healthcare profession, and they call it a genogram. And allows you to plot history. Graph graphically. Pictorially instead of words on a page, so that any person can pick up the chart and know what your situation is, and they look for patterns. So addiction issues, obesity, diabetes, I took that concept and brought it into estate planning. And the concept is if you if you chart your family tree, you know, as go up as far back as you can to your great grandparents, great, great grandparents, if you're lucky enough to know.


And then down below your children, grandchildren, etc. And so do it as like a family tree. And then once it's plotted, start to ask questions about each generation, like your parents, did they go to college? What was their occupations? What did they do? When did your grandparents or great grandparents emigrate? What was their education level? What was your birth order? who survived? Who was the black sheep? What were the money conversations, and you start to build out and see the values of the families. And it's easier than to identify with the clients that are in front of us that say, if they are tightwads, well, that was a great grandfather during the Depression. And, and is that something of who you are today?


And once you identify it, it's so much easier to assess. No, that's really not who I am today, I'm going to release that. And I'm going to come up with my own identity of what I want around money so that my children have a different response than the one I was exposed to.


And so that identifying and then putting in a new story that works for you and your family, which is what I had to do. I was the you know, unworthy not enough that's rather people certainly not me.


But it's a journey of when, you know, slowly when these things where you recognize the receptor. That's not helpful around abundance or prosperity. What is the story I'm telling myself?


And then say, Do I want it? Is it helping me? Or is it serving me or not serving me, and then make a different decision. And that gets back to when I decided I'm going to be responsible for my outcomes, and not let old patterns dictate my future. Sounds so, so interesting history, I knew, I have not observed that part of just start a new story and just the old story behind, because you gotta replace it with something different that that meets who you are today. Hmm, that is so so interesting. And that makes so much sense. Because your worthiness and so forth, you're carrying it on from past generations. And more. So women, that's something that you were mentioning, we were not taught how to administer money, we were taught, or at least were Mexican, from the root side come from, just look pretty. Look for someone that is going to pay for your bills, and you just have to look pretty and attend him all the time. So you don't have to worry about money.


And that was a huge mistake. Because yes, how can a marriage that you may not wanting to be because they were paying your bills, or you were looking for the next person I saw with many women, that they were looking for the guy that have more money, even if they discussed the guy that they marry him because he had the money. But that exists to this day. Other women, women's relationship with money is complicated. Yes, it's very complicated, because we have cultural societal, you name it socio economic issues that have that we're swimming in that until we recognize it and call it out. We don't even understand that we're in it. I mean, when we think of even the languaging around money,


gross domestic product,


eat, you know, inflation, the debt ceiling, conversation, all of those things are certainly not attractive to you know, women. I mean, it was created money was created by men for global exchange for exchange of goods and services. So if you think about how money was created for the exchange of goods and services, and how it's evolved, and if women showed up in a way that women care about their family, they care about their children's education, they care about taking care of their aging parents,


they care about the success and livelihood of their grandchildren. But when they hear GDP and gross domestic product is not magnetic enough to them, but if they understood the natural money laws that are already inherent in them, and that you could have one without the other, but you start on the natural money laws, which are already giving and receiving, learn to give to yourself, learn to respect yourself, learn to self love yourself, so that you have self worth, then you are no longer invisible to money and money will find you.


But the door to that is self worth. Yeah.


Yes, that makes some sense. Wow. This is a mind blowing conversation that we're having. Yes. Because it is it is a utopia about GDP. Dahlia was like, Okay, this is even if my grandmother was a she was great creating it and bringing


it in round to the next generation to my mother and so forth. Because he was still with a mindset. That man is the one is the one in charge of bringing in money, even divorce and I'm the one the bread ringer money on the house. I am the one that have to create it. There is always a scarcity like, Okay, this month, how we're gonna do the next month, and how we're gonna do that the other month. And there's always that scarcity, but it comes out to there. How much I worth, because it comes with a I am a divorcee. Am I worth it?


e Living United States in the:


It goes from there.


The Korea or purchase a vehicle without our husbands consent. So we're relatively new to the money game. But the fact that if we understood that money is looking for you, not the opposite, so if you continue to say I need money, that is exactly what will happen. You will continue to need money. Yeah.


But if you flip it around and say money is looking if money were looking for me, what ideas do I have for it?


Yeah, ideas are abundant, and many of them are terrible.


While but there are, but there are unlimited. So you come up with more ideas, and eventually one will land and you take a step forward, you need to action, you take a step forward. And when it's ideas, hopefully you'll be more creative and, and more imaginative, to find something that makes a difference for you and your family and you personally and that you're passionate about that gives you joy. I think culturally, we tend to follow money, at least when I think of like recent graduates their first you know, get a job, so they have money, and they end up in a job that they don't like, or that they're not passionate about. I think that if you end up in alignment with who you are, and who your values are, on how you make money, that is kind of the Golden doorway,


for money to find you


is doing what you're doing. And now, you know, with this podcast, is you're completely in alignment with who you are around money, and you're magnetic to it.


So I think that's kind of the we didn't really talk about that. But I ended up in the brokerage industry, when I went into finance. And one day, I decided to read the back, disclose your pages of a client statement. And at the time, it was eight, it was four pages, but it was two to a page. So it was a pages of tiny, tiny, tiny print. And as I read it, a tear, came down my eyes down my cheek. And because it was conflicts of interest, it was all these fees. And I realized, Oh, I'm not a fiduciary to the client, I'm just in sales. And that's what motivated me to create my firm wealth legacy Institute. And that was 16 years ago, to be in alignment with who I was to put clients first, not last. And I have to tell you, once we're in alignment, it's so much easier for money to find us. So basically, the steps that we'll be making go, what would you do? You have money to make it simple to, to our viewers right vision. Yeah, vision, but you need ideas around the vision, the vision is not enough.


You need ideas?


Because ideas are what is how money finds you.


Okay, and then what will be the second step. The first step is vision. The second is ideas. And the third would be action. Okay, Vision ideas, take steps towards it. Because ideas are abundant. If you If money is looking for me, what ideas do I have for it? In alignment with my vision, and alignment with who I am? Who do I want to be? What provides joy and passion and aliveness that could be a value to others, that I could sell or do something or create a business or start something


that would provide resources for me and my family and others? I believe


I'm blowing a conversation this one


and more because we have to get out of this scarcity. Because that's ingrained in deep inside in our lives, put it like this in our DNA, because the demand is increasing there. And some cultures more than others, but particularly gender. Yes, yes. Yes, completely. And there are many women, they're still in a terrible marriage, that they don't know how to get out of that marriage because they are afraid I'll bring money to their kids. So they stay there hating the guy. Because me.


You know, it's interesting fear, fear is, and scarcity and fear will always keep you in poverty, unlimited prosperity is right around the corner if you unleash fear, and, you know, I'm a dealer and hope I have to be, you know, hold it hold space for possibilities. And when I think of where I came from, and my mom and my grandmother and my great grandmother, they had their little stash of money was not for opportunities or a stock or business. It was for safety. So think of as women what we have to overcome generationally that shows up in our DNA. That's not who we are today. But we're hanging on to their baggage. That is so true. Because yes, we have to remove the ideas of Zoom's grandmothers or mothers or even farther away so we can become what we want to become so that our daughters don't have the same issues, that they could approach money abundantly and creatively filled with imagination and ideas.


That is talks a lot about epigenetics. Exactly.


In the beginning, I did see we actually resolve a problem that our generation staff...