Episode 135

The Soul Talk Episode 135: How do we understand our spirituality and have life more connected with ourselves? with Rishika Rose

🎙️Episode 136: How do we understand our spirituality and have life more connected with ourselves?

📻In this episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Rose “Rishika” Neves-Gigg have a wonderful conversation about different spiritual topics: how we can heal ourselves by accepting our conditions and responsibilities in our life and how to understand the signals we receive from life, knowing everything happens for a reason. We are in the exact place we should be right now. 

🌌Rose and Monica also incur an excellent topic about the Galactic families and how we can be healed when we return to the source and look into our deeper roots. Rose mentions we all live in the Golden Age, which means we are all more conscious about our spiritual dimension. 

🎓Rose graduated from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Brazil, and Framingham State University in Massachusetts. She is a certified and registered Hypnotist. Her practice and focus on helping clients revolve around her non-traditional education, training and experience, NGH Hypnotherapy, Barbara Brennan, Past-Life Regression, Rebirthing, Breathing Techniques by Leonard Orr, Hinduism, Buddhism, Kardec Philosophy, Enlightened Feng Shui, Self-Healing, Meditation, Yoga by Anodea Judith, Reiki, Chakra Alignment, Practice of American Shaman Engagement, Crystal and Light Therapy,  and Brazilian Spiritual Medium Connections.  

🙏🏽Spiritually founded on a belief in Christ, Rose has developed a rare Spiritual hypothesis, which gives her a unique ability to guide Clients to identify the truth within. Rose is trilingual in Portuguese, English, and Spanish; she is available to ALL.

Connect with Rose

E-mail: r.nevesgrigg@gmail.com 

Facebook:@ rose.nevesgrigg 


Connect with Monica

Facebook:@ warrioroflove11

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulTalkPodcast 

LinkedIn: @monica-ramirez-33b401159

Tiktok: @warrioroflove11 

Instagram: @warrioroflove1111


Book a free Pathway to Self Believe Session:  https://bit.ly/3GLYZa5



Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the Soul Talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls while in this journey, and learn from their experience and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hello, everyone, thank you for being back in Soul Talk. My name is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. And today we have a very special friend for me. Her name is Rose. She's from Brazil. But she's in United States. And I have sessions with her. And she's really a magical being. And, I know for sure that we had spent many lives together. And we've been sisters in past lives. And... but I wanted to, she to explain you a little bit more what does she do because it is really magic. Thank you Rose for accepting my invitation for Soul Talk, I really, really appreciate it.

Rishika Rose 1:11

It's such an honor to be here, honey, I'm very grateful for the opportunity. Well, I was 17 months old. First time that I saw Mother, Mother Mary just materialized in front of me she, I had a croup back in the days, and croup was infection on the throat. And with this infection, you died. So I was in this isolated room. I was like a year and a half, and crying and with my hands calling my father that was in this little window, looking at me there and then mother materialize, you could see like the very pale rainbow colors, and manifest and, and form this beautiful lady, so much peace and through telepathy, she said: if you want to stay with him, go within yourself and fix what's wrong, then you can stay. I think that was my first healing. So I remember going inside and there was knots like, everything was clogged. And I remember opening up, and that dark oil went through. So that's the memory I have from that time. And I think was the first healing and because I'm here after that. So many little things. Like I remember my father's uncle. That was like in 71, I think probably was like four years old. And said that the doctor gave him six months to leave because he was with the heart disease that he was going to die. And I was crying and I went to see him. And when I went to see him at his house, he was laying on the couch. And I was I was short so I was high enough to get on his chest. And with my hands I was playing on his chest and those lights was coming from my hands. And I remember going into his heart. So I never realized that I had any gift or anything special until very later on in life. Like I never I grew up every night I had a bad day. I go and talk with Jesus. And I remember like leaving the body and meeting him so and after that like a lot of people that comes to me the it's not just the physical heal because today we see we have a lot of like the emotional the mental distress because a lot of fears today what's going on what is coming? Why, why why? So and the divine help us to align the person to a quick way to explain and realign you back with your Higher Presence. Because today here on Earth, we all it's graduating, no one is here, kindergarten, second grade and take like in the soul level compared with the school. So we are all graduating, we're getting our PhD. So even though you're not aware of it in your spiritual level. So that's why we are here like Monica is here in today for Earth has been brought in so many new modalities that we can have help that I was exist. But now that we are tapping more with your our highest conscious, our divine self, we can bring this here. And then we realize we are just frequency we are just energy. So when we want energy, like, if I'm in this highest energy, and you're in your low frequency, with my highest charge, you know, jump a car, the car battery died. And then you get another car with a good battery like we jumpstart each other. So I think it is a killer way to explain what we're doing nowadays. So and as Jesus said, everything I'm doing, you can do the same or better. By the believes we have, we believe I'll never be like Jesus, I'm not that good. I'm not that good enough. I am just this worst person in this center here. And that is the matrix put in a great illusion in us. Because a lot of times I say who's your worst enemy, and our worst enemy, in that being ourselves. So we need to love forgive ourselves. Because when we have that, ignite, they're the one we take that sharp turn, everything happens. So we are all here to help each other. One time I asked the divine why you guys don't come direct and help each one of us. You don't need us. And that was a longer way they explained it to me. We are in this etherical realm. We are this high frequency we need the physical to charge like we need this car with a good battery to charge the other one. So we all come as one is no more the separation. Yes.

Monica Ramirez 7:10

And something that they have told me about that precisely what you're talking about is just the hybrid, there are high vibrations where they are at. And we need to raise our vibration to at least not necessarily to be in twelve dimension, or eight dimension or things like that. But at least so we can have that communication with them. Yeah. And it's our freewill to make the work ourselves or ourselves, they can guide us they can stand those, but they cannot do the work for us. They will be interfering the freewill

Rishika Rose 7:49

Right. And I joke around use wisely your freewill because the Divine is here, we are all here to show you the path, she'll help you to remember you can do that. But we cannot do for yourself. Like people come to me like, Oh, I'm gonna get healed because when they come it is more for the physical illness. And that it is so much around to get to the psychosomatic issue. And that being a physical. So we guide them to the person to align that. So you are your own healer and you go back to the teachings of Christ like your face healed you. Not me. So we need to understand we have our own power, we have the power, we just learn in right now. To delete what it doesn't serve us anymore. And let the new come in. And a lot of times, it's very hard back on the days like our soul journey, let us pretend for a school way we go first grade, second grade. So when you got to one point, you die, you get a new body you come in today on Earth, we are having a rebirth of the time. So a lot of people go through a bad illness. And they heal, and it is like it is a rebirth because right now, no one, the divine, doesn't want to leave anyone behind. And it is up to me to do my work. And we can help each other but we cannot do it.

Monica Ramirez 9:36

But at the same time with our free will that we will have there's some people that didn't they chose not to wake up in this timeline.

Rishika Rose 9:47

And it's good too. It's all good.

Monica Ramirez 9:49

Yes, even with all the help that we can have from the universe from the energies that are coming down the downloads and so forth. If they chose to a soul level, that they're not gonna wake up in the, in this timeline.

Rishika Rose:

And it is one thing that divine says: no rush. Some people have what is another million years, for me to come to this point again, I'll go through it, there is no rush in the universe. It is like the flow of the river,

Monica Ramirez:

because at the same time in the highest plane stream do not exist.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

It's a human construct.

Rishika Rose:

Exactly. So everything it is right now, a lot of people this anxious, panicking and depression, because it's that fear, I'm gonna lose it, I'm not gonna make it, I'm late. And now this negative judgment, just go within yourself, it is I am exactly where I should be right now. And everything's perfect. So when you just have this attitude, the attitude, and love and gratitude for where you stand, just that it is a healing. It is a transformation and things comes away easier. Sometimes it will go against the current. And that's when we got to start.

Monica Ramirez:

This did you mentioned earlier, it was about there were different modalities. There more modalities, I believe that you wanted to learn all the modalities right now they exist, I don't think it's enough time is so many, because something that I have come to understand now that we all as human beings that we have a digital, and we're all different from your digital, we're going to be our modality even it's the same Reiki, it is going to be very different from each practitioner that it is going to be is not going to be the same. Each one of us are going to be adding other stuff or channeling things, or whatever it is. So it's going to be perfect. And this is going to be unique for that person. So that might create a new modality.

Rishika Rose:

Right. And sometimes people say, Oh, we have this 3d mind sometimes of judging. Oh, I do this better. Someone does this. And then they thanks. Everyone is doing perfect. And sometimes, like, you know, when you're gonna go to a doctor, I don't really like this one. Let me go second opinion. Oh, I like this one more. It is what do you need right now. Like, oh, I don't need a soul retrieval. I need to go into my past life and remember these and that, it's all good. I need to understand what is going on with me, I'm gonna go a past life regression, whatever it may be. You need to go within yourself one thing or we learn a lot to be just in the mind, thinking that your cognitive, it is a good thing. But a lot of times it goes against us. When we process in our heart. Feel it feel learn yourself, learn your body language, learn the signs the universe gives through your body. And then you're like, I really need this. I need this. It is the greatest journey when we do the journey within because when you find that peace within yourself, you start seeing the piece around and everything that you see the puzzle that is not matching. It's all perfect. Everything has a reason.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, we forget or many people put a lot of responsibilities in healers or coaches are gonna expect you to do the work. Yes, they think that we have a magic wand and we're going "tu run" you're already healed... you know, the inner work is this individual. That's why it's called personal work. And they have to do it we can guide them. We can coach them we can take the dust out if they're not there continue with the same vibration the same thoughts and emotions. They're going to track exactly where they were before they went to the healer.

Rishika Rose:

One thing that I joke a lot around not that I joke, but it is true that no one does that intentionally but uh, when you were a victim and that's mean you stopped and I need someone to dig me out or someone to kill the whatever predators out there. The realities you need to get out of that and they stand. Sometimes a lot of things is very hard for the 3d mind to understand. But how about if you make peace with it and move on, because one day, it could be in this lifetime, you will want to stand why you went through that. Because when we come in a family, ah, like, for example, oh, my mom is bad to me, my father is bad to me. We chose our parents, they didn't choose us. When we gonna sign for Earth, the school, we are in spirit, we are between lives and said what I'm going to do on earth at this time. So you start looking for the best parent, the best family for you,

Monica Ramirez:

But at the same time, and so in soul level to soul level, because not because it's a baby have a little soul, it is the same size as your parent.

Rishika Rose:

Exactly, yeah.

Monica Ramirez:

But we actually did that contract.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

I want to be born from this parents and this parents is gonna set me as their daughter or son or whatever it is. So their in soul level was that contract that we actually did that we were going to learn all these lessons from this wonderful mother, or terrible mother, or whatever it was, that you were going to learn all that whatever it was that each person needs to learn. To learn when...

Rishika Rose:

I'm gonna be, my mom is gonna be a single mom, I'm going to have a very abusive this father, I will never gonna have this father, like, it's just gonna be one and she's gonna pregnant, I'm gonna live without the masculine energy, or my mom is gonna be a drug addicted, or I'm going to be in a very loving home. So because I need this loving foundation for me to learn this, like later on, when I'll be 10, I'm gonna start, it started in my lesson. So everything has a reason. So we choose this school, like it is like, like you said, we are a babies that has been born that little inner center, they can do anything that may be there can be 1000s, and 1000s of years old. So it is like us today as a grown up. I'm going to go to a lie school. So which school you want to go, I want to go to this college. So this college has, don't you want to go to this university? Don't you want to go to another state? Now I'm good. I'm just gonna go to this community college for now, then I'll do this. Or like, No, I'm gonna go to this university, all the challenges, and that's what I'm going to do because you choose that so you're mature, you know what you're doing. And it is the same one we choose to come here. So that's why sometimes when we are victim, it is very hard when we are hurting to say, and my Tuesdays, I was getting drunk. I joke around one time I was telling Jesus like, it's no way. I will sign up for this. And then he went around and around and he's like, yep, you sign up. He, he told me inexperience. He had a like, for example, when he came on earth to teach us not to open any religion. There is no Christianity is just that teacher, that Yeshua that it came to teach us. So he knew. Well, he had a feeling that his stitches are going to end up like back in the days on a cross. And then when was coming to the day when he went to the Mount of Olives. Here's like, Lord, not that little fine print on my contract. Yeah, no, we change that. And God son, no, because that is the the fine. Like it is the completion of your mission here.

Monica Ramirez:

But in that time, it was like that. We have a contract in the time and you have to complete that contract and there was no way of changing nowadays have changed.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

We just we just have to be clear in this one because there's like, Oh, I'm gonna try and do this because that's when my contract like no, you can change that.

Rishika Rose:

Yeah. Well, the way he explained it to me the way he did it, it's because he needed to do this because for the greatest teacher he needed to do this to accomplish because by his doing this when he the blood flooded. The like the soldiers stabbed him and the way he gave him himself, freely open his heart to us, there is a lot of explanation why all that happened. That is for free us from this karma. So he stopped that when he went to the cross. So was like, an energy that kept rolling. And he came here to stop that to free us. Because our freedom on earth that Earth, it is now evolved into five D. It's been for many, many years. But when humanity started wakening, and he stopped that cycle, or the very the karmic, the way I understood it is like the karmic is stopped in there. So the contract that we make in this life year, when you realize, because we are that's why there is a lot of modalities today, because they help us to remember to one day stand, oh, this is happening this because of the so but I can go here. So when you go in your heart in the process, you start remembering, because all the answers we seek in life or within is from within, we find peace, we find our path. So when you start remember, you shift that contract that you don't need to go through that painful and whatever it may be, or that illness, you're gonna die when you're 35 with this illness, when you learn that you bypass that.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, and right now and with the energies of this moment, in the upgrades that we're getting in all the uploads that we're we're all having. We're starting to remember where we come from. And there's a lot of star seeds right now in planet earth. There's earthlings, but there's many, many star seeds that we have came from because we hear the call.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

And part of our different methods that we have or modalities that we have to heal. They come from where we originally were coming from. And you from Sirius, you're from Pleiades, you're from Acturians, and so forth. You're remembering all those, that yes you're comparing it with all the knowledge that you catch here. But a lot of them they come in from the stars, from the origin where you were.

Rishika Rose:

That's why we call the Golden Age, because we are in this really golden age like we can all graduate and go the divine our soul family because not too long ago no one ever heard so family like your spiritual family because my family it is my mum my dad and that said and that is maybe a lineage that I don't really know how so we're awaken to there is a way more than just this there

Monica Ramirez:

That was more the charismatic family they were born in.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

Soul family is different, is the one they support it isn't because not necessarily because your karmatic family. Mom, Dad siblings kids,

Rishika Rose:

Not earth family when you call your soul family is your galactic family. It is the where you're so first born from the source. When you're so this sided like I want to grow and leave more. So if first one you could be an Arcturion, it could be an Arcturion with a Plaiadian. You can a blue aviator it, it's so many, even more. So the felines, so when you born that that's your true soul family, until we will complete your cycle to go back to source. So but back in the days, the only thing we know, father is the God and the church, my rabbi, so my priest and whatever they teach, and that's it. We started like lifting and then I go not because I was raised as a Christian, I did never read the Bible I have things that Jesus was teaching me like the truth will set you free. So we are literally in the time of the truth. Whatever we are seeking for that's why we really need to pay attention our frequency for our energy, where we are using our brain like whatever information is coming. We have within us the compass to guide us what is good what is not we know that because that is already very developer within ourselves. That doesn't sound really good. If you have any feelings about that dig for what that means. Doesn't sounds good. Don't follow like butter. Oh, my family likes that. So I'm gonna do as my family do. It is good, but it is bad. So respect others, don't try to put your truth in anyone's face because that's when they rebel. But a being your truth and because be with your inner truth. That's what you're here for. And you when you were in that you start helping others to see their truth.

Monica Ramirez:

Hey, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. And I wanted to talk to you about Path To The Heart. That is a transformational system that I created. That it goes in three levels. And then even you receive a certificate as a healer and a channeler. But the start fromPath To The Heart level one that is transformation and metamorphosis Like my book, that is precisely the Path To The Heart level one, and the Path To The Heart and level one. It is because many of us, I used to feel like that even as a Reiki Master and learning so many techniques, every time I've worked with a client, I did not felt that he did enough, or that I was good enough. And yes, that came from a childhood trauma. And he started there. Because I was overachiever, I always trying to prove myself to others. And I was a people pleaser, because I was too afraid to stay alone, or people will leave me if I was completely me. I have a lot of resentment to myself for all the mistakes that I have done in the past. And I bet many of you have felt the same way, as I used to feel. Well, in Path To The Heart, we are going to be working with the shame, with the blame. Blaming others, because a person that is not responsible of their own actions, it is going to be very hard so that they can move forward and actually change their life. We have to start owning our things. And in Path To The Heart, you will learn how to start owning your things. But not only stay that, okay, I did, yes. And now what? Now you have to learn to forgive yourself for making the choices that you did, and forgive others, because you're going to start seeing others in a very different way. You're going to learn to become the observer of your own thoughts and your own emotions, and letting go all that shame and blame that has been keeping you stuck. And at the same time, the fears, that the fears is a limiting belief, because we're I work as an NLP deep inside in theta level. And they explain all this and we work in theta level, with activations and, and meditations, we have a group also, who is going to be supporting you, people that are working with themselves in the same level. And how many of you also have got stuck, because what other people will think about you? So the judgments of others can affect you, if you let him. And you're going to learn in this program, how you're gonna let go, the judgments of others so like that you really will feel free and empower yourself. So like that, you make better choices and be less reactive. And first of all, you're gonna read on how to love with yourself, and love your life that you have right now. The second level is about clearing family lineage, removing vows, and contracts that we all do every time we speak, and I'm gonna finish the second level, with a soul retrieval, we are going to be bringing in those fragments of soul that you have left because of fear or shame or blame or grief, we are going to bring those parts of yourself. So like that it can get integrated to your own self. The third level. And the third level is about learning how to channel and learning all the types of channeling. And we do a lot of practicing there. But not only there we stay, you're gonna learn how to heal at the same time your own clients in theta level. And the good part of my program a Path To The Heart, it is that you can integrate all the techniques that you have learned before from Reiki, from different modalities and so forth, and you can integrate them in my program. So if you are interested, just give me a call. And let's have a chat. And I will be more than happy to have a discovery call with you is have 30 minutes call. This is a program that is for coaches and healers and yoga teachers and massage therapists. People that work already with energy, people that are already are working with themselves, but they don't know how to continue moving forward. So if this program is calling you, give me a call. My name is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love.

And sometimes it's just by example, because at this point many of us, we already understand that we cannot change anyone. The only person that we can change is ourselves. And sometimes by our example, we can help others to a more our families, because no one is profit in their own town. Yeah, that's the only way we can help our own families, it is by our example, because we tell them, No, you should do this. And they will feel like you're trying to control them or tell them what to do. But we just do it by with ourselves, that can create the change for them. Because the higher vibration, you're always going to pull all the vibrations higher.

Rishika Rose:

Yeah, I love that. Because I had a client said how I'm gonna be an example for my family. Because all they see that you're doing good, if you're rich. If you're very like success for your career, and you're making money, that's when they respect you. And there was so clever the way the divine came. And it is like, who, which one of them is really happy. Like literally happy, they could take a day off, they could relax, they could be naked, they could be themselves. And then she pause, and it is like they all like it is like a cat fight. Like one do one, one do this and these and I said do you think they are happy? And now she's been with me for a long time. And then the divine guided her. And it is like, how about you being the or one, but your reach and happiness finding yourself. She started on the stand what I love the message was when she became herself, and totally naked about all the facades that she had to put on, to fit in. And she became herself. She could see everyone started becoming themselves. So that for me was the greatest lesson to see in no matter, whatever family or society, whatever you're in. But when you go within yourself, be yourself. People will love to mirror you because you are joyful, you're happy, you're healthy, even though you have any struggle in life. Like she said, I always got to work hard to get the next level. And they started seeing and she said one thing that has shifted immensely was my mum. Like the respect and after that everyone started having this respect for me. So it doesn't matter what how people perceive, then I'm going to follow you or believe your words. Just be yourself. Just be yourself. Don't try like, oh, they like long hair. And I'm going to be long hair. Everybody gonna see me? You can't get long hair and they still not like you.

Monica Ramirez:

I know, there is a lot of people talk about this, but do not they do not understand this part is so so true. That when we're trying to copy someone else, that's when we lose ourselves. Yeah. Because we can master being us, not someone else.

Rishika Rose:

That's right. Because we always want to be with like someone happy. When you look someone aid or your family or your neighbor or whatever on TV. I want to be like that. How about if you want to be happy the way you are?

Monica Ramirez:

And if when they see it in the in from outside, they see okay, that person is doing great is doing a lot of money, having a lot of prices, is doing a wonderful life and traveling is doing that. Yes, but no one knows what the struggles is of that person that is passing through. So do you really want to copy that person? Yeah. Because we don't know what their struggles are. Yeah, we know where our struggles we have. Yeah.

Rishika Rose:

Because the way especially like, for example, not going too far the way I were raised. You don't show anything, you always happy smiling. Everything's good. I remember one time A professor asked me, How do you feel about that? And I'm like, I didn't know what to say you feel, you always gotta look good and be strong. And even though you're falling apart, so when you learn, like, let me be me. How do you feel I feel these. And then I was even more in touch with my emotions. And with my even like, my sensibility, my gifts, because I started to feel oh, that's what I'm feeling. Because before it is, I'm going here, I need to work like this. So you never can be show your vulnerability, your weakness. Like for example, when I moved to America, I was so shy.

Monica Ramirez:

Because you try to fit in at the same time, so hard that we lose ourselves again.

Rishika Rose:

Right. And also to in Brazil, I was a teacher, I was a social worker, and our great writer, so and then you move to America. And I, I used to feel so bad or talk and then people start going inside my mouth to understand what I was saying. Because my pronounciation God have mercy. And I'm like, it's so bad. When I went to get my master's degree in psychology. I remember when they presenting, and the pro-, professor, he was Dr. Dias, I love him. And he's like, Rose, would you like Monica to help you to present? I was nervous, and having a hard time to pronounce the words. And he's like, you wrote a brilliant paper. But in the presentation, she was amazing. So and then one day, someone came to me, and we were talking like, out of nothing. And he's like, Rose, I can talk with you all day, I love your accent. It was that moment that I'm like, I can never be fluent as a native. Because I, I like my first language is Portuguese. We talk here, English, always blowing. So and with the time it is like, I am this way. And I accept myself the way I am. And with you take so much burden out so much weight from your, because we judge us too much. So and after that, and the talk and I think was like even when I had a professor. She's like, What are you going to do when you graduate? You're going back to Brazil? And I said, No, I live here. I'm gonna work here. And then she said, what it is like you're trying to achieve? And I said, Well, at that time I work in a clinic and I said, I'm gonna keep working that clinic. And she's like, well with your accent, you're never gonna get an American clients. And that was true. Yeah. And believe it or not, so when I started working, that I work with Spanish and Brazilian clients. And then not too long after I was just Americans. I never had one to say something like, oh, I don't want to see her because an accent I think so we need to love our differences.

Monica Ramirez:

And we need to be compassionate from all the people in the world. Because even the ones they speak perfect English. They get out of the United States, and they go to New Zealand, or they go to Australia, their English is actually different than United States. So it's going to be different. And they complain, Oh, I do not understand them. But it's vice versa. Yeah. So are they trying to go to any Latin American country, they're, they're going to have an essence. They didn't want to make a living over there.

Rishika Rose:

Even in America needs to go north here around Massachusetts. We have one accent. My husband's from Texas. He has another accent. And a lot of words they use different. So if you go up the middle of the country...

Monica Ramirez:

So we were talking about to being compassionate human beings, and accepting human beings, which are to everybody because in the way how this press themselves. And I'm not talking about the way this president the way they talk, right? And when I will come from different races. Europe is all intermix United States. It was founded by all the races in the world. And Latin America was the same thing. We're not natives, the Europeans came to it. So we're intermix all of it. And they're still We're that separation and that division of colors or cultures and things like that. That's where it keeps us in that page.

Rishika Rose:

And you waste a lot of our wisdom, time, brain space is that illusion. Because, like... family, I start analyzing everything. Even in a family, you have one culture, and now was like one dialect in the family. So you go to the like your aunts and uncles family, they have another way of doing things. So we are all literally unique, we are all the same. So different. It is everything has a perfect place to it. That is all different.

Monica Ramirez:

People forget that when someone is judging you in the way you talk, or we use press or the way you think or believe or whatever, is a projection of themselves.


I has nothing to do with you. And everybody take a personal is like, Oh, they're judging, I have to change or have to fit in I have to do things or that so I can be accepted.

Rishika Rose:

I think that is very interesting. Sorry to cut you, that teacher that asked me who I would have worked for, like which population, she came as my client a year later. Years later, she came. Yeah. So to see. And I love her. Because sometimes we say things because that's what we have within. And we need to shift and include everyone. By here now we are in spring, and you can see all the birds come in. So you get the bird feeder, and all the birds coming. Every single one is different. And they all beautiful, perfect. You see the baby ones being born and like the Blue Jay and I was like the woodpekker. And they are so precious. Very different. And we need to understand that because what is come in it's a way more different than what we expect when we start seeing our brothers and sisters galactic brothers and sisters. They are very different than us they have a different bodies. Colors. Yeah. Different everything. And we are looking and like if we still having this judgment for our own brothers and sisters here. Divine Beings galactic beings that it comes here. So it's another races. It is precious, weird. Just time not panicking, not sadness, not separation or fear. We are trying to gathering

Monica Ramirez:

The thing is with our galactic family that we have, what are their seeing is vibration and frequency.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

Their their work. Mainly, they're always leaving at work and everything in the heart frequency.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

That's something that human beings forgot.

Rishika Rose:

Yeah. Because we are always looking just this physical, that it is not even close. That is Earth. So we need to see the frequency. Like we should bring a heart like I go back to this again. Like come to me, the kids, the innocent hearts, we need to have a mind kind of like the kindergartens. They go to the school, and they all want to play they get upset a little second, but they all together again, they just see the joy of playing with each other, respecting each other so and then they go home, they miss each other they come in and that and then when they get more corrupted, let us use the word by society or family pair. Oh, you're not going to be a friend with this person. It's not our level, not going to be friendly with this boy, this girl. So but we, our inner self, our divine self. We don't see that outside.

Monica Ramirez:

For many people you hear always saying that they want to create a new world and beautiful and this and that. But they teach their children that they cannot play with another one. Because of the color the race or the language or whatever it is out there creating what kind of word of world they're creating right now. Just creating that division in their own kids. That's the future generations.

Rishika Rose:

And one thing that is so clear, we need to walk the talk.

Monica Ramirez:


Rishika Rose:

So we need even when you see someone you feel like, go within why I'm feeling this? Why do I have this rejection? So what is that in me? Because more than ever, right now, everybody becomes our own mirrors. I don't really like Monica's hair, because these days, what's wrong with Monica's hair, why it bothers me? Make peace with that. So we always need to always do the inner work. And that's the worst trip we do. On Earth, it is the trip within us. Because when we look at within.

Monica Ramirez:

How people can work more with a heart frequency? So like that they can change, it will really want to create the change in the world. We have to use that but how they can you can advise them, how they can use more of the heart frequency.

Rishika Rose:

First of all, you need to find this kindness and love for yourself. If you're too much, everything out there is wrong. Because everyone is attacking me. Like we cannot fix the outside. So when you go in this frequency inside, even though you don't feel I think she's attacked me, he did that my boss, my husband, my wife, and go within and started like, changing the way you see him feeling and thinking about it. And then you start like, okay, he said that just to attack me. Just rephrase that. A lot of times too. People react too quickly without thinking. Monica said that, because me. And then when you have to sack Judy, oh, she wasn't talking to me, she was talking with days. But it is so urine. So that defensive, rejection, whatever negative we have within, we react to things that sometimes when we call off, oops, and sometimes the ego comes in, I'm not going to apologize, just let it pass. And we created more dust and dust and I will sink in ourselves. So go here, even if someone really heard you like on your face, call you whatever, brother or sister or someone and you just try to shift. I will think about it. Let me think about it. Because when then you start going into this beautiful heart frequency. And when you have this vibration, even if someone literally attack you, you don't feel that you feel compassion. Oh, it's so sad that you're feeling like this. Like or sometimes you don't even say because you know you created more, or will you think you are because you're ma so you just feel it. And then you keep passing. So it is as we start saying we need to change our way of seeing things or doing things.

Monica Ramirez:

And it is fine to agree to disagree. Yes, we don't have to accept whatever it doesn't fit or feel good with us. But we don't have to change anyone either. Yeah, because that's what it creates the deviation.

Rishika Rose:

Yeah, yeah, we can have fix everybody but we can fix us. And he's just not a lot of to fix. Just love yourself. That's the way you are. So when you start seeing the good in you, we are all a jewel, we are all precious beings. We all have the gift. Yes, so find yours go within, but we need to do our inner work. And then we find beasts. It's simple, very hard. But the world is here right now. If you get attached to the negative, the pointer finger and and all that. So you'll be but if you get attached with that and that accept you the way you are and we need to let go the ego or sometimes it's my way or the highway

Monica Ramirez:

district come to understand more and more about the ego that people have are afraid and seem like they are all little things like that and they became enemies with a when it is the best to we have to grow. So there's no letting go the ego because the ego is going to be there. Either way, it's a part of all that is going to be there. But it's going to tell us what we have to work with ourselves.

Rishika Rose:

Everything in this planet is perfect. But everything's 50/50. When we go too high in one in the order, that is the bad. I remember one time, I was hearing like you're very ambitious rose, very ambitious for a loved one. And I share that with my American godmother. And I was feeling so bad because like, I'm ambitious, how bad I am. And she's very wise, she looked at me and said, Rose, it is the greatest gift if you don't have ambitions, you don't go anywhere. The bad ambition cities, when you start taking from another step on others, to get where are you going? Are you doing this? And she knew me because at that time, I had four jobs. And since like, it is the greatest thing, you're gonna achieve something some, some day you were working for 30 is the greatest it is like the ego, it is the greatest gift, like not like they go come in handy when someone keeps running over your over you. And you think this is right. So no, you need to put a stop in that not being spiritual and being connected, awakened and all that, that you're gonna be a rug. And I learned that too, when one of my guides teaching me like it is not by being a rug, that you are going to a stand or being there need to have that self worth.

Monica Ramirez:

Because that's a program from the religion, the more that you solve for you, that's how you're gonna get to heaven. That's a very stupid program....

Rishika Rose:

You came here to suffer like Jesus suffered.

Monica Ramirez:

It is, it is not true. It is not in these days, it is not. We came here to enjoy it.

Rishika Rose:

We should be happy and take care of us like you do what you can for your kids what you can for your parents and things and they need to do their 50% and you take care of yourself. Because when you get with your higher self with your galactic family, it is you and them.

Monica Ramirez:

It is we we are saved, no one can harm you. Let's do let them ask yourself,

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

I married four times and every time I say I choose wrong, it was not a they were wrong or not. I choose them. Because then I signed the papers and says yes, I'm married.

Rishika Rose:

Yeah, nobody had a gun to my head. We attract to us. What do we have inside? Yeah, so we, we are the vibration. And whatever you were vibrating, we're bringing, like when people use that a lot, you go in a place I don't want to see this person there. I don't want to see this right, you walk in the first one you see it. So because the universe doesn't understand the No, buddy, see, you're connecting with that person, that frequency and you are connected. So that's why we need to learn how to become neutral. Because when you become neutral, you're in a heart when you're in a heart even if you see that person or maybe if the person is there, you're not even going to see the person and if you see a want coming into the energy field, sometimes you're so naked to emotions in just looking at someone you feel that energy attack and you saw the person back to you. And you're already pulling that negativity and we're doing to ourselves. It is very because you said that is correct so many eons. The religions it keeps manipulating and created that and embedded in this DNA that we are in

Monica Ramirez:


Rishika Rose:

And we need like boop boop boop delete, delete delete because that is not what it is. Yes, we are in a good time. Awaken time, the revelation time.

Monica Ramirez:

Beautiful one. Do you have something else that you would like to add before we close down?

Rishika Rose:

One thing I asked everyone please love yourself. No judgment while but I was bad because because that was in a pass at that moment. You did whatever you could with what you had. Today you have different you have more. So love yourself forgive because we are very Our enemy when we cannot let it go we keep holding us hostage. Love you see the beauty in in you and all the good you do to others to which you yourself know that that person or that bad that you have that I love my cat, my dog. Give that same love to yourself. See that beauty you see out there are a plant I'm alone. I don't like anybody would you like to plant, bring that to you. I love the sunray ring that love the emotion you feel the feeling. When you feel in the sunrays over your body. Bring that and think it is how much you love yourself. And then you you're shifting your awakening in you, and you're moving and one thing that is very important, move your body. Shake your body, because we need this frequency, this energy to go through our physical body. And a lot of energies are coming today. And we are not moving. So we have a stuck energy and a lot of times this pain and isn't that. So move your body love yourself. And that's the greatest thing we can do. Let it go. Let it go. Because we're not here to save the world to save Earth. We are here to save ourselves like love ourselves. If we're gonna put it together. What are we here for love ourselves. So and then we're in good hands.

Monica Ramirez:

That is so so true. That is so true. And let go of what it doesn't make you happy.

Rishika Rose:


Monica Ramirez:

Oh, Rose, thank you so much. It has been really my pleasure to have you here. And hopefully we can repeat it later.

Rishika Rose:

Yeah, I'll be glad to it. I'm very grateful for you, honey.

Monica Ramirez:

Thank you very much. And thank you for all our viewers. Thank you for being here. And if this resonate with you, please share it with your friends. And don't forget give us a review. We appreciate that we wanted to continue increasing the channel and is only with your help. Thank you for being in Soul Talk. This is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love.