Episode 134

The Soul Talk Episode 134: The tradition of Hoʻoponopono and how we apply it to heal ourselves, with Tanys Rose Coughlan

🎙️Episode 134: The tradition of Hoʻoponopono and how we apply it to heal ourselves. With Tanys Rose Coughlan

🤩In this fascinating episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Tanys Rose Coughlan talk about how we can release choices that we see as a mistake and use Ho'oponopono to remove the imposter syndrome and not feeling worthy. They also talk about how past lives affect us in the present; inclusively, we can carry PTSD from our past existence. She tells us how the Ho'oponopono tradition can help release the emotional state from past lives at this moment. 

🙏🏽Hoʻoponopono is a practice of reconciliation and forgiveness that includes the following sentences: "I am sorry," "Please forgive me," "I love you," and "Thank you." Tanys adds to this magic formula the sentences "You are worthy" and "You are enough," giving this practice extra confidence and gratitude.  

🌟Tanys Coughlan, Founder of the Twillow Lifestyle Community and the Twillow Lifestyle Academy, is an international teacher and speaker. She is a Registered Reiki Master and Intuitive Healer. She also received her Celtic Shamanic High Priestess and Crystal Master certification a few years ago and is following her life purpose. 

🏆Tanys was a Finalist in the Businesswoman of the Year award with the Women's Business Network 2022. 

Connect with Tanys

E-mail: tanys@twillowlifestyle.ca

Facebook:@ twillowlifestyle

Youtube: TwillowLifestyleCommunity

Tiktok: @twillowlifestyle


Connect with Monica

Facebook:@ warrioroflove11

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulTalkPodcast 

LinkedIn: @monica-ramirez-33b401159

Tiktok: @warrioroflove11 

Instagram: @warrioroflove1111


Book a free Pathway to Self Believe Session:  https://bit.ly/3GLYZa5


Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the Soul Talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls while in this journey, and learn from their experience and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hello, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez Warrior of Love. And thank you for being back in Soul Talk. Today we have a friend that I just met a while back talking about the spirit. And she caught my attention in there. And it was so transformative, the talk that she gave them there, that I actually have a session with her. And I was so so helpful in so many levels in so many ways that I wanted to present with you guys. Her name is Tanys I hope I pronounced well her last name: Coughlan.

Tanys Coughlan 1:06

Yeah. Tanys Coughlan. Yeah.

Monica Ramirez 1:07

I got it. Tanys, please tell everybody a little bit more about what you do, and... because your work is really impressive, it is really amazing.

Tanys Coughlan 1:21

Thank you. Yeah, so I, I do stuff. I always joke, I do stuff. Because I do a wide variety of things. I primarily, you know, I do healing work with people. So whether that's through energy healing, the use of crystals, I do ceremonial healing. So I'm, I'm a Reiki Master Aqua lead master, which is another healing modality that heals the water in the body. I do one called knockti which actually heals trauma at a cellular level. So it actually reprograms the cytoplasm within the cells to release trauma. So there's different energy modalities that I do. So those are just two examples. And then I do Celtic, shamanic, high priestess work. So this includes a whole bunch of different stuff, as well. So I do ceremonial healings, meaning things like cord cutting and soul retrievals. Curse removals, you know, that kind of stuff. And then, you know, with that comes house clearings and, you know, working with people's energies, if they have dense energies and stuff attached and that kind of thing. So we work through those kinds of things. But you know, really trauma and, and forgiveness work is what I do a lot of, I would say so. So yeah, I do that stuff. I do stuff.

Monica Ramirez 2:47

Love that. Love that term "stuff". Because, yes, we're, we're all energy, and we forget that we're energy. So we're gonna be attracting, and modifying our energy, depending of our emotions and thoughts. And that's something that even we hear it over and over, that we're creating our reality through our thoughts and emotions, we still forget that that's how the law of attraction works. And, and not only that, we get our we get influenced it in a way in so many levels through that stuff. And so, what do you work with that energy that the people are attracted to themselves? When they're vibrating in lower emotions, like anger, like depression, like all those kinds of things.

Tanys Coughlan 3:52

So there's different, different versions of that kind of energy, right? There's the ones where it's just a lot of like, there's regret, there's shame, guilt, you know, that sort of stuff. And that's where forgiveness really plays a big role. So I use the Hoʻoponopono, with a lot of people. And that's really, it's from the Hoonah tradition, I use a little bit of a different version, just because it's been modified as I went through my my client work and stuff. But that really does help a lot of people in a lot of ways. And it's so simple. I remember when I first found it, it was like, I needed to do some of my own healing, of course, you know, that's how we get into these things, right? We have our own work to do. And we start working through our own healing work our own path, in order for us to be able to help others. So you know, you and I have both been through our own stuff. And there's that word again. And then we work through that so that we know what it's like. Right. And so I think that is really helpful when we're, when we come into the healing world, because it does enable us to be able to be empathetic to our clients and be able to have that compassionate approach with them. And so, when I found the Hoʻoponopono, I remember people telling me, you know, just just just forgive them, just let it go. And I was like, I don't know how to do that, like, how do you do that? And when I found the Hoʻoponopono, it was like, there's a way to do that here. This is the way right. And so that really sort of pushed me through my own journey and in in a time when I really needed it. So that's, that's a big tool for that stuff. When we get into worry, and all of that, like, then you're looking at more like reframing, you know. So why are we worrying about what's going to happen next week? Let's focus on here and now. Right? What's going on right now? Because really, worry and anxiety are future based guilt and shame or past based. So we're right now, this is where we find the piece is right now.

Monica Ramirez 6:08

And just a reminder to our listeners, if you don't know what is Hoʻoponopono, it is basically it is I'm sorry, please forgive me. I love you. And thank you. But something that I learned with Tanys actually, you can have more stuff in there?

Tanys Coughlan 6:27

Yeah. So when we go to do healing work on ourselves, because we have a lot of a lot of times we need to forgive ourselves for things that we perceive that we've done that have been not as good as we would have loved, right? Or mistakes, we might see them as a mistake, right? And the reason I put it that way is because really everything happens for a reason. So is that a mistake? Well, it's an opportunity for learning, right? So when we need to sort of release some of the energy around that I often will do and I've done this myself, standard for the mirror, and I do the Hoʻoponopono. And I add into phrases. When it's for yourself. It's I'm sorry,

please forgive me. You are worthy. I love you. Thank you. You are enough.

There's so many times that we don't feel worthy. And we don't feel like we're enough. You know, there's that imposterism thing that we all step into, right? I'm doing this work. Am I worthy of doing this work? Am I like, am I full of crap? What like, you know what's happening here? So we often will step into that, right? Even when we we, our head knows, yes. But our programming is keeping us from believing.

Monica Ramirez 7:45

We've been gaslighted so much since we were kids, when we have this imaginary friends when we were growing up. And none of the adults can see it. And it was, "Oh, there's nothing there. Oh, no, don't believe in the angel that you saw. That's not true. You have a great imagination", that we grow thinking even we're seeing and feeling and sensing them and hearing them. We like no, that is not possible. That is just my imagination. I'm dreaming that in the possible. And we continue doing that as an adults, we stopped believing in our own magic.

Tanys Coughlan 8:21


Monica Ramirez 8:21

That's why we lost it. And you know, get back and believing in ourselves and deeper level, like that you believe deeper in your own magic that you have. So...

Tanys Coughlan 8:35

And that magic is innate in all of us. Like that's, we all have this Divine Spark, I don't it doesn't matter who you are, or what you do in life, we all have this divine spark, and that's the soul. That's what we came here. That's right. And then we were born in to these little meat suits that we wear. And we wear them for the amount of time that we're here this lifetime. And then we pass on and we come back again if we still have lessons. So in my lineage, what they teach is really we we have many past lives. And we have like this whole list of you know, things we got to learn as a soul before we can become enlightened or creative, creator beings, right. And this whole list is things that we need to come down and learn. So we ended up making soul contracts with our soul family. So we're like, okay, so you and I are going to meet when we're like four and we're going to you know, we're going to learn how to share and then you and I are going to meet when we're 16 and we're going to learn about new love and then you and I are going to have a child and you and I are going to get married and you know we have these soul contracts with people. And those as we go through those, that's how we start to learn what our soul needs to learn in order to be creator beings. Because we are creative beings even here, but it becomes even more so when we are in soul form. And so, you know, there's one thing that I always wanted, like when I first started my journey, I'm like past lives, like what? How much of an effect is that have, right? But wow, I have had so many clients where there's something that happened in a past life that is like totally holding them back. Because if you think about it, when we have a trauma in, in our life, we don't think about it all the time. But it sits there. So it either becomes aches and pains or disease or whatever that may be, or it becomes an emotional block. And we can't move forward because there's this innate fear, for instance, example. Somebody almost drowns when they're a kid. And then they have a fear of water. They may not even remember the almost drowning, but they have this fear of water. That's innate in them. Well, past lives can be the same way. So you have somebody that drowns in a past life. They come here, and they don't want to be in water. It's just, it's in them. Because this Divine Spark, this energy, that is the soul that we take from one life to another. Life on Earth, I should say, or life, physical life, thank you. That we take from... they talk to me all the time, that we take from one physical life to another. So that's like your soul DNA. And the soul DNA, the soul, that energy that I'm talking about, it actually weighs three quarters of an ounce. They've done studies on that, before and after death, and bodies are consistently I think it's two thirds to three quarters of an ounce. In that range difference.

Monica Ramirez:

I have a question that I've been asking myself for a while. And exactly within the morning, I had a talk with my son, that it was a big boom in the community about a woman that do regressions, and I believe she have about seven or eight lives, she only talks about herself or eight lives when she was a queen, different kingdoms and so on. So, and that's all she talks about. And she was telling me that people were saying they didn't believe in past lives, because it was impossible that a human being has five or six lives as a queen and we're talking, it is possible. She forgot to mention when she was a slave, when she was gay, when she was a male, when she was a prostitute when she was...

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

All those were important lives too.

Tanys Coughlan:

Absolutely. Those are filled with the most learning those lives, right. And we have to fulfill all roles, all types of roles. So we have to be male, female other, right? We have to be straight, gay, other...

Monica Ramirez:

We were already witch, and we already burned us, I remember two of my past lives, I burned as a witch. So, and many of the Lightworkers and starseeds, or people that are healers, we were already burning in this stake, at least once.

Tanys Coughlan:

Interesting. So here's an interesting thing. So either way, we're supposed to play both sides. I actually, I had two separate lifetimes. One where I was a witch, and one where I was a bishop. And I was one of the judges in witch trials. And I had to do some clearing work on that life, I'll tell you like, and it was interesting, the way it was shown to me because the guides showed me almost both of them, like superimposed on each other. So that I was seeing myself sitting here in the chair as the witch or the the plaintiff. And then I was seeing myself as a judge over here. And so it was like both lives were superimposed on top of each other for me in this visual and getting goosebumps. That's my confirmation guys. So um, yeah, so I had to really like, I had to do some real healing work on that. Because, like, whoa, to be told that you were like, in that position when like, like, you know, I'm a light worker, witchy girl now? So, oh, my gosh, what did I do? Right?

Monica Ramirez:

And not only, we'll encounter again, and again, the same people that we were in past lives, like I remember one time I was with my ex husband. And he was telling me to do something and he was really controlling and he just hit me the wave of remembrance of all my past lives, and I completely remember when I was a black woman and I was his slave. And I told him, Hey, I'm not gonna be doing this in this timeline. And he doesn't believe in past lives, and he's like what are you talking about? You are my slave owner, like, I don't believe you. I still this moment, I still remember when that was his slave, and it was the black woman. And I was his slave and funny in this timeline, we got married.

And, and he was how the dynamics actually work. So we can understand the different types. And then it is about learning to love ourselves deeply.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

And the other persons that he was cruel, in the other timeline, that we still have to love them. They don't love them in this timeline.

Tanys Coughlan:

That's part of how the Hoʻoponopono can help. Not only with this timeline, but you know, like that kind of thing that you're talking about there, you could go back. And if I mean, I think you're fairly visual. So you can go back and picture that other timeline, and do the Hoʻoponopono on him as he looked in that timeline, as opposed to this one, right. And then you can do it on him now. And it's it just, it creates this multi dimensional healing because we are multi dimensional beings. And there is no time and space, right? Everything is happening right now. And we just go and visit different now moments, depending on where we're at. So

Monica Ramirez:

Cuz people get confused about traveling past lives, or future lives, or different dimensions, that is a different place, in reality is the same place, and everything's happening at the same time. I know it's confusing, because it has never been taught that way.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

I has been taught that the past it is behind us. And the future is- in front of us, and in reality is everything is happening the same time and all the dimensions too, it is not another place, it is as different state of consciousness. So it is.

Tanys Coughlan:

Well, and it can be a different state of being as well. You know, because when we talk about our guides and stuff, right, everything is vibration. So as we know, when we have higher vibration, things like frequency, in terms of like sound, it's high vibration. And so sound is invisible, right? It's it can be all around us, but invisible. When we are in our physical state, you know, there's this, we and we've, we've talked about this before, we've got this, you know, our hearing ranges here, for instance. And then we have you know that something like a dog whistle, it's a very high vibration sound. So it's not actually in our hearing range. So it's like out here, right? So we're not aware that it's there. It doesn't mean it's not acting on us or that it's not there, it just means we're not, it's not in our awareness, as we start to raise our vibration, which is what's happening to the earth right now, as a whole. So those of us that are actually working on our own vibrations and healing work as well. It's happening exponentially. As we start to raise that vibration, we open up this awareness, and we start to become aware of things that are outside of what we would have considered our normal range. That's really how it works for us, right when we have, you know, our range is now larger. And we're more aware of more things. And that's kind of when you and I tap in, for instance, into the other frequencies, we start to be aware of, you know, our guides, we start to be aware of, you know, perhaps those that have passed on, but have not crossed over. You know, many people call them ghosts, they're just beings that are in that in between. And you know that that's all happening around us all the time, but we just don't realize it unless we're aware. And we start to open up.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so true. Before we go into that area, I wanted to ask you: You carry the PTSD from a past life to this timeline? And can you do work on your PTSD in this timeline, when it comes from a past life?

Tanys Coughlan:

I have done the Hoʻoponopono

Monica Ramirez:

To release trauma?

Tanys Coughlan:

It is I mean, you have to do some more stuff as well. You know, doing some soul retrieval. Before that. I use the knock T a lot, because it really helps to, because it goes into all the cells right where our energy our soul energy permeates all of our cells when it's here, right? It's not just a little bit, so it permeates everything. So when I use the knock T, it actually goes into all of that energy and helps to transform it. But doing the forgiveness work on the past life is is very impactful, it heals the energy, the connection to the experience, that's what Hoʻoponopono does. So it's not just about forgiving that person. But it really does help to bring healing to the whole situation, in that because we are all connected. So really, with the Hoʻoponopono you're, you're bringing healing to the all to the one, right. And as we create that healing to the one that's going download, they might go down that energetic cord, to to that particular situation to that particular us in the past life. It's still very impactful. So I actually have an example of that. So I had one of my first past life experiences. This was kind of before, I believe this was actually the experience that convinced me of past lives. I sat down to meditate. And I just instinctively intuitively picked up two crystals, I had self stayed in my receiving hand, which I didn't know I just intuitively did this, but I was actually asking for angelic assistance. And I had to ameliorate in my releasing hand. So this is for past lives. So I didn't know that I was asking for angelic assistance to release past lives. Intuitively, anyway. So I sit down with these two crystals, and I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna meditate, and I close my eyes. And all of a sudden, I have a movie playing in my head. And I am like the scullery maid of this household. It was back in medieval times. And let's just say I was, well, this is for mature audiences. So just, you know, if this if you get easily triggered, please just don't listen to this part. Basically, I was being held down on one of the old kitchen tables, by for men, and taken, right, not in a nice way. And so it was traumatic for me to be in that position. And I was experiencing the whole emotional piece all over again. So I was sitting on my bed meditating, but I was like, crying because I was in this in this position. And all I could see was the owner of this, this, my boss, his face, like right here. And I started, I had just learned the opponent when I started doing it on his face, because that was sort of the anchor to that point. And within a few moments, all of a sudden, I was more calm, his face disappeared. I ended up having it come back, I think two or three more times, and I just did the Hoʻoponopono. Oh, right away and released. And now I can talk about it without any sort of emotional, physical reaction, right? You know, we have our emotions as a physical reaction, whether it's a crying, whether it's tightening, whether, you know, I don't have any of that now. Whereas, right at the time, it was a very physical, visceral reaction to what was happening. So that experience convinced me like, that was very pivotal for me for my practice, because I realized the the huge support that Hoʻoponopono can be in dealing with that kind of trauma. It also made me realize how much of a difference past lives make in our current life. You know, because I was obviously carrying that energy in my field, for me to have that kind of visceral reaction, but had no idea. It's kind of like when we have trauma when we're when we're kids. And we like block it out. Because it's too traumatic to face. It's similar in that way.

Monica Ramirez:

That's one of the reasons why they give us the veil forgiveness. Yeah, so we don't have traumatic memories, so present in our life, in our actual life right now. So we can continue progressing. But that doesn't mean that trauma is completely forgotten. It is imprinted in our cells in our, in everything, every single part of us. So

Tanys Coughlan:

We carry that for sure.

Monica Ramirez:


Tanys Coughlan:

And it can be it can be in the form of emotion, or or denser pockets. It can be in the form of energies that have a little bit more life to them. That attach and

Monica Ramirez:

We can tend to repeat the same story. I just discovered that I still have PTSD that something that I thought I overcome from my past relationship that I had with my third husband that he used to beat me. And I thought, okay, right, forgive him, everything's fine, I heal myself. So that is cool. That is fine. But I just recently discovered that I still carry in some residue of my PTSD from that time in this life, but then put me to think it is the same perpetrator, that he was from one of my past lives. It was him. So I've been carrying this not only from this timeline, I'm carrying this from, other timelines in my past, have to heal my PTSD from past lives.

Tanys Coughlan:

Exactly. And, you know, that's, that's that list that I was talking about how we have this whole list of things we have to learn as we come down. So you know, when we don't learn something with somebody, we're usually like, Okay, do you want to go try again? Okay, let's go try again. And, you know, when we're when we're, when we're in our soul, our soul presence, and that enables us to come down and do it again. Because, you know, we do have to learn these lessons. So we find a way to make it happen for us.

Monica Ramirez:

That put me to think that now going back to the what we were talking before about, the phantoms, or the ghosts, that many of them, they are not even realized that they are.

Tanys Coughlan:

No, it's true. It's true, that I can't even tell you how many, so I do crossing over work. It became part of my, my mission, I guess. It's one of those things that chose me, I didn't choose it, but it, it showed up. And it started, I'm a physical empath. And so when I first started, I would feel like their whole death journey. And I would, I remember, there's been many times I've had to tell them to back up a bit, because I feel their pain too much. And that sort of thing. So that's how I realized that that was my job, because they would come to me, and they'd be like, telling me their whole story. And I'm like, you just need to go into the light, go into the light. So then, you know, you do some learning, and you find a way that you're supposed to do this, and how it works for them, and, and all of that stuff, and you start to do it, and it just becomes a thing. You know, there's there are because we've chosen these specific missions before we came down. It just it manifests in your life in that way. You know, and I think you've had similar experiences, right? That's one of those things that we did share in our practices.

Monica Ramirez:

I know when someone is about to cross over, and I also helped them to crossover many times or encountered them. I do clearings to homes and things like that. And as soon as I arrive somewhere, I notice what is around and what is lingering in a house or in a place.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

And yes. In fact, in this house, it was a lady, that old lady that died here alone. And she had, I believe dementia or something like that. But she liked painting. So every time I painted, she came over and so forth, and it was fine at that company when I was painting. To my kids are finding out that is like having a little mouse observing us like what is that mom? I saw something moving. Like, yeah, and I have to get rid of her.

Tanys Coughlan:

We need to ask her to leave.

Monica Ramirez:

I know it was your house, but I bought it. You don't live here anymore, you have to cross over.

Tanys Coughlan:

I know you're confused. I find the ones that are confused the most, they're the ones that it's like traumatic, like sudden death, you know, like car accidents and, and things like that, where it happens really quickly. And they don't even realize it. Those ones that you know, they'll come to me. And they'll be like really frustrated because they've been trying to talk to people and they're not talking to them. And it's because they're not in the same frequency. You know, they're they can't hear you or they can't, they can't, they can't respond because they're not aware of you then, you know, those are the ones that are a little challenging because you actually have to say, well, you kind of have to move on now. This is you know, your time here on physical in the physical is already past. You know, that's why people aren't seeing you, that's why they're not hearing you. And so that, you know, they they can get a little bit emotional and you know, that's where I call in the archangels to come and help right and Archangel Raphael for the healing and Archangel Azrael to come in for the for the transition and Michael just in case. Good old protector, you know, call them in to help help them go through

Monica Ramirez:

And the one they had, they die with dementia also. Those are I've encountered those several of those because that's the part they don't understand, because they're still living in the past, they were when they were alive, they were living in a different reality. So they don't even realize when they died, they can try and live in that new reality, because that's what they were doing. They were there or alive.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

So that is just encountering them that cross to the light, they don't understand why they have to cross to the light if they're alive in their head.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah, yeah, I have a theory about Alzheimer's and stuff, actually. Because, you know, I find there really is there's so many different frequencies and I often talked about frequencies, like tuning into it, like you would on a tuning knob on a radio, you know, you can tune in to the different frequencies. And I, I sort of feel like those, those people are very much there, it's like, their radio stations gone off a little bit. So they're not quite on the station. So they're not on the next station. You know, they're kind of in that static areas between, and it's not quite to the point that, you know, they've gone already, but their soul is kind of half out happy, you know. And I it's like, as they progress, it becomes less, less and less. And, I mean, we've, we've talked about how the the guides showed me this, like a glass office building with all these different floors, and they're all open with this, this open, like an elevator shaft sort of thing. And then, and, you know, we can be in multiple dimensions at the same time. And that's kind of what happens, you know, it's like, when we're doing so when, even for us, when we're doing like, really physical, like we're doing the dishes, and we're focused, and we're having to really, or driving a car, right, we have to be mostly in our 3d reality, to be able to manage that kind of, you know, that kind of thing. So we need to do the grounding, we need to make sure we're in this ground floor of this office building. But then when we start to do some of our meditation work, we start to send part of this the soul, which I sort of picture as like white cloud, sort of substance, right, like, if you want to picture it as something that's coming out of this ground floor, and we're sending some parts of that up here. And then some parts up here, and as we get deeper meditation, we're going higher, you know, I say higher, but it's higher frequency only, not higher physically. And, but we can have, like, you know, 20% 20% 20%, we can have different amounts on each of these floors. And so my thought about Alzheimer's and dementia is really that they start off, like most of us, most of us are only about probably 90, even more more totally physical, we're probably only about 90%, here is what I'm hearing. And then we start to there's little bits on some of these others, right. And then, and that's where, you know, we're, we're aware of stuff that's happening around us and not not just what's in the body. And then as we start to have Alzheimers, and we start to go through that process more and more ends up sort of staying up in these upper upper floors of this glass office building. And so there's less and less in this physical reality. So they're less capable of doing what they need to do, there's less, less energy going to the brain, there's less energy going to the physical body because they tend to regress. And so that's kind of my theory on like Alzheimer's and dementia, you know, they, they tend to do that. But it's not, it's a natural progression. And it's meant to be that way. So it's not like we can change the progression of that.

Monica Ramirez:

And something to remind everybody, we choose what sickness we're going to have we even before we are born, we know what experience we're going to have in this line, in this, etc. We choose all that and Alzheimer's it is one of them. It is one of those.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah, as much as that's hard to take accountability for though, you know, when people have had really tough lives, and you tell them that and they're like, I would never choose what I've gone through. But our... we have to remember that our soul has a very different perspective. Our perspective or our objective in the physical body is to like, enjoy life and, and be here be physical and do stuff. As a soul, we're going down to check off this list that we got. We're not here to just do whatever physical that's that's the bonus of being physical is that we get to taste and feel and all that stuff. But we have our mission is really our sole mission. Because we are so spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Monica Ramirez:

Hey, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. And I wanted to talk to you about Path To The Heart. That is a transformational system that I created. That it goes in three levels. And then even you receive a certificate as a healer and a channeler. But the start fromPath To The Heart level one that is transformation and metamorphosis Like my book, that is precisely the Path To The Heart level one, and the Path To The Heart and level one. It is because many of us, I used to feel like that even as a Reiki Master and learning so many techniques, every time I've worked with a client, I did not felt that he did enough, or that I was good enough. And yes, that came from a childhood trauma. And he started there. Because I was overachiever, I always trying to prove myself to others. And I was a people pleaser, because I was too afraid to stay alone, or people will leave me if I was completely me. I have a lot of resentment to myself for all the mistakes that I have done in the past. And I bet many of you have felt the same way, as I used to feel. Well, in Path To The Heart, we are going to be working with the shame, with the blame. Blaming others, because a person that is not responsible of their own actions, it is going to be very hard so that they can move forward and actually change their life. We have to start owning our things. And in Path To The Heart, you will learn how to start owning your things. But not only stay that, okay, I did, yes. And now what? Now you have to learn to forgive yourself for making the choices that you did, and forgive others, because you're going to start seeing others in a very different way. You're going to learn to become the observer of your own thoughts and your own emotions, and letting go all that shame and blame that has been keeping you stuck. And at the same time, the fears, that the fears is a limiting belief, because we're I work as an NLP deep inside in theta level. And they explain all this and we work in theta level, with activations and, and meditations, we have a group also, who is going to be supporting you, people that are working with themselves in the same level. And how many of you also have got stuck, because what other people will think about you? So the judgments of others can affect you, if you let him. And you're going to learn in this program, how you're gonna let go, the judgments of others so like that you really will feel free and empower yourself. So like that, you make better choices and be less reactive. And first of all, you're gonna read on how to love with yourself, and love your life that you have right now. The second level is about clearing family lineage, removing vows, and contracts that we all do every time we speak, and I'm gonna finish the second level, with a soul retrieval, we are going to be bringing in those fragments of soul that you have left because of fear or shame or blame or grief, we are going to bring those parts of yourself. So like that it can get integrated to your own self. The third level. And the third level is about learning how to channel and learning all the types of channeling. And we do a lot of practicing there. But not only there we stay, you're gonna learn how to heal at the same time your own clients in theta level. And the good part of my program a Path To The Heart, it is that you can integrate all the techniques that you have learned before from Reiki, from different modalities and so forth, and you can integrate them in my program. So if you are interested, just give me a call. And let's have a chat. And I will be more than happy to have a discovery call with you is have 30 minutes call. This is a program that is for coaches and healers and yoga teachers and massage therapists. People that work already with energy, people that are already are working with themselves, but they don't know how to continue moving forward. So if this program is calling you, give me a call. My name is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love.

I too would like to talk about the people that many are in a mental hospital. Many of those people are in a mental hospital it is, I'm not gonna deny that there are mental illness because they exist. But many of them are just because they were honest with the doctor and tell them that we're channelers or they were psychics or they were understanding energy in different ways that human society it is not in the books yet.

Tanys Coughlan:

But some of them have those denser energy attachments...

Monica Ramirez:


Tanys Coughlan:

...That we talked about. And they that those types of attachments tend to influence our behavior in ways that are not usually all that socially accepted. And so that becomes, it puts people at risk of being misinterpreted. And, you know, and really it's not that person. It's it's the, the energies that are attached.

Monica Ramirez:

So like, like many channellers, that do trans-channeling like I do, I choose which energy I allowed in my own body so can transmit a message and so forth. But when people are not aware that they have the free will, that they can actually choose what energy is going to come into their body and give the message or what kind of message they're gonna give, that has when they allowed anything, or any energy in themselves.

Tanys Coughlan:

That's right. And it's really it's a shame because it's kind of a if we were to educate more, yes, it would happen less. Yes, right. But the more we educate, the more people get scared. And so it becomes more pushed, pushed down, because people don't want to be fearful.

Monica Ramirez:

This, unfortunately, Hollywood, religions and schooling are the ones that have blocked that education and that's the one that have brought fear. And not that once we're trying to educate, we're about the energy that is around. And Hollywood is a big it's a really bad one that has been educating since I believe movies started about, about energies, and it's not, they're not educating. They are misinforming about what is happening with extraterrestrial lives, or what things that we cannot even see. Or what is hell, what is heaven.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah, I mean, that in my frame of reference, this could be considered hell that we're in. You know, I don't feel that there is a hell, but it's just a lower vibration existence.

Monica Ramirez:

Yeah, right. Exactly.

Tanys Coughlan:

So I don't really believe in hell in the traditional religious concept, I guess I, I do feel there's a lower vibration space that people live in. And, you know, they can have these energies that, that influence and take away maybe some of our quality of life and our wellness. And so healing is really, you know, it's a beautiful gift that I am honored, to be able to, to help people with. And, you know, I think that that's, that's where people need to focus really, right. And, and for me, the healing journey, it's about getting to know yourself. It's not necessarily about taking all the negative, but it's about getting to know who you are. reframing how you see yourself because we've been programmed to think we're sinners, we're, you know, that's all the fear. And so if we can take the fear out of life, and start to look at things from a perspective of love, from a perspective of compassion for all, you know, then we can start to move into this higher vibrational lifestyle.

Monica Ramirez:

And not only that, to understand that, as in time, that we have to love our two sides. Even the more thin fabric has to sides. And we are not different than a fabric. Yes we have our darker side. And we have our light side. We have to love and integrate both of them, because both of them are us. Our ego's not separated from us, as our higher self. Now can we need to love both sides.

Tanys Coughlan:

Because we are like, like, actors in a play, right? We play roles in, in this play, we call life.

Monica Ramirez:

That's why it was surprise when I encountered this PTSD from that, past relationship, because I came to understand that even in my, my third husband used to beat me and so forth. It took a lot from me to understand and put myself together again, and so forth, him believing me... but I came to understand that he was my teacher, I have to learn how to love myself, and even learning to forgive him, because he actually signed up to be that perpetrator in this timeline. More than you do this kind of work you understand more about the soul to soul we actually sign up for that, for him to be the perpetrator me to be the victim in that moment.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

And to learn to put myself together that humpty dumpty again.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

But ah... and to understand that this is a story that probably has been repeating over the centuries, with the same person.

Tanys Coughlan:

Often I think we do it with the same person because we get really skilled at those roles. Right? And there's also the karmic aspect. So we may do it with the same person with reverse roles.

Monica Ramirez:


Tanys Coughlan:

And we, because you both have to learn what it's like to be in both roles, right?

Monica Ramirez:


Tanys Coughlan:

So that, that can happen as well.

Monica Ramirez:

This, yes. Going back to what it is, heaven, and hell, that a lot of misconception because all the religions in the world, they have put fear, and they have learned to control human beings through that you're a good person, and you go to church, and you give us donations, and so forth, you're gonna go to heaven. If you don't give donations, and you don't go to church, or this and that, you're gonna go to hell. And those are just programs over programs that they have controlled the human being to be a good person, because of fear. Not because it's actually in them to be doing good for others, it just fear for themselves. So that it's not even real, the good person, you're doing it for that reason.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah. So that's, you know, that's often why I encourage people to make decisions like decisions out of love, instead of out of fear.

Monica Ramirez:


Tanys Coughlan:

You know, when we make decisions out of fear, we, we will often look back at it and go, that maybe wasn't the best choice, because we thought we were going to avoid a negative dense situation or feeling or, you know, but really, if we'd made it out of love, we probably would have avoided it as well, just that we were too afraid to see the options in life.

Monica Ramirez:

And something that I feel that is important to mention right now, it is that I also have heard many people that says that God is the one they have to judge not, not humans. And, and something I wanted to bring out, it is that God does not judge us, it's a loving father or mother, or it doesn't matter, it's an energy that is not judging the one that judge each other, it is ourselves. We're the worst judge, versus... we're the ones that decide where we're gonna go with that fear, to hell or heaven, because we're creating those two

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

And this place is different for everybody, the hell or the heaven, depending on the beliefs of each person they have.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah, and we are creator beings. So we create our reality, whether we create it before, like we talked about, or we create it, you know, for the future, or what we perceive as future. Right?

Monica Ramirez:

What do you have heard from the higher realms about what happened after death?

Tanys Coughlan:

We are, we become energy. So we really they've had, you've, we've heard lots of stories about this energy or energy leaving our bodies. And we can really tell like, if you've ever had an experience where you've been with anyone who's passed, and you can really see the difference, right? It's very different from seeing somebody that's animated, and they have all the life in them. That's that energy. That is their soul. So that's why, you know, when I say it, permeates all of us, that's, that's what happens. And then when that leaves, it's this little bundle of energy, you know, and it needs to go into the light. So there's, you know, for me, my process anyway, is that I create a pillar of light. And I play traffic control, and they go into the pillar of light. And what that does is it just takes them to a different dimensional frequency, right, it raises the vibration to create a different frequency, where they can go and join their soul family, you know, and they go through a soul review with their guides first. So that's where they're like, Okay, learn that, learn that learn that on this list that I talked about, learn that learn, oh, I didn't learn that. I didn't learn that. Okay. Alright, I guess I'm going to go back. So then they go, you know, have a visit with their soul family. And they're like, Okay, so you're gonna do this, you're gonna, and they ended up coming back, right? Until we finished that whole list. And when we finish the list, then we have to go to school. So their spirits school that we go to after, when we've learned everything we can learn down here on Earth, which takes a few for some of us, slow learners. Then, you know, we go to spirit school where we learn stuff that we can't learn here. Before we actually graduate from there and become creative beings,

Monica Ramirez:

Well, many souls that come to planet Earth, we came for a calling.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

We're not even Earthlings. So it was hard to learn to be a human. Just imagine it. I come from Mexico. When I moved to the United States, I have to learn to become American. Because it's a very different culture, even if they're neighbors. And the kind of food, the Spanish thing to English, the culture is very different. Now imagine being a star being in planet Earth, and learning to be human.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

That has to be shocking! For all of us

Tanys Coughlan:

I think I according to my Vedic Astrology, anyway, anyway, my my astrology stuff, it's, um, I've actually had many less lives on Earth than I have on other planets. So my soul itself is a very old soul. But I'm fairly new to the Earth gig. Apparently. I have been here though, since pre biblical times I've been in that, but my soul is really old. So, percentage wise, I've had more lifetimes in the in the galactic realm of things. So you know, Pleiadian and Acturian, and Syrian basically, like from Sirius B. So that's, that's kind of my galactic thing. That was the other thing I didn't mention at the beginning is that I'm also a galactic ambassador, and a galactic teacher. And so that's, you know, another part of my calling. And I think that's probably because of these many lifetimes. In the other. The other bodies, types of physicality. I'm not physical, depending on the lifetime.

Monica Ramirez:

And those are experience that we have also traumas from there. We have we brought to planet Earth, and many of the other star beings Starseeds that are born to have bringing all that information from that, from that those lives to planet Earth, correct?

Tanys Coughlan:

Absolutely. It's the same as having lives here. It's in that sense, you know, I mean, I think there may be less propensity to bring trauma from those lifetimes, because they tend to be more advanced beings. So a higher vibrational frequency in those places, creates a more loving environment. So there's a little bit less trauma, but they're influenced by lower dimensional beings are lower vibrational beings the same as we are here. So they still do have some of that stuff.

Monica Ramirez:

And the house or the wars of Orient, let's not forget that.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You know, the there are, there are some reptilian races that have been not very kind. And some insecticide races that are some and I do want to say some because I did have an encounter with some, some insecticide beings that they were like, Please tell everybody, we're not malevolent. Like, we're not all malevolent. You know, there are some of us here that are very beneficial for you. And we really want to help you and and so I did promise I would bring that forward. But the in history in our in galactic history, there has been, there have been many wars, that have created that kind of trauma. There have been those experiences there. I think that part of that, though, is part of how they have all evolved the way they have, you know, because you can't change without chaos or that resistance, we have to have some kind of a catalyst for change. We don't in general, so it's like to just, you know, kind of go along. And that's why we're so resistant to change here. Because we just want things to be calm and loving. And you know, and that's just, that's fine, but we don't learn. We have to have the grist for us to learn.

Monica Ramirez:

Unfortunately, we learn from our mistakes, more than our successes.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

That doesn't mean it is impossible. But that's not the majority of time.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah. So really, we should be celebrating with me when we make mistakes, in many ways, right? Because it's that opportunity to learn. So like that whole word that I love the acronym fail, right. First attempt in learning is is what a fail is And sometimes it's a sale, a second attempt and learning. But we still we were very persistent. You know, we can be very resilient. And I think that that's the beautiful part. So if we can continue to learn as we go down our journey, because that really is our healing journey, learning about self, learning about our journeys, here and elsewhere. And if we can continue to learn and love each other and have compassion for ourselves and others, that's how we're going to really evolve. I think you're on our journey. That is beautiful.

Monica Ramirez:

Okay, we're going to be needing to have a second interview, because I would like to talk more about the Galactics.

Tanys Coughlan:


Monica Ramirez:

And that's part of our lineage, and, and many people are questioning that and more right now in this time. How about I feel like this all over me that they're about to actually present themselves more openly to the general population so that more people actually believe in them. So in them, and there's no more hiding. Everything that he was hiding is gonna come out to the light. That's one of the things.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah, that's, that's really cool, actually. So in my work as galactic ambassador, I do work with, you know, Commander Ashtar Sherin and general, Raidon, of the Playeidan command and stuff like that. So in that work, do you know that's that's been the buzz around the Galactic Federation, I would say table, but it's not really a table. But anyway, around the group is, is that it is the buzz that they're talking about how to do this in a way that doesn't create fear. And that's always been the conversation, how do they let themselves be known here? Without the fear that's created? And I think, you know, we in many ways, we've we've started that journey with things like our movies and stuff, right? Like Star Wars and Star Trek. And all of those kinds of movies, encounters, encounters of the third, fifth kind, or whatever it was the movie that that one, even ET, those start to introduce the idea in a way that's a little bit more palpable first, I think, yes.

Monica Ramirez:

They're not all because they're ETS or they're extraterrestrials. No, not necessarily to make them bad. No, one other races that is more violent, it is a human.

Tanys Coughlan:

Yeah, it is. And actually, I so I am actually a galactic ambassador in the astral, but I'm also galactic ambassador in the physical. So I work with an organization called the Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact. And they are an organization they're working behind the scenes at NATO to or the with the UN, I should say, to have some changes made to the conventions to allow for diplomatic contact. Another initiative they have is that they have $50 million already to build an embassy that's going to be on non partisan land. So that's what they're working on now is finding the place for it because it has to be owned an embassy is typically owned by the country that it represents. And so it has to be not owned by anyone on Earth, this land. So that's a bit of a tricky, legal thing. But once we get that sorted out, you know, there's, there's $50 million that are to build an embassy to have these kinds of diplomatic discussions with our galactic brothers and sisters as they, as they feel that it's fit to come down and start having chats. So that's, I'm totally honored to be involved in this kind of project. So yeah, so it's lots of fun.

Monica Ramirez:

No, we're going to need to have that conversation too, soon. And, and do you have something else that you would like to add before we say goodbye to our friends that are listening?

Tanys Coughlan:

You know, I always add with the thought that we're here to learn. We're here to love. And we're here to live. And so do those things, right? Learn love self and others and show compassion. You know, and I know it's not always easy. It's not meant to be easy, but we are capable of living in of living with compassion. So, remember that we are all that light, that divine light inside and look at life through curious eyes with curiosity to find shared understandings. That's what I would say.

Monica Ramirez:

Thank you so much, Tanys. And thank you everybody, for being here. And you resonate with this video, please share it. We will appreciate that. And, hey give us your review, we appreciate that. Thank you so much. This is Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and thank you for being in Soul Talk.